Category: Meeting Minutes
Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2019 BOD Meeting Minutes
April 6, 2019 BOD Minutes
December 2, 2018 BOD Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2018 BOD Meeting
July 14, 2018 BOD Meeting
Teleconference GCL BOD 7-12-17
Teleconference GCL BOD June 23, 2017
June 3, 2017 BOD Meeting
July 23, 2016 BOD Meeting
Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Board of Directors Meeting
July 23, 2016
A meeting of the Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association was held on July 23rd 2016 at the picnic shelter. All board members were present as well as approximately 20 homeowners. The meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by board president, Louis Clark.
The minutes from the June 4, 2016 annual homeowners meeting were presented to the board members for their review. James Godfrey made a motion that the minutes be accepted as written. The motion was seconded by Hugh Kennedy and all board members voted to accept the minutes.
Enhancement Committee – Don Mitchell reviewed the minutes from the July 9, 2016 meeting of the enhancement committee. The committee discussed the plans for the upcoming banquet and the projects they would like to see completed with the funds
The first project would be replacement of all post and rope barriers with a block wall. The plan for the wall has been discussed for some time and a schematic drawing has been presented to the board previously. The projected cost is $22,000 but should not exceed $25,000.
The second project is the installation of Kevlar curtains around the picnic shelter. At the Enhancement Committee meeting Marty Baker presented a proposal for Kevlar curtains and had a sample of the fabric. The turnkey cost of the curtain project with the curtains being installed by the vendor would be $30,000.
The Enhancement Committee voted to present both projects to the board for consideration. Knowing there would be a shortfall of funds, the Enhancement Committee requested that the board consider using money from the general fund to cover it so that both projects could be completed before winter. James Godfrey pointed out that the decision to request the use of money from the general budget fund was not the consensus of the entire Enhancement Committee but was an idea that some wanted the board to consider.
Discussion of request
Louis updated the attendees that the board had already discussed the completion of the wall project via email. The project has been approved at a cost of $22,500 not to exceed $25,000. Materials have started to arrive and that project should be complete before the banquet. Terry reported that the vendor has done a recalculation based on the most recent drawing and the price came in around $20,000. He is hopeful that the project will come in well under budget. Currently there is $19,000 in the Enhancement checking account. The balance to complete the wall will be drawn from the proceeds of the upcoming banquet.
Terry provided information that he has obtained from the manufacturer of the curtains. He will be able to purchase them directly from the manufacturer at a cost of $19,614. The original $30,000 proposal did not include enclosures for the arches on each end of the shelter. The new proposal will enclose the ends with the same fabric. The fabric is polypropylene. Terry expects to get 15 to 25 years life from it. It is designed for saltwater environments and high wind conditions. They will be raised and lowered with a battery-powered    drill. No electrical work will be required and the installation can be completed by volunteers.
Regarding the curtain project, Louis posed the following questions to the board. #1) Do we approve it? #2) If approved, what is the timeframe for completion? #) 3 How will it be funded? One option is to take or advance the money from the general fund as requested by the enhancement committee. Another option is to wait until after the banquet and see exactly how much the shortfall is before deciding to advance any funds or to wait until after next year’s banquet until the full amount is raised.
Don Mitchell reviewed the funds currently in the enhancement account and in the general fund account, the expected net proceeds from the banquet and the balance to pay for the wall. He is projecting a shortfall of approximately $14,000. He then recommended that the shortfall be funded from the general budget. Hugh Kennedy agreed with Don’s recommendation but added that the funds could be repaid by the banquet of 2017. He also reported that some homeowners have mentioned making donations toward this project. James Godfrey stressed the fact that we do not have $90,000 just sitting in an account it rises and falls with the incoming of dues. His concern would be depleting our funds and then having an unexpected expense from a water system problem or a hurricane. Depending on the extent of it, if our funds get too low it could lead to an assessment or an increase in dues.
Don Mitchell made a motion to proceed with the curtain project and to advance no more than $14,000 from the general fund to be repaid between the 2016 and 17 banquets. Hugh seconded the motion. In discussion Don Gray questioned why we didn’t have a motion simply regarding the approval of the project first before discussing the funding. Don Mitchell reluctantly reworded the motion by saying, “I make a motion we put the wall up and the curtains be #2 project.” James seconded the motion and all board members voted in favor of the project. Don Mitchell then restated the motion regarding the advancement no more than $14,000 from the general fund. Hugh again seconded this motion.
In discussion Louis recognized homeowner, Barry Godwin, to speak from the floor. Mr. Godwin acknowledged that the curtains are a great project but requested that the board wait until we have the funds available. Earl Bunting also spoke from the floor. He said we have been waiting on these curtains since 2013 or 14. People have worked at banquets with the curtains in mind and want to see it done.
At this point there was a great deal of discussion about advancing the shortfall from the general fund. Those who were in favor of doing so didn’t see $14,000 as a large amount of money out of a $350,000 budget knowing it would be repaid in 13 months. Those who were against it were concerned about setting a precedent and risking the possibility of cutting our fund balance too low and the possibility of unforeseen expenses. Louis called for the vote. Don Mitchell, Hugh Kennedy, and Terry Andrews voted in favor of advancing the funds from the general budget. Don Gray, James Godfrey and Mary Ann Everett voted against doing so. Louis Clark broke the tie with a vote against advancing the funds.
Louis suggested that we clarify the unknowns before moving forward. After the vote was taken there was discussion about soliciting donations. It was decided that the board would reconvene or communicate by email after the banquet to review the funds and any donations that have been collected and make a decision regarding moving forward with the curtains.
Water System
Louis provided an update on the water system. There have been two leaks recently. One was caused by a heavy truck parking on a water line. The cause of the other leak is unknown. The water system is very old and problems are occurring more frequently. Louis wants everyone to be aware that at some point it may become a large expense.
A fence was to be installed on top of the concrete barriers at the boat ramp. When the fence installer erected the fence it was obvious that the holes that were already in the barrier were not drilled in straight and the fence was a crooked, unsightly mess. The fence installer indicated that for a cost of 5 to $600, if he could find a proper drill bit, he could attempt to bore new and straight holes in the existing barrier or the barrier could be replaced with 8-foot chain-link fence. Considering the traffic, the chain link fence idea is not appealing. Louis has a meeting planned with Angela, the manager of Goose Creek Resort. It was decided to table any further action regarding this fence until he meets with her. She has the same concerns as we do regarding people going back and forth between the two properties.
Irrigation System
The area to the right after you come through the entrance has been covered with sod Phyllis Pennington and Linda Sanders have been diligently watering the area with sprinklers. Ron Gordon has presented a plan to install an underground irrigation system inside the gate and a spigot outside of the gate for a total cost of around $400. Mary Ann Everett made a motion that we accept this proposal with the cost not to exceed $500. Terry Andrews seconded the motion and all board members approved.
Due to the appearance of the property across from their home, homeowners, Pam and Barney Barrett, have requested to be allowed to erect a privacy fence along a section of Goose Creek Boulevard at their own expense. The fence would be 8 foot high by approximately 60 foot in length and installed directly across from their home and extending in one direction to just beyond the intersection and down to 125 Goose Creek Blvd in the other. Discussion was had regarding the benefit of having such a fence down the entire length of Goose Creek Boulevard. Barney indicated that a decision was made to go with a full fence he wouldn’t make a donation and thought other homeowners would also. No final decision was made pending Lewis’s upcoming meeting with Angela.
Utility Easement
Hugh Kennedy brought up for discussion the question of whether the utility easement should be used for essentially a public thoroughfare for golf carts. Our rules and regulations do state that homeowners are not drive on their neighbor’s property without permission. While the easement is not specifically considered your neighbor’s property, it is common courtesy that you do not use the easement as a golf cart path. Utilities are in the easement and vehicles should not be parked there.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 a.m.
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