10-9-2021 GCL Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes

Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes 10-9-2021

In attendance: Cindy Long, Nancy Marlette, Melody Thorpe, Phyllis Pennington, Teresa Dubil, Louis and Susan Clark, Mike Truelove, Wood Woodard and Mary B. Carlyle

Meeting was called to order by Teresa (Chair)

Nancy Marlette (Treasurer) reviewed the Enhancement Committee Financials.

Teresa opened a discussion and review of the 2021 Enhancement Banquet. Overall most of the feedback we received was very positive. The food was excellent and everyone that participated enjoyed themselves. Teresa mentioned we sold over 100 plates in the 24 hours prior to the banquet. Teresa noted that Fat Fellows, which catered the banquet, mentioned if we wanted them to cater the banquet in 2022 we need to let him know so he would reserve a place on his calendar for us.

Cindy Long made a motion to book Fat Fellow for the 2022 Enhancement Banquet. Lewis Clark second the motion and the motion was unanimously agreed upon by those in attendance.

Teresa reviewed enhancement suggestions that she received the day of the banquet from participants. One of the suggestions was to purchase a movie screen and have family friendly movie nights in the summer. The committee thought this was a good idea. The movie screen will be available for residence to use for private parties at the waterfront with the shelter reservation. Teresa and Mary Bryan will review all viable options and decide on the best option. Lewis made the motion to purchase the movie screen at a cost of up to $600 using Enhancement Funds. Teresa second the motion.

Cindy Long suggested and provided a project form to enclose the porta-john at the waterfront with wood or PVC white fencing. An option to totally remove was also discussed. After discussion the committee decided removing would not be a popular option but we needed more information on the cost to enclose. Teresa and Cindy and will work on getting quotes.

Lewis presented a project form to pull up and replace the existing boardwalk beside the boat launch. He presented the committee with two quotes. Jackson Contractors quoted $13,500. Chopper Dubil quoted $12,000. The committee agreed that the current boardwalk needs to be replace. It is a safety hazard. The committee decided more information was needed such as an itemized quote before voting to fund this project. Committee members also discussed removing the boardwalk with volunteers to see if the cost could be reduced.

Lewis also presented a project form to purchase and install a kayak launch. The price presented by Lewis was $2,000 for one. The committee discussed and decided to precede with this project using enhancement money. Mary Bryan suggested at that cost we should considered purchasing two. She made a motion to present the project to the Board for approval of two kayak launches as long as the cost does not exceed $4,200 for two. Teresa second the motion and Mike Truelove will present the project to the Board for final approval.

Meeting was adjourned.

Meeting Minutes prepared by Cindy Long