GCL BOD Meeting Minutes – June and July

June 11,2022
GCL BOD Called Mtg.
The meeting was called to order by Pres. Louis Clark. Members present were:
Earl Bunting
Hugh Kennedy
Mary Rhodes
Mike Trulove
Robert Shumate
Diana Tyndall
Phyllis Pennington-Park Mgr.

The meeting was called to discuss the “replacement” of Phyllis while she was on
Medical leave. Louis read the job description for the park manager. We will need
to have someone that can meet these qualifications. Louis asked for names of
people we think would consider helping. Demon Dawson will get the mail & bring
to the person in charge. Mary Bryan will put the trash cans up and police the
yards. Penny Wetherington will do the general office work and computer. Louis
will handle any bills to be paid for June, July and August. Earl and Mary will be
available for the camera’s. Policing the pool for arm bands was suggested to ask
Pam Yancey & she can recruit someone to help her. Chopper will help with the
park maintenance. The pool maintenance is taken care of. We can report any
violations to Louis and Earl.

Louis reported that the residents in arrears with their HOA dues will be sent
letters and if not in compliance by July 15, 2022 their water will be cut off and
they could loose access to any park amenities, and a lien could be put on their

The new picnic tables have been ordered and delivery will be in time for July 1.
There was a reminder for boat owners to be aware not to block the golf cart
entrance to the waterfront.

It has been brought to the boards attention of a fuel tank on a homeowners
property. Louis stated it was being looked into.

Residents whose property is left “unkept” will be notified & given a time frame to
get things cleaned up.

Cats not on a leash are presenting a problem with homeowners. All cats and dogs
are to be on a leash at all times. Also know that it is legal to catch cats on your property
and call Animal control and they will pick them up M-F.

Earl is looking into a new company for the gate and cameras.
The mtg. was adjourned.
Diana Tyndall

July 7, 2022
Phone Conference
Louis Clark called the mtg to order.
Members present were:
Earl Bunting
Robert Shumate
Mary Rhodes
Diana Tyndall

In regards to the fuel tank on a homeowners property Earl shared what he
learned from the Fire Marshall of Carteret County and as a whole the board
decided to revisit the Fire Marshall for clarification.

In new business, the board was made aware of a homeowner having been
warned that they were not in compliance with the rules for guest’s and them
launching their boat(the guest) from our ramp. It was decided a $100 fine would
be issued.

The meeting(conference call) was adjourned.
Diana Tyndall