March 20, 2010

Board of Directors Meeting

March 20, 2010

Goose Creek Homeowners Association Minutes of the 3/20/2010 Meeting
Meeting was called to order by President Earl Bunting.
Discussion of the resignation of Ted Thompson and the appointment of a replacement was first.
Motion was made for the appointment of James Godfrey, since he was next in line with the votes of the
June HOA mtg. John Tew made the motion, James Taylor 2ndand the vote was majority yes.
Old Business:
Report from Janie-.
Term Limits on ballot to home owners- did not pass either way so it will stay as is, 2 years alternating
terms with no limits.
Gate was voted to stay as is by 101 no and 66 yes.
2 homeowner’s have no paid dues – in the hands of attorney now.
Art. 5 Sect. 4 of the By-Laws is plain stated that after 31 days a 5% late fee will be assessed, upon
nonpayment of that it will be turned over to lawyer to have a lien placed against the property.
22 were late but only 2 have not paid.
All of the dredging assessments were paid except a half from one Homeowner.
Earl discussed the way he was talked to by the 2 homeowners that were assessed a late fee. There
is really no discussion because it is written in the by-laws. The board then discussed that prior
knowledge from folks about being late with dues, can be worked with in certain situations esp. sickness/
Dredging is neatly completed. The company was able to get more than we thought dredged by working
with CAMA and taken aerial photography.
Website update:
Will add face book icon for communication of GCL Friends. Any information/ pictures you want posted
on the website email to EARL. Also all by laws and meeting minutes etc: are posted there now.
Santa Claus visited GCL at Christmas on a fire truck with siren engaged; the kids that were here loved
and many adults had fun with it. The fire dept. has been doing this for 42 years. This year was the first
year they decided to visit GCL and it is the first time in 42 years they received a phone call complaint. It
was from GCL. The Association has assured the fire dept. the majorities of residents do not feel as the
one who complained and welcome them back every year at Christmas.
New Business:
Terry Andrews Letter:
March 26 his group will have its final mtg. with CAMA for final approval of the bulkhead. CAMA will try
to reclaim as much land with the bulkhead.
April 9, 2010
50 Palm trees 10′ – 12 reserved for HOA if they want them for pool and picnic shelter area of the
commons. Motion was made by Mary Bryan for purchase of 12 trees, & 2nd by Lynn Ketner. It was
approved for trees to be purchased.
Discussion of the mess around the pool; some people discussed hiring it done. It was recommended by
some residents in attendance that we have a work day scheduled for April 10, and volunteers work
together to get the mess, cleaned up and the trees will begin being planted that day. We will need
volunteers that day and equipment (back hoe) from some people.
Ron Gordon and others expressed concerns over yard cleaning and leaves. It was also brought up about
unnecessary items like air conditioners that are not working just sitting in people’s yards. As a Board we
would encourage everyone to do their part to keep GCL unique by the pride we take in the care of our
The vote on the gate was discussed. Jim Godfrey spoke of the three times it has been voted on. The
concern about the gate still has to do with the vandalism and the possibilities of thieves scoping out our
community during the week. Linda sanders discussed the possibility of long distance service to open the
gate from far away. James explained that it would not always work properly.
The water situation behind several homes was discussed. The water has been as high as 18†-24†in
people’s backyards and under their mobile homes. A layer of sand about an inch thick was approved
for those homes to put down by the county. Earl is meeting with an engineer on Sunday 3-21-2010
to look at the problem and discuss possible solutions. Earl will report to us as soon as he meets with
the engineer. Jim Godfrey explained about the runoff water being considered sewage because as the
water level rises it brings sewage with it. We would probably have to have a storm drainage system or a
holding pond for treatment.
Bulk Head: Steve Hill’s letter suggested safety caps and bumpers down the poles for safety and
protection of the boats. The letter will be posted on website. Solutions are under consideration and
suggestions are welcomed.
Water availability at the fish cleaning stations was brought up. No plumbers as of yet will guarantee a
timer system with drain. John Tew is looking into this again.
Motion to adjourn was made by John Tew and 2nd by James Taylor.

Goose Creek Homeowners Association Minutes of the 3/20/2010 Meeting

Meeting was called to order by President Earl Bunting.

Discussion of the resignation of Ted Thompson and the appointment of a replacement was first.

Motion was made for the appointment of James Godfrey, since he was next in line with the votes of the

June HOA mtg. John Tew made the motion, James Taylor 2ndand the vote was majority yes.

Old Business:

Report from Janie-.

Term Limits on ballot to home owners- did not pass either way so it will stay as is, 2 years alternating

terms with no limits.

Gate was voted to stay as is by 101 no and 66 yes.

2 homeowner’s have no paid dues – in the hands of attorney now.

Art. 5 Sect. 4 of the By-Laws is plain stated that after 31 days a 5% late fee will be assessed, upon

nonpayment of that it will be turned over to lawyer to have a lien placed against the property.

22 were late but only 2 have not paid.

All of the dredging assessments were paid except a half from one Homeowner.

Earl discussed the way he was talked to by the 2 homeowners that were assessed a late fee. There

is really no discussion because it is written in the by-laws. The board then discussed that prior

knowledge from folks about being late with dues, can be worked with in certain situations esp. sickness/


Dredging is neatly completed. The company was able to get more than we thought dredged by working

with CAMA and taken aerial photography.

Website update:

Will add face book icon for communication of GCL Friends. Any information/ pictures you want posted

on the website email to EARL. Also all by laws and meeting minutes etc: are posted there now.

Santa Claus visited GCL at Christmas on a fire truck with siren engaged; the kids that were here loved

and many adults had fun with it. The fire dept. has been doing this for 42 years. This year was the first

year they decided to visit GCL and it is the first time in 42 years they received a phone call complaint. It

was from GCL. The Association has assured the fire dept. the majorities of residents do not feel as the

one who complained and welcome them back every year at Christmas.

New Business:

Terry Andrews Letter:

March 26 his group will have its final mtg. with CAMA for final approval of the bulkhead. CAMA will try

to reclaim as much land with the bulkhead.

April 9, 2010

50 Palm trees 10′ – 12 reserved for HOA if they want them for pool and picnic shelter area of the

commons. Motion was made by Mary Bryan for purchase of 12 trees, & 2nd by Lynn Ketner. It was

approved for trees to be purchased.

Discussion of the mess around the pool; some people discussed hiring it done. It was recommended by

some residents in attendance that we have a work day scheduled for April 10, and volunteers work

together to get the mess, cleaned up and the trees will begin being planted that day. We will need

volunteers that day and equipment (back hoe) from some people.

Ron Gordon and others expressed concerns over yard cleaning and leaves. It was also brought up about

unnecessary items like air conditioners that are not working just sitting in people’s yards. As a Board we

would encourage everyone to do their part to keep GCL unique by the pride we take in the care of our


The vote on the gate was discussed. Jim Godfrey spoke of the three times it has been voted on. The

concern about the gate still has to do with the vandalism and the possibilities of thieves scoping out our

community during the week. Linda sanders discussed the possibility of long distance service to open the

gate from far away. James explained that it would not always work properly.

The water situation behind several homes was discussed. The water has been as high as 18†-24†in

people’s backyards and under their mobile homes. A layer of sand about an inch thick was approved

for those homes to put down by the county. Earl is meeting with an engineer on Sunday 3-21-2010

to look at the problem and discuss possible solutions. Earl will report to us as soon as he meets with

the engineer. Jim Godfrey explained about the runoff water being considered sewage because as the

water level rises it brings sewage with it. We would probably have to have a storm drainage system or a

holding pond for treatment.

Bulk Head: Steve Hill’s letter suggested safety caps and bumpers down the poles for safety and

protection of the boats. The letter will be posted on website. Solutions are under consideration and

suggestions are welcomed.

Water availability at the fish cleaning stations was brought up. No plumbers as of yet will guarantee a

timer system with drain. John Tew is looking into this again.

Motion to adjourn was made by John Tew and 2nd by James Taylor.