GCL BOD Mtg. September 12, 2024

September 12,2024

The meeting was called to order by Pres. Louis Clark. Members present were:

Earl Bunting, Robert Shumate, Diana Tyndall, Hugh Kennedy, Mark Casey, Tracy McKee, MA. Mike Truelove was absent.

The subject of a “hog slat” in the waterfront boardwalk showing signs of “sinking” was brought to the attention of the board. Louis talked with resident Harry Carpenter, whose work is with concrete. Mr. Carpenter shared the different ways the problem could be corrected. After much discussion, bod Earl made a motion to accept the “best” way Mr. Carpenter suggested. Mark seconded it and all were in favor. The work should begin the end of October pending weather and tides.

The meeting was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall