October 11, 2009

Board of Directors Meeting

October 11, 2009

Board members present were Ted Thompson, Lynn Ketner, Earl Bunting, James Taylor, John Tew, and Mary Bryan Carlyle. George Kivett was absent due to a death in the family.
The first topic of discussion was welcome everyone – open meeting and explained the use of the campground room due to no fee.
Minutes of last meeting approved, motioned by James Taylor and second by John Tew.
Discussed that Carolyn will be working on an e-mail list and had a viewing of the new website.
Old Business:
The shut off and drain at the fish cleaning station – 100 dollar warning ticket given last year will be applied to the cost of preparing the drain for use in the winter. Janie explained they had spoken with Buck and one other plumber and no other plumber can guarantee it will not freeze. John Tew is concerned about it being left on. James Taylor explained that Jim Godfrey’s friend is an engineer and he feels we can set up a system with an automatic timer. It was decided that this would be looked in to with the cost in mind.

Members having more than 6 gate cards – motion by John Tew to leave the total at 6 and second by Lynn Ketner.
It was announced that the ballots for 2 issues; one being the board term and the gate closed during the week, ballots will go out with the December assessment for dues. Mary Bryan Carlyle reminded residents of the amount of gas that has been ciphered from boats this summer and her feeling is that the gate is left up at the most vulnerable times for people to ride in and see what is going on. James Taylor has assured codes could be set up for delivery personnel like UPS and FED EX but all other deliveries will be the resident’s responsibility. Some permanent residents have agreed to help with this matter.
Discussion about entry at the gate: Camera ability to see the offenders and the gate being broken.Discussion led to adding an additional camera fro license plates. James Taylor will look into the cost.
Boat ramp updates: Boat ramp is complete; dredging will start October 12 and be completed October 15. Permit was approved early, campground will get the dirt and the landing will look as it did before dredging. Approval is to dredge in front of both docks. The new design of the boat basin and ramp helps the sand flush with the sand and tides. The new pilings are from 12 to 22 feet from the dock back to the ramp. Over the years the cement pilings had opened up and allowed wash out. Attending resident requested we look at the washout on the front wall. We will look and inquire if feasible to repair when the new wall is added.
Walkway at the ramp: Sod was added, landscaped with trees and irrigation system. This was done by residents’ hard worked and donations.
Donated money: Extra palm trees approximately $300. Other monies went for other things at the water front. There will be no more soliciting for improvements, but it is OK to put a notice for donations on the bulletin board and website.
Attention Residents: If you do not have a land line, please let Janie know. We need to remove unnecessary numbers at the gate box.
Attending resident requested attorney fees and expenses for the Johnston County court case on the warning ticket for running stop sign. This information was not available. He was informed this would be provided later.
New Business:
Discussion of dedicating donated trees to family members and/or neighbors that have passed on.
Board has no problem with this but the responsibility of recognition is left with the resident that purchased the tree.
New website is under construction: Domain was purchased by Earl Bunting – $48 per year.
300 gigs of storage. The site is www.goosecreeklanding.com
The price of maintenance and the webmaster will total $300 per year
It was asked the GCLHOA would accept financial responsibility for the website. John Tew made the motion and second by Ted Thompson. The Board approved.
The Board extended a sincere appreciation to Lou for his work on the previous website. Any pictures or information for the website is to be e-mailed to Earl Bunting.
The meeting was then turned over to Janie for business.
Payment on assessment for boat ramp: Only 14 residents have not paid any part.
Discussions regarding establishing a committee to welcome new residents. Tabled for more information.
Issue of children driving golf carts while sitting in laps of drivers: Not a problem as long as the golf cart is being driven in a controlled manner. Discussion was brought up again regarding the stop sign violation. Earl discussed the issues that forced the outcome of the case. This deals with the joint tendency agreement and dated amendments to our policies.

Fishing Tournament: Greg Hogan made a motion for GCLHOA take over the tournament. James Taylor second, board approved. There will be different divisions/categories to allow for more entries and enthusiasm. A tournament committee will be chosen: at least 2 board members on the committee but GCLHOA will have final authority on decisions made by the tournament committee. It is hoped that we can build a better relationship with the campground in an effort to make the tournament successful.
Bonnie asked if the area behind pool could be cleaned up. All agreed and this will be looked into.
Janie informed the general statues of waste pickup has changed regarding plastic bottles. Waste Industries is separating recyclables forcing a rise in cost. Reminded residents that waste and water is our biggest expense. Encouraged residents not to abuse either. Water price is increasing due to a change in wells. The water now will go through treatment plant.
Pool closed a few days early this year due to maintenance on drains to meet state regulations.

Motion made to close meeting, second.
Meeting adjourned,