GCL BOD Mtg. April 6, 2024

April 6,2024

The meeting was called to order by President Louis Clark. Members present were Earl Bunting, Robert Shumate, Mary Rhodes, Diana Tyndall and Tracy McKee, Managing Agent. Mike Truelove and Hugh Kennedy were present by phone.

This meeting was called specifically because a Homeowner wanted to meet with the board concerning discussions and letters they had received concerning their property. Earl Bunting shared about the meetings and discussions Tracy had with the homeowner. Tracy shared the different times she had reached out to the homeowner. There was discussion about the letters sent to the homeowner and deadlines mentioned in the letter. Fines were accruing every day for the items mentioned in the letters. $850 as of today’s date. April 8 was the deadline for the original concerns and April 15 for the new concerns. Earl made a motion to move forward with contacting the lawyer to reach out to the homeowner. Mike Truelove seconded it, and all were in favor.

The pool repair man spoke to the board about the progress of the repairs and the 10 yr. warranty.

A motion was made by Earl to approve the minutes with the correction to remove the statement concerning the 8 ft. walls on page 11line B. Louis seconded it and all were in favor.

Earl discussed the possibility of doing a survey of all homes and outbuildings for our records and for the future.

It was noted the lights on the pier were not working and needed to be checked.

Louis reminded Tracy to announce that the nominations for the board deadline is April 28 at 5PM.

It was discussed and decided that anyone wishing to speak at the Homeowners meeting will need to sign up and list the topic about which they will be speaking and they can speak no more than 5 minutes.

Louis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Earl seconded it and all were in favor.

Diana Tyndall