March 26, 2022 Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes

In attendance:
Phyllis Pennington, Mary Bryan Carlyle, Tracy McKee, Hal Johnson, Joni Johnson, Louis Clark, Teresa Dubil, Tony Dunn, Shelia Dunn, Cindy Long, Nancy Marlette, Mike Dubil

Meeting was called to order by Teresa (Chair).

Nancy Marlette (Treasurer) reviewed the Enhancement’s current balance and budget.

Approved Budgeted items that must come from the fund before the next fund raiser are:

  • The 2022 Labor Day Enhancement Banquet food, tickets, raffle drawing and supplies
  • New plants and planters for the entrance
  • Movie Screen for shelter (homeowners can borrow for events)
  • Kayak Launch (may be placed on hold until more information can be obtained)

Teresa asked Cindy to discuss the proposed porta-john cover project.

Cindy proposed enclosing the porta-john on three side with wood panels, cementing the footings in the ground and staining/painting the wood cover the same as the playground and waterfront deck.  The door to the porta-john will also need painting

  • Mike (Chopper) Dubil quoted a price for material and labor of $850.00
  • The staining will be done by volunteers.

Lewis Clark made a motion to accept the proposal and budget up to $1,000 dollars for the project.

Teresa second the motion.  All approved

The proposed project will be presented to the Board for final approval.

It was noted by members in attendance that the tables at the shelter are starting to rust out and something will have to be done to replace them soon.  This will be a major project that the committee will have to discuss after the next Enhancement Banquet fund raiser.

Mary suggested as a future enhancement project of filling in the open curb area at the water front with rocks or crushed shells. 

Mary informed the committee that the 2022 Enhancement Corn Hole Tournament will include a tournament for 12 year olds and up (the upper age limit was not discussed).  More details will follow as time gets closer.

Also Mary reminded all that we have a resident that helps us with the trophies each year for our events so please do not purchase trophies without checking first.

Tony Dunn mentioned the need for more cleats on the pier for boat tie ups.  Lewis commented that cleats were included in the pier upgrade and we still may have some available.  Tony said he would count how many more we would need and let Phyllis know.

New Business:
April 1, begins a new fiscal calendar.

Cindy expressed her need to step down as secretary of the committee.  Tracy McKee and Shelia Dunn agreed to be co-secretaries and take over the meeting minutes.  The committee agreed.

Teresa also expressed her desire to take less of an active role as chair of Enhancement meetings.  Upon discussion Mary Bryan agreed to help Teresa with chairing the committee.  The committee agreed that Co-Chairs was agreeable and within the guideline. 

Cindy made the motion to nominate Teresa Dubil and Mary Bryan Carlyle as 2022 Co-chairs of the Enhancement Committee.  The motion was second and carried.

 Nancy Marlette agreed to continue as Treasurer.

Before the meeting adjourned, Mary presented a letter that will be sent out to all homeowners concerning the sports equipment and lights on the court.  The equipment and the container was vandalized during the winter months, so going forward the equipment will be locked up and you must sign out the key to unlock the container and the equipment.   If a homeowner signs out the equipment they are responsible for returning the equipment and locking the container and returning the key.  More information will follow.

Meeting was adjourned.