9-21-21 GCL BOD Meeting Minutes

Saturday, September 18, 2021
The GCL BOD Mtg. was called to order by President Louis Clark. Members present were: Don Mitchell, Hugh Kennedy, Earl Bunting, Mike Truelove, Don Gray (by phone), Diana Tyndall, Phylliss Pennigton (Park Manager).

The first item on the agenda was the pool resurfacing scheduled for 11-1-21. The original proposal was for $21,000 and due to increases in materials the cost is now $23,000. A motion was made, seconded and passed with no one opposed to accept the new figure.

There is some concern about “motorized bicycles†being allowed in the park. It has been questioned if they fall under the present rules because they are not “specifically†listed in the rule as a “motorized bicycleâ€. A motion was made, seconded and passed with no one opposing to add “motorized bicycles†to the list.

Water drainage at the waterfront was discussed and it was decided to get Kyle Corbett and Don Mitchell come and speak with the homeowners involved. It was also reported the repaired area needs sodding and leveling to assist with better drainage and a second pipe was also discussed.

Mike Lancaster spoke on the water drainage behind homeowners lots. The problem seems to be in the easement. Lancaster quoted $3,500 to do the work needed which involved mats for drainage. There was some discussion on “where†the water will go. Lancaster will “shoot’ (a surveying term) the areas in question to see how the water will run. It was also brought up about how the water would run on the right of way on Goose Creek Blvd. A resident expressed a concern about the water coming in his yard after the correction. It was suggested we try to correct the water in the easement first and if the water problem running into the residents yard continues we would address it then. A motion was made, seconded, and passed with no one opposed that the work does not exceed $5,000 and it would begin in mid-October.

The meeting was adjourned and the board went into closed session.

Diana Tyndall