GCL BOD Mtg. April 6, 2024

April 6,2024

The meeting was called to order by President Louis Clark. Members present were Earl Bunting, Robert Shumate, Mary Rhodes, Diana Tyndall and Tracy McKee, Managing Agent. Mike Truelove and Hugh Kennedy were present by phone.

This meeting was called specifically because a Homeowner wanted to meet with the board concerning discussions and letters they had received concerning their property. Earl Bunting shared about the meetings and discussions Tracy had with the homeowner. Tracy shared the different times she had reached out to the homeowner. There was discussion about the letters sent to the homeowner and deadlines mentioned in the letter. Fines were accruing every day for the items mentioned in the letters. $850 as of today’s date. April 8 was the deadline for the original concerns and April 15 for the new concerns. Earl made a motion to move forward with contacting the lawyer to reach out to the homeowner. Mike Truelove seconded it, and all were in favor.

The pool repair man spoke to the board about the progress of the repairs and the 10 yr. warranty.

A motion was made by Earl to approve the minutes with the correction to remove the statement concerning the 8 ft. walls on page 11line B. Louis seconded it and all were in favor.

Earl discussed the possibility of doing a survey of all homes and outbuildings for our records and for the future.

It was noted the lights on the pier were not working and needed to be checked.

Louis reminded Tracy to announce that the nominations for the board deadline is April 28 at 5PM.

It was discussed and decided that anyone wishing to speak at the Homeowners meeting will need to sign up and list the topic about which they will be speaking and they can speak no more than 5 minutes.

Louis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Earl seconded it and all were in favor.

Diana Tyndall

Annual GCL Homeowners Meeting -06/02/2023

June 2, 2023
Annual GCL Homeowners Mtg.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Louis Clark.
Members present were:
Earl Bunting
Mike Truelove
Robert Shumate
Hugh Kennedy
Mary Rhodes
Diana Tyndall
Mary Bryan Carlyle (Managing Agent)(MA)
Ken Banks CPA for GCL HOA

Louis asked for any new residents to introduce themselves.
The Board members were asked to introduce themselves.
Ken Banks shared the budget and expenditures and entertained questions concerning the
Water usage seemed to be the main concern. Homeowners were urged to be aware of water
With the election to replace those coming off the board, candidates were asked to speak.
Mary Bryan gave an update on the speed limit, water usage, underage drivers on golf carts and
picking up after your pets.
Mike Truelove, the liaison on the Enhancement com. for the HOA thanked Joni Johnson and her
com. for the great work at the front entrance.
New Business
Louis informed the Homeowners of the placement of the security camera’s:
License plate reader at the gate
Louis thanked Homeowner Carolyn Bunting
For recording the mtg. on FB “live”.
Homeowners were informed that the JTA is in the process of being updated. The JTA, By-Laws
and the Rules and Regulations should be given to all Homeowners.
Guest Passe’s for the boat ramp
Homeowners are allowed 1 guest pass per month: more than 1 is $50.
Homeowners were reminded of the moratorium on diesel fuel tanks.
Louis announced the election results:
Hugh Kennedy- 114
Earl Bunting- 112
Mike Truelove- 99
Diana Tyndall- 92
Cindy Faw- 57
Hugh Kennedy, Earl Bunting, Mike Truelove and Diana Tyndall will be on the board for the
2023-2025 term.
The meeting was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall

GCL BOD Mtg, March 25 2023

March 25, 2023

The mtg. was called to order by President Louis Clark.
Members present were:
Earl Bunting
Robert Shumate
Mary Rhodes
Hugh Kennedy
Diana Tyndall
Mike Truelove (by phone)
MB Carlyle – Managing Agent

Ken Banks (HOA CPA) was here to oversee the creation of the budget for the physical yr. 2023-2024.
With discussion on the 2022-2023 budget and the upcoming year the board approved
the budget for the 2023-2024 year. Earl Bunting made a motion to accept the budget for the
2023-2024 year, Robert Shumate seconded it and all were in favor.

The Enhancement Committee submitted plans to purchase a 12×24 building at the pool (with
white hardy board). Earl Bunting made a motion to approve the purchase. Mary Rhodes
seconded it and all were in favor.

Due to the unexpected pool repair and security measures, Homeowners will be assessed $100
immediately due 7-1-2023.

The board asked the Managing Agent that a monthly statement be sent to the Board.
With the intention to improve our security, fixing the gate with a license plate reader, 4
cameras at the pool, 3 cameras at the shelter and 2 cameras on the pier (1 @ the cleaning
station & 1 @ the end of the pier) at a cost of $7500 will be purchased. Robert Shumate made a
motion to accept the purchase, Hugh Kennedy seconded it and all were in favor.

The Enhancement Com. presented plans for a wall at the pool end of the shelter. It would have
double doors facing the pool, a gas fireplace and a TV placed in an enclosure (weather
protection and security) plus for the fire regulations, an exit at the “creek end†of the shelter
will be needed. No action for approval was taken at this time.

It was noted that automatic watering should be no more than 30 minutes in the morning and
30 minutes in the afternoon. Watering should be done before 11 AM and after 4 PM on any
day. No watering while it is raining or in the middle of the day.

Louis reminded us the Homeowners Meeting is June 3 at the shelter. Members going off the
Board are
Earl Bunting
Mike Trulove
Hugh Kennedy
Diana Tyndall
All nominations should be in by April 30, 2023.
The meeting was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall

BOD Meeting 2-4-2023

The Mtg. was called to order by Pres. Louis Clark.
Members present were:

Earl Bunting, Mary Rhodes, Mike Truelove, Robert Shumate, Diana Tyndall, Mary B. Carlyle, Pk.
Absent was Hugh Kennedy

Louis announced there would be a Budget Mtg. with Ken Banks @Louis™ house 3-25-2023 @ 9

There was discussion about golf cart stickers and should we charge for more than 2 stickers per
homeowner. Robert Shumate made a motion – That more than 2 golf cart stickers per
homeowner would be $5 each. It was seconded by Earl Bunting and passed by all.
It was decided that stickers for boat trailers and boats would have the Lot # on them but they
would be different than the golf cart stickers and not require yearly replacement as the golf cart

The # of guest passes being allowed for the homeowner was discussed. Earl Bunting made a
motion: The # of guest passes per homeowner would be limited to 1 per month and it does not
carry over or transfer. The homeowner will be charged $50 per additional pass within the same
month. April 1- March 31. Robert Shumate seconded it and it was passed by all.

Maintenance for the pool is being considered by the board and it was decided to table the
decision till we meet again.

Mike Truelove made a motion to get Carolina Pools to do the repairs on the pool for $5600 to
correct the black mold situation. Earl Bunting seconded it and it was passed by all.
Louis adjourned the mtg.

Diana Tyndall

GCL BOD Meeting Minutes – June and July

June 11,2022
GCL BOD Called Mtg.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Louis Clark. Members present were:
Earl Bunting
Hugh Kennedy
Mary Rhodes
Mike Trulove
Robert Shumate
Diana Tyndall
Phyllis Pennington-Park Mgr.

The meeting was called to discuss the “replacement” of Phyllis while she was on
Medical leave. Louis read the job description for the park manager. We will need
to have someone that can meet these qualifications. Louis asked for names of
people we think would consider helping. Demon Dawson will get the mail & bring
to the person in charge. Mary Bryan will put the trash cans up and police the
yards. Penny Wetherington will do the general office work and computer. Louis
will handle any bills to be paid for June, July and August. Earl and Mary will be
available for the camera’s. Policing the pool for arm bands was suggested to ask
Pam Yancey & she can recruit someone to help her. Chopper will help with the
park maintenance. The pool maintenance is taken care of. We can report any
violations to Louis and Earl.

Louis reported that the residents in arrears with their HOA dues will be sent
letters and if not in compliance by July 15, 2022 their water will be cut off and
they could loose access to any park amenities, and a lien could be put on their

The new picnic tables have been ordered and delivery will be in time for July 1.
There was a reminder for boat owners to be aware not to block the golf cart
entrance to the waterfront.

It has been brought to the boards attention of a fuel tank on a homeowners
property. Louis stated it was being looked into.

Residents whose property is left “unkept” will be notified & given a time frame to
get things cleaned up.

Cats not on a leash are presenting a problem with homeowners. All cats and dogs
are to be on a leash at all times. Also know that it is legal to catch cats on your property
and call Animal control and they will pick them up M-F.

Earl is looking into a new company for the gate and cameras.
The mtg. was adjourned.
Diana Tyndall

July 7, 2022
Phone Conference
Louis Clark called the mtg to order.
Members present were:
Earl Bunting
Robert Shumate
Mary Rhodes
Diana Tyndall

In regards to the fuel tank on a homeowners property Earl shared what he
learned from the Fire Marshall of Carteret County and as a whole the board
decided to revisit the Fire Marshall for clarification.

In new business, the board was made aware of a homeowner having been
warned that they were not in compliance with the rules for guest’s and them
launching their boat(the guest) from our ramp. It was decided a $100 fine would
be issued.

The meeting(conference call) was adjourned.
Diana Tyndall

July 16, 2022 – Enhancement Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2022 

Attendance: Nancy Marlette, Michael Truelove, Mary Bryan Carlyle, Tracy McKee, Teresa Dubil, Cindy Long, Woody Woodward 

Meeting to order by Teresa (chair) 

Discussed Enhancement Banquet September 4, 2022 Rain or Shine dinner served @ 5pm 

â— Teresa passed about tickets for the benefit, to start selling. The following people received 10 tickets each to sell. ( Nancy Marlette, Michael Truelove, Mary Bryan Carlyle, Tracy McKee, Teresa Dubil, Cindy Long, Woody ?) Some tickets had mismatched #’s, so they were discarded and not to be used. 

â— All tickets/money is to be given to Nancy Marlette 

â— Same rules as last year for the tickets, would like every household to purchase one $60.00 ticket, Sponsorship of $200.00 entitles 2 adult meals and can give a business card to have a banner on display.( Teresa will find out cut off for this) When selling ask if they plan on eating or if this is just a donation so we can get a better head count for the caterer. 

â— Michelle donated the tickets and will make the banners, so she will be given a sponsorship ticket for 2 adult meals. 

â— Food will consist of the same menu as last year.(Fried chicken, bbq, slaw, smashed potatoes/gravy, green beans, hush puppies) 

â— Need more desserts for the dessert table. Need to ask people to make or donate items. 

â— Drop your $50.00 donations for the reverse raffle drawing off to Louis.(ex. gift cards, gift baskets, coolers, beach items, things donated from businesses) 

â— Big Raffle items: will try to do 2 this year. 1-Blackstone Griddle- Woody will check on. 2- Fishing Charter- Mary will check on. 

â— Will post on FB on how to go through the line to cut down on confusion. Nancy will start advertising on FB and Cindy will put on our website. 

â— Mary discussed for us to start thinking about doing more fundraising next year for upcoming road concerns. Talked about fishing tournament and food trucks. Will discuss later after the enhancement banquet. 

Meeting closed by Teresa Dubil

June 4, 2022
GCL BOD Mtg. for 2022-2023 yr.

The GCL BOD Mtg. was called to order by Pres.
Louis Clark. He welcomed the new members: Mary Rhodes and Robert Shumate.

Earl nominated Louis Clark for Pres. and it was seconded and all were in favor. Hugh
nominated Earl Bunting for Vice President, it was seconded and all were in favor. Diana
Tyndall was nominated for Secretary, seconded and all were in favor.

It was noted that the picnic tables were in need of repair or replacement. Louie said we could do 1 of 3 things: Do nothing, Repair them Replace them

It was suggested to replace with poly wood tables, and the information was presented to the board members and 8 ft. tables were suggested instead of the present 16 ft. ones. The price for more than 1 was $1170.00 ea. For 3 or more tables. It was suggested we split the total with the Enhancement Com. As the old tables were aluminum we can sell them and add that to help defray the cost of the tables.
The ordering and shipping would be a 10 day turn around making it possible to have them for
July 1. Mary Rhodes offered to check on replacing the legs on the present tables and what the turn around would be with ordering and shipping.

It was noted we need to move forward with re-doing the JTA(Joint Tenancy Agreement) and the By-Laws and we have $5000 set aside to begin the process.

The meeting was adjourned.
Diana Tyndall

June 4, 2022 Saturday – GCL Homeowners Annual Mtg.

The annual Homeowners Mtg. was called to order by the Pres. Louis Clark. Members present
Earl Bunting
Mike Truelove
Hugh Kennedy
Don Gray
Diana Tyndall

Louis reported on Mgr. Phyllis Pennington and her surgery and asked that we keep her in our
The candidates running for the seats on the Board spoke:
Mary Rhodes
Louis Clark
Robert Shumate
Harry Carpenter was not present.

As there were no nominations from the floor or no write in candidates, Earl made a motion that
the nominations be closed and it was seconded.

In Phyllis’s absence Louis reported to be sure all golf cart insurance was up to date and
homeowners had new stickers on their golf carts. This years are white with your lot # in red.

Mary Brian reported we no longer pay for trash pick-up by the # of cans or weight, it is a flat

Cindy Long informed all to be sure they have an updated email turned into Phyllis. Cindy let all
know she will be sending out a “test” e-mail by July 1.

Louis recognized the new homeowners present at the mtg. Of the 250 homeowners, 38 were
represented at the mtg.

Mike Truelove reported from the Enhancement Com. they have $14,300 in the bank. It was
noted they paid for the replacement of the boardwalk by the boat ramp, did the pots and
plants at the entrance, and enclosed the porta john. He announced the Enhancement Banquet
will be catered again this year and will be held the Sunday of Labor Day weekend. There will
also be a Pin Fish Tournament for kids 0-12, and corn hole tournaments for adults and kids this

Hugh Kennedy reminded homeowners that the rule for dogs on a leash also applies for cats and
owners will be fined if your animal is not in compliance.

There many concerns from homeowners about golf carts entering the park without GCL
stickers, no cart insurance at all and coming in thru homeowners yards from others
subdivisions. Louis said he is hoping to set up a mtg. with the HOA from the subdivision about
the golf carts coming in thru our residents yards. It was also said we need to identify the
perpetrators. Louis encouraged the homeowners to call the Sheriff’s office to report any
vandalism. Golf carts with no insurance stickers can’t be in here. We as homeowners need to
police people on carts with no stickers.

Janie Bushkar noted cars need to slow down and stop for stop signs and we need to police this
matter also as homeowners.
The picnic tables at the shelter are in need of repair.it is being looked into to replace them.

The election results are:
Mary Rhodes – 78
Robert Shumate – 90
Harry Carpenter – 50
Louis Clark – 85

The meeting was adjourned.
Diana Tyndall

May 21, 2022 Enhancement Meeting

Attendance: Shelia Dunn, Tony Dunn, Phyllis Pennington, Nancy Marlette, Louis Clark, Susan Clark, Michael Truelove, Mary Bryan Carlyle, Tracy McKee, Teresa Dubil

Meeting to order by Teresa (chair)

Talked about Fundraising Ideas

  • Teresa suggested Paddle Board/ Kayak rental. Louis will talk with the board about liability and if anything needs to be done. Motion was made by Shelia Dunn and seconded by Phyllis Pennington with no opposition.
  • Mary has kayak’s to use, and will purchase paddle boards.
  • Tracy will make a flier for advertisement.
  • $ will be collected and turned into Nancy
  • Shelia suggested groups making “baskets” for a silent bid auction, ex. Beach wagon with related items such as beach towels, etc.

Talked about $50.00 donations for the reverse raffle drawing.

Cleats are hoping to be installed by Memorial Day Weekend by Chopper and Tony.

Discussed the “big item” to purchase to be raffled off. Any suggestions appreciated! 

Meeting closed by Teresa Dubil

Addendum – May 25, 2022

The Paddle Board/Kayak Rental Project was not approved by the Board due to increased insurance requirements.

March 26, 2022 Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes

In attendance:
Phyllis Pennington, Mary Bryan Carlyle, Tracy McKee, Hal Johnson, Joni Johnson, Louis Clark, Teresa Dubil, Tony Dunn, Shelia Dunn, Cindy Long, Nancy Marlette, Mike Dubil

Meeting was called to order by Teresa (Chair).

Nancy Marlette (Treasurer) reviewed the Enhancement’s current balance and budget.

Approved Budgeted items that must come from the fund before the next fund raiser are:

  • The 2022 Labor Day Enhancement Banquet food, tickets, raffle drawing and supplies
  • New plants and planters for the entrance
  • Movie Screen for shelter (homeowners can borrow for events)
  • Kayak Launch (may be placed on hold until more information can be obtained)

Teresa asked Cindy to discuss the proposed porta-john cover project.

Cindy proposed enclosing the porta-john on three side with wood panels, cementing the footings in the ground and staining/painting the wood cover the same as the playground and waterfront deck.  The door to the porta-john will also need painting

  • Mike (Chopper) Dubil quoted a price for material and labor of $850.00
  • The staining will be done by volunteers.

Lewis Clark made a motion to accept the proposal and budget up to $1,000 dollars for the project.

Teresa second the motion.  All approved

The proposed project will be presented to the Board for final approval.

It was noted by members in attendance that the tables at the shelter are starting to rust out and something will have to be done to replace them soon.  This will be a major project that the committee will have to discuss after the next Enhancement Banquet fund raiser.

Mary suggested as a future enhancement project of filling in the open curb area at the water front with rocks or crushed shells. 

Mary informed the committee that the 2022 Enhancement Corn Hole Tournament will include a tournament for 12 year olds and up (the upper age limit was not discussed).  More details will follow as time gets closer.

Also Mary reminded all that we have a resident that helps us with the trophies each year for our events so please do not purchase trophies without checking first.

Tony Dunn mentioned the need for more cleats on the pier for boat tie ups.  Lewis commented that cleats were included in the pier upgrade and we still may have some available.  Tony said he would count how many more we would need and let Phyllis know.

New Business:
April 1, begins a new fiscal calendar.

Cindy expressed her need to step down as secretary of the committee.  Tracy McKee and Shelia Dunn agreed to be co-secretaries and take over the meeting minutes.  The committee agreed.

Teresa also expressed her desire to take less of an active role as chair of Enhancement meetings.  Upon discussion Mary Bryan agreed to help Teresa with chairing the committee.  The committee agreed that Co-Chairs was agreeable and within the guideline. 

Cindy made the motion to nominate Teresa Dubil and Mary Bryan Carlyle as 2022 Co-chairs of the Enhancement Committee.  The motion was second and carried.

 Nancy Marlette agreed to continue as Treasurer.

Before the meeting adjourned, Mary presented a letter that will be sent out to all homeowners concerning the sports equipment and lights on the court.  The equipment and the container was vandalized during the winter months, so going forward the equipment will be locked up and you must sign out the key to unlock the container and the equipment.   If a homeowner signs out the equipment they are responsible for returning the equipment and locking the container and returning the key.  More information will follow.

Meeting was adjourned.