June 22, 2013

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
June 22, 2013

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on June 22, 2013 at the residence of Janie Bushkar, managing agent. With all board members present the meeting was called to order by Billy Keel at 9:00 am.
The minutes of the June 1, 2013 meeting were read and approved. They will be revised to omit the vote count of the election prior to posting on the website and bulletin board.

Enhancement Banquet
Terry Andrews provided on update on the Enhancement Banquet which will be held Saturday, August 31, 2013. Thus far two pigs have been donated. A total of four will be needed. Barbeques Boston Butt will also be served. Ticket sales have started and guest tickets will be available for $20.00. These tickets do not include an entry in the reverse drawing. The choice of prizes was discussed and the committee is aware that the home owners prefer smaller, more “beachy†art work which can be better utilized in their homes. Linda Sanders is responsible for finance and planning for and serving side items. Earl Bunting and James Taylor will help with cooking. Jimmy Broughton will be responsible for arranging the point of entry and the check in of ticket holders. Terry will handle the actual drawing.

Enhancement Committee
The horseshoe pit will be removed within the next couple of weeks. A new, safer pit will be constructed behind the basketball goal. A drawing of the proposed pit was provided to all board members via email prior to the meeting. The plan also includes the addition of bench for seating. A motion to approve the plan was made by Jimmy Broughton and seconded by James Godfrey. The motion was approved unanimously.

Prior to the meeting all board members were provided with a drawing of the façade changes proposed for the pool house. The work will include painting the pool house a teal/aqua color with a white roof and the construction of an A-Frame roof structure supported by white columns extending from the building over the entry to the restrooms. The building will be painted with a marine grade paint that can better withstand the waterfront elements. The roof will be funded in part by enhancement funds and in part by maintenance funds from the HOA. The work is expected to begin in the spring 2014 and is expected to cost approximately $7000 if completed with volunteer labor. James Godfrey made a motion to approve the plan. The motions was seconded by Vann Parrish and passed unanimously by all members. Prior to any construction there will be further investigation of the HOA liability for volunteer labor and the possibility of obtaining additional insurance coverage specific for volunteers.

Janie has received complaints about the lack of lighting along the pier beyond the fish cleaning station. Terry is aware of this and has some additional lighting ordered. This problem should be resolved by the end of July.

Park Signage
Proposals have been received from Newton Signs and Brush Stroke Signs for replacement and or refurbishment of all street and stop signs in the park. The proposals will be attached to the minutes for the record. A cost of $6365 to refurbish the existing signs that are not even reflective was thought to be exorbitant. Terry Andrews has developed a subdivision and has some ideas for getting the signage replaced more cost effectively. He will have some options available for the Boards review in the coming weeks. A decision will be made after all options are reviewed.


Memorial Day Party
Homeowners Steve and Fran Hamilton have asked the Board to sanction their annual party that is held at their home on Memorial Day weekend. The party has been hosted by the Hamilton’s and the Blackman’s for the past several years and they have hired John Moore as DJ. Since we already have the a holiday weekend. There was also discussion about the HOA funding an event that is held at a residence which seems more private rather than seeming more open to the entire park if held at the waterfront. Mr. Keel will discuss the concerns with the Hamilton’s. No decision was made on this matter.

Mr. Keel plans to add Janie’s email address to the website. After he assumes ownership of the website from Mr. Bunting, he will provide Mary Ann Everett and Janie Bushkar with instruction for adding information to the website.

The Bylaws of the HOA need to be revised to reflect the way the park and association currently operate. All board members were encouraged to review the bylaws so that they can provide input. A committee of Hugh Kennedy, James Godfrey and Vann Parrish was established to review the Bylaws and recommend changes.

Pier and Boat Ramp
A problem with displacement of the rocks at the end of the boat ramp was discussed. The ramp has been evaluated by Brooks Marine Dredging and a proposal has been received to reconfigure the angle of the ramps and does some repairs on the center divider. The proposal is not clear in that it says $20,000 for each ramp and $5,000 for the work on the divider for a total of $45,00. It also states the cost is $25,000 to repair both ramps and divider. There was discussion as to whether this is a significant problem or just an occasional issue caused by the manner in which some homeowners load their boats. Billy, Jimmy and Vann were to meet at ramp following the meeting to further discuss this issue. No other action was taken.

Rubber Bumpers
Rubber bumpers measuring 4 ft. in length will soon be placed on each post on the side of the pier where boats are docked. Linda Sanders has donated material to make 22. Jimmy Broughton is obtaining prices for materials to make 20 more from several sources. He will select the vendor based on cost and will obtain the proper mounting hardware. These will be installed by volunteer labor on an upcoming work day.

Maintenance of properties
One home that had fallen in disrepair has recently undergone some minimal improvements and does not seem to one that requires further action at this time. Another home has been unkept and has two outside buildings for an extended period of time. A letter will be sent to the homeowner putting him on notice that he has 30 days to come in compliance with the rules of Goose Creek Landing or face further action.

We have one home that is currently bank owned and is being maintained adequately. Another home that had been financed by the owner is in the process of going back to full ownership by the original owner. The costs of the association mowing the loan and all past dues HOA dues will be the responsibility of the original owner.

The next meeting of the board was not scheduled. When it is set the information will be posted on Facebook, goosecreeklanding.com and the bulletin board.

The meeting adjourned at 11:00 am.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval