Oct 25, 2014 BOD Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
October 25, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on October 25, 2014 at the meeting at Goose Creek Resort. All board members were present except Hugh Kennedy. Five homeowners were in attendance. The meeting was called to order by President, Earl Bunting at 9:00 am.
The minutes of the August 16, 2014 meeting were read by all members and but not approved due to omissions. This will be corrected and presented to the board for approval at the next meeting before being posted.

Earl has spoken with the postal supervisor regarding our mailboxes and been told that the boxes do not meet current standards. The new standard requires that every 10 boxes must have a parcel receptacle. The cost to replace all boxes with waterproof boxes that meet the standard is $21,000. That price includes having the postal supervisor present for the instillation of the boxes and moving of the mail from the old boxes to the new ones. The current boxes have been discontinued. There is also an issue with the locks and difficulty getting keys for them. We discussed options for funding this expense vs continuing to patch up what we have. Earl will meet with the postmaster to further distance the situation. He will look into changing out all the locks and will get more quotes for replacement of all boxes. We reviewed what had previously been proposed by Terry was discussed. Earl made a motion to table the issue for 2 weeks but at the end of that time, with the new information from the postmaster a decision will be made and the plan executed within 8 weeks. Mary Ann seconded the motion and all members voted in favor.

Pool Maintenance
Bluewater Realty has a pool maintenance division and they gave us a better rate than what we have been paying the private individual we had been using. They serviced the pool for the last month before it was closed. Prior to closing they performed a thorough inspection and provided a detailed report of it’s maintenance issues, some that must be addressed before the pool reopens in the spring. These will be further addressed at our next work session.

General Maintenance
Everything put in here must be maintained. Trees must be trimmed. Dollars have to be spent. If Enhancement helps put it in, enhancement funds must be set aside to help maintain the things we enjoy. All board members are in agreement with this.

The wooden steps at the jet ski side must be removed. They are a safety hazard. We will consider replacing them with some type of aluminum steps.

Foreclosed Property
Janie has discussed the issues with lot 169 with the office of attorney Neil Whitford. This property has been in foreclosure since 2010. The office has done a good bit of research into the situation and provided a letter describing the complexities and Goose Creek’s options.


Building Code vs our rules and regulations
A good bit of discussion was had regarding the new rules of the county and how they conflict with the rules we currently have in place regarding room additions and accessory buildings. Earl has had several meeting with the code enforcement officer. Homeowners continue to build without getting proper permits. Fines will be assessed. No accessory building can be more than 300 sq ft under roof. Our rules are not clear and there are several versions. Mary Ann made a motion that Terry and Earl work together to draft specific Rules and Regulations regarding the construction of accessory buildings, both free standing and attached to mobile homes, that will be workable for our size lots and in compliance with the county regulations. Their proposal will be reviewed and presented to all homeowners. The motion was seconded by Louis. All board members voted in favor.

Replacement for board member Van Parrish
Earl Bunting nominated John Lee to replace Van Parrish who has sold his property. Terry Andrews nominated James Godfrey. After each board member spoke regarding their position and their reasoning for supporting the nominee of their choice, Earl called for the vote. Terry, Mary Ann and Don voted for James Godfrey. Louis voted for John Lee. Hugh had submitted his vote for John Lee by proxy to Earl. James will be the replacement for James Godfrey.

Lawn Maintenance
The vendor we were using for lawn maintenance quit without notice. A new one has been arranged to provide service through November 2014. In the spring we will take bids for the 2015 season.

The meeting adjourned at 11:10 am.

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Mary Ann Everett – Secretary Date of Approval