GCL BOD Mtg. June 9, 2024

June 9, 2024
GCL BOD Conference call

The meeting was called to order by President Louis Clark. Members present were: Earl Bunting, Robert Shumate, Diana Tyndall, Hugh Kennedy, Mark Casey and Tracy McKee (MA). Mike Truelove was absent.

It was said we have a “verbal” quote from Bentley Brooks to repair the small boat ramp pier. Robert reported we have $37,450 in reserve, with the trash company reducing our rate $12,000, we have approx.$50,000 in reserve. We have $101,000 balance and $100,000 coming in and a $9,500 deposit.

The campground should begin their repairs after July 4.

Mark asked was this the only fix? It was discussed to get a quote from the man who did our pier. Robert said he would like more quotes as he was reluctant to move forward with the one. Hugh said he would call David Smith to see about a quote. Diana and Earl both agreed we need another quote and one from Justin also. Louis is going to work on getting more quotes.

Hugh questioned the $30,000 for one side and would it be cheaper to do 2 at the same time. Hugh was also concerned if we used aluminum, if a boat was to hit it extremely hard would it damage easily. With this thought on the table Tracy reminded us about the aluminum steps at the waterfront and how bad they look with the barnacles on them.

Louis informed us of the challenge for the swing set from Mike Truelove and family
Of $1,000, and another $500 from another family.

Louis asked if someone would volunteer to get quotes for the swings. Diana and Earl volunteered.

Tracy announced the plumber is coming Thursday to change out valves. Water will be cut off from 10-3. He will do 40 and hold back 10 for emergencies.

The meeting (conference call) was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall