GCL BOD Mtg. September 12, 2024

September 12,2024

The meeting was called to order by Pres. Louis Clark. Members present were:

Earl Bunting, Robert Shumate, Diana Tyndall, Hugh Kennedy, Mark Casey, Tracy McKee, MA. Mike Truelove was absent.

The subject of a “hog slat” in the waterfront boardwalk showing signs of “sinking” was brought to the attention of the board. Louis talked with resident Harry Carpenter, whose work is with concrete. Mr. Carpenter shared the different ways the problem could be corrected. After much discussion, bod Earl made a motion to accept the “best” way Mr. Carpenter suggested. Mark seconded it and all were in favor. The work should begin the end of October pending weather and tides.

The meeting was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall

GCL BOD Mtg. June 9, 2024

June 9, 2024
GCL BOD Conference call

The meeting was called to order by President Louis Clark. Members present were: Earl Bunting, Robert Shumate, Diana Tyndall, Hugh Kennedy, Mark Casey and Tracy McKee (MA). Mike Truelove was absent.

It was said we have a “verbal” quote from Bentley Brooks to repair the small boat ramp pier. Robert reported we have $37,450 in reserve, with the trash company reducing our rate $12,000, we have approx.$50,000 in reserve. We have $101,000 balance and $100,000 coming in and a $9,500 deposit.

The campground should begin their repairs after July 4.

Mark asked was this the only fix? It was discussed to get a quote from the man who did our pier. Robert said he would like more quotes as he was reluctant to move forward with the one. Hugh said he would call David Smith to see about a quote. Diana and Earl both agreed we need another quote and one from Justin also. Louis is going to work on getting more quotes.

Hugh questioned the $30,000 for one side and would it be cheaper to do 2 at the same time. Hugh was also concerned if we used aluminum, if a boat was to hit it extremely hard would it damage easily. With this thought on the table Tracy reminded us about the aluminum steps at the waterfront and how bad they look with the barnacles on them.

Louis informed us of the challenge for the swing set from Mike Truelove and family
Of $1,000, and another $500 from another family.

Louis asked if someone would volunteer to get quotes for the swings. Diana and Earl volunteered.

Tracy announced the plumber is coming Thursday to change out valves. Water will be cut off from 10-3. He will do 40 and hold back 10 for emergencies.

The meeting (conference call) was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall

GCL Homeowners Mtg June 1, 2024

June 1,2024
GCL Homeowners Mtg.

The meeting was called to order by President Louis Clark. Members present were:
Earl Bunting, Robert Shumate, Diana Tyndall, Hugh Kennedy, Mike Truelove, Mary Rhodes and Tracy McKee, Managing Agent (MA).

Ken Banks, the CPA for the HOA was here today to share and explain the budget and entertain questions the homeowners might have. Robert Shumate the HOA Treasurer shared some financial matters also.

The candidates running for a position on the board were to speak. They were Timmy Croom, Mark Casey, Louis Clark, Robert Shumate and Melissa Robertson who was not in attendance due to a previous engagement. Louis asked were there any nominations from the floor, as there were none a motion was made and seconded and all were in favor to close the nominations.

Mike Truelove, an Enhancement Com. Member and BOD Representative gave an update on the pool furniture and appointed $$ for the pool repairs.

Louis gave an additional update of the $11,000 balance for the Enhancement Com.
Tracy (MA), updated Homeowners on getting dues in, stickers on golf carts and boat trailers.
Earl and Louis updated information on the gate and e-mails.

Tracy emphasized the importance of picking up behind your dogs. If you see someone who doesn’t, you need to report it to Tracy. She also informed the Homeowners that cats can be unleashed in your yard: out of your yard they MUST be on a leash. She also shared If you feed a cat for more than 72 hrs. it becomes YOUR cat, and you are responsible for any damage it imposes. It was noted we can set traps and call animal control.

Louis opened the floor for “OLD” business and no one came forward.

“NEW” Business:

Someone asked if dues could be collected on automatic draft. It was noted if we were able to pay online you might have a $3 fee.

There were concerns about the water being cut off if you are gone for more than 3 days. Louis informed the Homeowners this rule is no longer in effect, BUT it is recommended to cut it off in the event there was a leak and the water was not cut off that the Homeowner would be responsible for a certain amount of the water leaked. Homeowners asked about water meters and concerns of the residents that “live in here” using more water. Earl explained why waters meters are not feasible.

Homeowners also asked about broken meter lids.

A Homeowner expressed concern about the condition of the road outside the gate. They were informed it is the responsibility of the campground.

The votes were counted for the candidate running for positions on the board.

Melissa Roberson-12
Timmy Croom-48
Mark Casey145
Louis Clark133
Robert Shumate138

Louis thanked Timmy and Melissa for running and thanked Mary Rhodes. It was noted that the Taco truck would be here June 29.

It was reported that replacement of the swings will need to meet regulation and codes due to the number of homes in our park.

The garbage pickup fee has been reduced $1000 per month beginning this past April.

Louis announced the Enhancement com. will meet tomorrow June 2 at 10 AM.

It was noted that electric scooters are NOT allowed in the park and no gas golf carts.

The board was asked to revisit electric bikes and scooters.

A motion was made and seconded and all were in favor to adjourne.

Diana Tyndall