Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
June 1, 2013
A regular meeting of the board of directors was held at White Oak Elementary School, Cape Carteret, NC immediately following the annual homeowners meeting, convening at approximately 11:00 am. There were no minutes from the last meeting available for review.
Returning board members are Billy Keel – elected President
James Godfrey – elected Vice President
Jimmy Broughton
Van Parrish
New Board members
Hugh Kennedy
Terry Andrews
Mary Ann Everett, elected to serve as Secretary.
Due to time constraints the meeting was kept brief. Each member introduced themselves and the officers, as indicated above, were selected. There was discussion about the importance of protecting the vote of the homeowners and sorting our needs from our wants as a community.
The Enhancement Banquet was discussed. Jimmy Broughton made a motion that Terry Andrews serve as the liaison between the Board and the Enhancement Committee. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.
Mr. Keel requested that I prepare minutes of the meeting to include the election results and post the information to the Goose Creek Landing page on Facebook.
The next meeting of the board was not scheduled but when it is set the information will be posted on Facebook, and the bulletin board.
The meeting adjourned at 11:25 am.
Respectfully submitted,
________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval