BOD Meeting 2-4-2023

The Mtg. was called to order by Pres. Louis Clark.
Members present were:

Earl Bunting, Mary Rhodes, Mike Truelove, Robert Shumate, Diana Tyndall, Mary B. Carlyle, Pk.
Absent was Hugh Kennedy

Louis announced there would be a Budget Mtg. with Ken Banks @Louis™ house 3-25-2023 @ 9

There was discussion about golf cart stickers and should we charge for more than 2 stickers per
homeowner. Robert Shumate made a motion – That more than 2 golf cart stickers per
homeowner would be $5 each. It was seconded by Earl Bunting and passed by all.
It was decided that stickers for boat trailers and boats would have the Lot # on them but they
would be different than the golf cart stickers and not require yearly replacement as the golf cart

The # of guest passes being allowed for the homeowner was discussed. Earl Bunting made a
motion: The # of guest passes per homeowner would be limited to 1 per month and it does not
carry over or transfer. The homeowner will be charged $50 per additional pass within the same
month. April 1- March 31. Robert Shumate seconded it and it was passed by all.

Maintenance for the pool is being considered by the board and it was decided to table the
decision till we meet again.

Mike Truelove made a motion to get Carolina Pools to do the repairs on the pool for $5600 to
correct the black mold situation. Earl Bunting seconded it and it was passed by all.
Louis adjourned the mtg.

Diana Tyndall