JAN 31, 2015 BOD Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
January 31, 2015
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on January 31, 2015 at the meeting room of at Goose Creek Resort. All board members were present. Two homeowners attended the meeting which was called to order by Association President, Earl Bunting at 9:00.
The amended minutes of the August 16, 2014 meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the October 25, 2014 were approved pending the correction of the lot of the foreclosed property. After that correction is made both be submitted to Janie for posting on the website and the bulletin board.
I reviewed the progress I have made in obtaining quotes for the patch work that needs to be done to the asphalt throughout the park. The quotes received thus far varied widely and been practically impossible to compare as the contractors are not providing “apples to apples” quotes and some will not even put a quote in writing. Because opinions on what needs to be done is varied, in the spring I will mark each area in the park that needs to be saw cut, back filled with stone and patched. I will mark areas that are in need of crack filling only. I will request an alternate quote for removal of the grassy area directly in front of the boat ramp and replacing it with asphalt. I will measure the areas so that I will have a measurement to compare with that given by the contractors. I will put together a bid package, complete with pictures and request bids from at least three reputable contractors. They will all be asked to bid on the same scope of work for patching with 8″ of stone and 2″ of asphalt which meets NC DOT standards. Ideally, these quotes can be obtained before the March budget meeting and all work completed before Memorial Day.
Kathy Lewis, the postmaster, has gotten approval for the mailboxes and a work order has been submitted. Earl has signed the required agreement with the postal service regarding Goose Creek’s obligation for management of the keys. It is a slow process but he has been told that we will get them soon. Earl thought we would have had them before now. Each group of boxes will have a new pedestal. The mail will be removed from the old boxes by someone from the postal service and the old boxes set aside. The new pedestals will be set. Once the boxes are mounted to the pedestals the representative from the postal service will return the mail to the boxes. All mail will be held at the post office until boxes are mounted. Weather permitting, the entire transition should not take more than two days. Once the boxes are mounted, the HOA will be responsible for putting an address for each home on each box. Several options for labels were discussed. The new boxes will have a receptacle for small to medium parcels. Only large packages will be delivered to the door. The plan for the shelter over the boxes was reviewed. The shelter will be 24″ x 10″ with a metal roof the same color as that on the pool house. The post will be similar to that of the street signs.
Fill for Waterfront
Six to eight loads of additional topsoil will be purchased and Lynn Everett will spread it across the rough areas at the waterfront. We will have him look at the grassy area that is front of the boat ramp and consider the options for cutting it down and replacing the curb or asphalt.
Foreclosed Property
The foreclosed property at Lot 169 was discussed again. Over the years our attorney has done a good bit of research into the situation with this property. Yet after 5 years it continues to remain unclaimed, falling in disrepair and has unpaid dues. Louis made a motion to have the HOA attorney to proceed with efforts to secure the property for the association. Hugh seconded the motion and all board members voted in favor.
HOA Computer
The computer has been replaced. The system that was in use was more than 12 years old and could not be further updated. Homeowner, Billy Keel, sold us a new computer that has Office 365 with a backup for $315. Other software updates to operate the gate were required. An external modem was installed to make the security system web based and allow live viewing. Internet service was added to one existing phone line and one will be eliminated. The total cost for these services from DEPS is expected to be approximately $1000.00
Steps at Pier
There was some discussion about eliminating the steps from the pier to the left hand side but the ultimate decision was to replace them. The difficulty of navigating a ladder was a top consideration and the possibility of a ladder was ruled out. Some consideration was given to building wooden steps or buying aluminum steps. The pros and cons of each were discussed. We have three quotes for aluminum steps ranging from $1493.72-$2188. We will ask the company about installing a plate that will allow them to be removed during the winter. Don Mitchell made a motion that we replace the steps with the aluminum steps from Alumniramp for $1493.72. I seconded the motion. All board members voted in favor.
Pool Maintenance/Repair
Bluewater has inspected the pool and found that it is in need of some significant repairs and maintenance issues that must be resolved before the pool can open for the season. There is black mold in the broken grout. The most cost effective way to address this problem is to acid wash, scrub and pressure wash the inside of the pool. The price for this is $775. At the same time the cracked tiles would be replaced and all tile regrouted at a cost of $750.00. I made a motion to proceed with this portion of the proposal. Louis seconded the motion and all board members voted in favor.
The other part of the proposal was for resurfacing of the cracked deck around the pool at a cost of $6600.00. The specific product proposed was not mentioned in the quote. Terry had done research and fund that there is a vast array of products that can be used for this purpose and thought that we needed more specific information about the product before making a decision on this expenditure.
The contract daily service will be renewed with Bluewater . The cost for the summer of 2014 was $900/mo. The contract will run from May-September. Our chemicals are now purchased through Bluewater and are less expensive.
We also have plumbing issues that must be addressed before the pool opens. Janie will contact a plumber to have this done.
Closing of the pool
Someone is needed to close the pool every night at 8 pm. Janie does not want the responsibility. This person will need to check the bathrooms, straighten the chairs, close any umbrellas and lock the gate. Earl made a motion that Janie pursue a person to fulfill this obligation and contact Bluewater to confirm the price for the daily contract. No one will be hired until the board makes final approval via email. Louis seconded the motion. All board members voted in favor.
Gutters for pool house
There does not seem to be water coming from underneath the building but water coming off the top of the building. This will be helped by gutters. Earl has obtained a quote of $324.00 for 97″ of 5″ aluminum seamless gutters with 3″x 4″ DS on each end. Janie will contact May Gutter and confirm that downspouts are sufficient and that the quote is still good. Don made a motion that we proceed to have gutters installed on the pool house if the cost does not exceed $400. The motion was seconded by Terry and was approved by all board members.
Code Enforcement
Earl has spent many hours with the Office of Code Enforcement, County Manager, Board of Commissioners, Zoning, Planning Director. There was much confusion about exactly how Goose Creek Landing is zoned. We are not in a Manufactured Home zone. We are considered as “œnon-conforming” which means we can build back in the same footprint but now makes our setback 10″ on the sides. The front setback is 40″ from the center of the road. These measurements must be approved by the county. Accessory buildings can be 5″ off the line on the side and back. The county will not approve anything that does not have Janie or Earl”s signature. Details of these changes were included with the invoice for the Homeowners dues that was mailed in December. Discussion was had about having our rules reflect the county regulations and allow homeowners to build anything that falls within the county criteria as long as it aesthetically pleasing, matching the residence and is of quality workmanship.
Tax Value Update
James Godfrey provided a detailed update on the assessed value of the property. A revaluation was done for 2015 and decreased the property value by $1,914,218.00. James is in the process of reviewing data provided to him by the county tax assessor. This data shows how they derived at our current valuation. James has discussed the fact that they used a very small sample and they have agreed to use 2013 sales to increase the sample size. If his efforts are successful it is possible that the value could be lowered. This does not mean that the taxes will be lowered but it is important to keep the tax value as low as possible because the rate is beyond our control.
Feral Cats
Janie reports that there is a significant problem with feral cats in the community. She was instructed to contact the county and do whatever is required to manage the problem. If that requires trapping, the county will manage that per their protocol.
Fire Ants
Fire ants are a problem at the waterfront and the picnic shelter. Terminix sprayed once last summer and charged $150.00. They have a quarterly service for $100.00. I asked that we ask if the service includes more than just fire ants. Hugh made a motion that we sign up for the quarterly service. All members voted in favor.
Don reported that the enhancement committee would like to put up some new lights underneath the picnic shelter. Everyone was in agreement with this.
Lawn Maintenance
Earl reports that a RFP for the lawn maintenance will be issued. He would like to be able to award the contract by our March meeting if not before.
The meeting adjourned at 12:40 pm.
Mary Ann Everett – Secretary