June 4, 2022
GCL BOD Mtg. for 2022-2023 yr.

The GCL BOD Mtg. was called to order by Pres.
Louis Clark. He welcomed the new members: Mary Rhodes and Robert Shumate.

Earl nominated Louis Clark for Pres. and it was seconded and all were in favor. Hugh
nominated Earl Bunting for Vice President, it was seconded and all were in favor. Diana
Tyndall was nominated for Secretary, seconded and all were in favor.

It was noted that the picnic tables were in need of repair or replacement. Louie said we could do 1 of 3 things: Do nothing, Repair them Replace them

It was suggested to replace with poly wood tables, and the information was presented to the board members and 8 ft. tables were suggested instead of the present 16 ft. ones. The price for more than 1 was $1170.00 ea. For 3 or more tables. It was suggested we split the total with the Enhancement Com. As the old tables were aluminum we can sell them and add that to help defray the cost of the tables.
The ordering and shipping would be a 10 day turn around making it possible to have them for
July 1. Mary Rhodes offered to check on replacing the legs on the present tables and what the turn around would be with ordering and shipping.

It was noted we need to move forward with re-doing the JTA(Joint Tenancy Agreement) and the By-Laws and we have $5000 set aside to begin the process.

The meeting was adjourned.
Diana Tyndall