March 26, 2011

GCL HOA Meeting
Call to order: Earl Bunting 10:00 AM
Board of Director’s Mtg. – There will be no comments from homeowners until the end.
Janie – Vote on painting of the pool- 87 in favor; 106 not in favor
Are there any volunteers to obtain certification of regulations to care for the pool? (EARL)
Gov’t continues to tighten regulations on pool.
Pool opens M ay 15 thru Sept. 15
Timmy Rhodes brought up switching the pool to salt chemicals to ease the maintenance and cost. It is
much cheaper to maintain on salt and it is not salty like the ocean. We will not have to purchase near
the chemicals, but will have the same level of sanitation. It was decided we would look into the possible
cost of switching the pool to salt before further discussion.
EARL- spoke the cleaning that had been done around the pool changed the back fence, wrapped poles in
vinyl so everything matches in white.
Doors to be installed at the rear of the pool bathrooms will cost $ 1200.00 for both including hardware.
Billy Brock has volunteered to install them.
Board walks and edging are complete.
Playground equipment so far is very nice and is being used by many. The kids have shown so much
appreciation to the people responsible for the work on the playground. They have a great job so far.
Equipment for the playground ended up being much less expensive than originally proposed because of
the efforts of a few.
The board would like to encourage all (homeowners and family members) to help be responsible for
care of the new equipment.
Timing has put a few of the enhancement wishes on hold (Tax Time)
Timmy Rhodes, with the support of many others would like to see us as a community work a little harder
to keep the dock as clean as we can with in nature’s limits. Cast netters should clean the deposits from
their nets by using the weight of the net to sweep deposits back in the water. This also will take an
effort by everyone to care.
The enhancement committee€˜s dream for the dock will remain in place just be on hold for a bit.
Terry Andrews updated us on what is entailed in this dream: however we will remain conservative
1. Enlargement of the end of dock with a shelter to escape sun or bad weather
2. Would like to add a couple of sinks and hoses closer to the end of the dock
There are some that are still researching for a solution to turning off the water during the winter at
the fish cleaning station. Mary Bryan suggested pumping water from sound during this time might be a
more inexpensive solution. Salt water doesn’t matter just to clean fish. Topper had suggested it could
work and could have a timer if needed. Topper (Jim Godfrey’s friend) has also suggested another way of
doing this but we need a plan and estimated cost.
Jimmy Broughton was concerned about the fence needing to clean on the 1st street. Janie updated us it
is done. Earl wants us to keep that area clean!
There is concern to know where all the cutoff valves are. Jimmy would like a drawing of water lines and
shut-offs. Earl stated we do know where they all are. He also stated, if you are digging on any property
in here and bust a water line, you will be responsible for repairing it and paying for it.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that the cut off valves are old and need replacing. They
show their age by leaking. Please do not turn the valve too far when cutting it on and off. Turn it only
to where it needs to go. GCLHOA needs to know if your cut-off valve needs replacing.
All homeowners please check your cut-off valves for water and let the board know if yours needs
Earl: WATER -COST has escalated over the past year, however it is up in cost everywhere throughout
the county and adjoining counties. This is due to many things such as new water plant treatment
facility etc; and is still being investigated. The GCL Board made a decision to go with bulk water
instead of metered water because it is cheaper that way and is still believed to be cheaper that
way.(approximately ½ the cost of metered water.) it is concluded that we better monitor our water
usage and continue to research ways to save money and continue to irrigate and boat wash.
Port-a john: Some residents want the pool bathrooms open on the backdoor side all the time. This will
totally eliminate the classless looking port-a -john at our water front. We will table any formal decision
about this until there is more input on the decision. Right now they will be open during pool hours and
at events held at the picnic shelter. But the reserving party is responsible for cleaning them after use at
the picnic shelter.
Fish Cleaning Station: Please throw fish off the right side of the dock! This is a rule. Please abide by the
rules. Also: always clean up the fish cleaning station when you are finished cleaning your fish, don’t just
leave it for the last person.
Phone System: The call box at the gate will hold 500 numbers, which are 2 per resident for those who
need two. UPS/FEDEX Have to have a number to get in. They are under strict orders by the company to
maintain confidentiality. If you know of a breach of this let us know and we will contact the company.
It was ask could we have more numbers by getting a new box. This is expensive. Jim Godfrey suggests
we wait until this box completely stops working before we decide on a larger box. James Taylor
informed us the lifespan is 5 years and we are way beyond that with the current box.
JANIE: We are using unlimited long distance service for onetime fee per month.
Jimmy Broughton: Will check on codes and numbers that have been mentioned being used at gate.
Auction of Properties was brought up by Ron Gordon. He is concerned about the Joint – Tendency
Agreement, does it serve us well? Is it making it hard to buy and sell lots? 1/251st property =share is the
only way we can legally exist.
Janie: We have approximately 7500 square feet. Timmy Rhodes, bank ask 2 questions; Permanent
foundation? deed of trust?
No lender will hold DMV Titles
Ron Gordon – Hard to get homeowners insurance
208 Blue Goose Lane ???????
Jim Godfrey made motion to not allow dumping of oyster shells.
(Tabled it)
Jim withdrew the motion.
Mary Bryan suggested waterfront enhancement committee meet. It was decided they would meet right
after this meeting.
Continuing construction at pool house
Jimmy Broughton made motion to adjourn
MBC 2nd
Meeting adjourned.
GCL HOA Meeting
Call to order: Earl Bunting 10:00 AM
Board of Director’s Mtg. – There will be no comments from homeowners until the end.
Janie – Vote on painting of the pool- 87 in favor; 106 not in favor
Are there any volunteers to obtain certification of regulations to care for the pool? (EARL)
Gov’t continues to tighten regulations on pool.
Pool opens M ay 15 thru Sept. 15
Timmy Rhodes brought up switching the pool to salt chemicals to ease the maintenance and cost. It is
much cheaper to maintain on salt and it is not salty like the ocean. We will not have to purchase near
the chemicals, but will have the same level of sanitation. It was decided we would look into the possible
cost of switching the pool to salt before further discussion.
EARL- spoke the cleaning that had been done around the pool changed the back fence, wrapped poles in
vinyl so everything matches in white.
Doors to be installed at the rear of the pool bathrooms will cost $ 1200.00 for both including hardware.
Billy Brock has volunteered to install them.
Board walks and edging are complete.
Playground equipment so far is very nice and is being used by many. The kids have shown so much
appreciation to the people responsible for the work on the playground. They have a great job so far.
Equipment for the playground ended up being much less expensive than originally proposed because of
the efforts of a few.
The board would like to encourage all (homeowners and family members) to help be responsible for
care of the new equipment.
Timing has put a few of the enhancement wishes on hold (Tax Time)
Timmy Rhodes, with the support of many others would like to see us as a community work a little harder
to keep the dock as clean as we can with in nature’s limits. Cast netters should clean the deposits from
their nets by using the weight of the net to sweep deposits back in the water. This also will take an
effort by everyone to care.
The enhancement committee€˜s dream for the dock will remain in place just be on hold for a bit.
Terry Andrews updated us on what is entailed in this dream: however we will remain conservative
1. Enlargement of the end of dock with a shelter to escape sun or bad weather
2. Would like to add a couple of sinks and hoses closer to the end of the dock
There are some that are still researching for a solution to turning off the water during the winter at
the fish cleaning station. Mary Bryan suggested pumping water from sound during this time might be a
more inexpensive solution. Salt water doesn’t matter just to clean fish. Topper had suggested it could
work and could have a timer if needed. Topper (Jim Godfrey’s friend) has also suggested another way of
doing this but we need a plan and estimated cost.
Jimmy Broughton was concerned about the fence needing to clean on the 1st street. Janie updated us it
is done. Earl wants us to keep that area clean!
There is concern to know where all the cutoff valves are. Jimmy would like a drawing of water lines and
shut-offs. Earl stated we do know where they all are. He also stated, if you are digging on any property
in here and bust a water line, you will be responsible for repairing it and paying for it.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that the cut off valves are old and need replacing. They
show their age by leaking. Please do not turn the valve too far when cutting it on and off. Turn it only
to where it needs to go. GCLHOA needs to know if your cut-off valve needs replacing.
All homeowners please check your cut-off valves for water and let the board know if yours needs
Earl: WATER -COST has escalated over the past year, however it is up in cost everywhere throughout
the county and adjoining counties. This is due to many things such as new water plant treatment
facility etc; and is still being investigated. The GCL Board made a decision to go with bulk water
instead of metered water because it is cheaper that way and is still believed to be cheaper that
way.(approximately ½ the cost of metered water.) it is concluded that we better monitor our water
usage and continue to research ways to save money and continue to irrigate and boat wash.
Port-a john: Some residents want the pool bathrooms open on the backdoor side all the time. This will
totally eliminate the classless looking port-a -john at our water front. We will table any formal decision
about this until there is more input on the decision. Right now they will be open during pool hours and
at events held at the picnic shelter. But the reserving party is responsible for cleaning them after use at
the picnic shelter.
Fish Cleaning Station: Please throw fish off the right side of the dock! This is a rule. Please abide by the
rules. Also: always clean up the fish cleaning station when you are finished cleaning your fish, don’t just
leave it for the last person.
Phone System: The call box at the gate will hold 500 numbers, which are 2 per resident for those who
need two. UPS/FEDEX Have to have a number to get in. They are under strict orders by the company to
maintain confidentiality. If you know of a breach of this let us know and we will contact the company.
It was ask could we have more numbers by getting a new box. This is expensive. Jim Godfrey suggests
we wait until this box completely stops working before we decide on a larger box. James Taylor
informed us the lifespan is 5 years and we are way beyond that with the current box.
JANIE: We are using unlimited long distance service for onetime fee per month.
Jimmy Broughton: Will check on codes and numbers that have been mentioned being used at gate.
Auction of Properties was brought up by Ron Gordon. He is concerned about the Joint – Tendency
Agreement, does it serve us well? Is it making it hard to buy and sell lots? 1/251st property =share is the
only way we can legally exist.
Janie: We have approximately 7500 square feet. Timmy Rhodes, bank ask 2 questions; Permanent
foundation? deed of trust?
No lender will hold DMV Titles
Ron Gordon – Hard to get homeowners insurance
208 Blue Goose Lane ???????
Jim Godfrey made motion to not allow dumping of oyster shells.
(Tabled it)
Jim withdrew the motion.
Mary Bryan suggested waterfront enhancement committee meet. It was decided they would meet right
after this meeting.
Continuing construction at pool house
Jimmy Broughton made motion to adjourn
MBC 2nd
Meeting adjourned.