8-7-21 GCL BOD Meeting Minutes

August 7, 2021
The GCL BOD Mtg. was called to order by Pres. Louis Clark. First on the agenda was the “Golf cart age Minimum”. A motion was made and seconded that golf carts and vehicles may be driven by licensed 16 yr. olds. Teenagers with a permit are allowed to drive only if a licensed adult or guardian is in the front seat. A non-licensed individual 21 or older will be allowed to drive a golf cart.

A Discussion was had about parking golf carts in the easement. A motion was made and seconded and passed to remove the word “golf cart” from the easement rule.

The water drainage in the pool area and the 4 waterfront homes was discovered not to be working well especially with the excessive amounts of rain we have had. Don Mitchell will be conferring with Kyle Corbett to come up with a plan for improvement.

The new guidelines for the Enhancement Com. were presented to the board for their approval. A motion was made and seconded to remove the part about a committee member being required to purchase at least 1 $60 ticket for the banquet.

Phyllis Pennington, Park Manager presented options from the Bluewater Pool Co. shared with her for the upkeep of the pool in the “off season”. A motion was made and seconded to go with leaving the pool “uncovered” and the water “kept moving”. This process would not cost any more than covering the pool and “winterizing” and treatment to “unwinterize†for the spring opening plus the fact that the cover will need to be replaced.

It was also noted the boat ramp (one side) needs repair and an estimate for $2000 has been received. This would require the one side being closed for 1 week. And the repair will be done after Labor Day. A motion was made and seconded to have the boat ramp repaired not to exceed $5000.

It was noted that house #’s NEED to be SEEN from the street and should be located on the house where they would not be blocked from view especially for emergency purposes.

The meeting was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall