Goose Creek Information

These documents are in PDF format and will require Adobe PDF Reader to view them.

  1. Rules and Regulations Revised March 2024
  2. GCL Rules & Regulations – Rev. Jan 2020
    GCL Rules & Regulations (Rev.7-12-2017)
  3. Teleconference GCL BOD 7-12-17
  4. Joint Tenancy Agreement
  5. GCL By-Laws
  6. GCL Original Rules and Regulations
  7. Addendum to By-Laws

Board Members:

Louis Clark-President
Earl Bunting-Vice President
Robert Shumate-Treasurer
Diana Tyndall-Secretary
Hugh Kennedy
Michael Truelove
Mark Casey
Tracy McKee-Managing Agent

Homeowners, please use your white card at the gate. This allows you to move through the entrance quicker than having to wait for a phone to be answered before you can enter, and the scanner is more reliable as it does not have to go through phone lines and cell towers. Please remember that the codes entered at the keypad are four digits (zero (0) plus your lot number). Each additional phone that you have registered with the Manager advances by a 300 count.  For example, Lot 275 would use these numbers to call someone from the keypad, i.e. 0275, 0575, and 0875. Also remember that only numbers will be recognized by the gate system; do not use the pound/hashtag symbol (#) or any other symbol when entering your code.

Thank you