June 4, 2011

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners’ Association Annual Meeting
Call to Order: Earl Bunting, June 4, 2011 9:30AM
Recognized New Homeowner’s and welcomed them.
Old Business:
Waterfront Enhancement Banquet: improved the playground, new white vinyl fence in shelter area,
palm trees donated and planted. Pool bathroom backdoors are here; will be installed next Thursday.
Pool furniture is ordered and should be in next week. There are still things being worked on. Earl
complimented the volunteer workers on all of their efforts for the year.
Front Gate: James Taylor – gate box has space for 500 numbers; we have unlimited long distance.
Turn in your phone number and lot number. Each home is allowed two different numbers to be used.
Touch the gate pad # then enter the 3 digit lot number.
Example: #oo1 then answers your phone when it rings and press 9; hold the 9 down for a couple of
Your second number will be a made up lot number: example #096 and #396
The made up lot numbers go up to 500.
They update and enter your numbers on Friday so if you want this done turn your phone and lot
numbers in before Friday.
Again: two numbers per household.
New Business: Ken Banks
Financial Statement – year ends March 31st
This year the GCL board will restrict 20% of the budget in reserve (Ready Reserve)
Water cost was over budget $20,000
The gate expenses are included in maintenance because of the position of the gate. It would be
interesting to see the difference in gate expenses.
Earl said there have been no additional expenses on gate.
Water conservation: Please irrigate early in the morning and late in the evening.
Current Approved Budget – for this year
The Enhancement Banquet: Paying taxes
Non exempt incomes (fundraisers) are taxable
We filed as a Regular Corporation reduced the rate to 15% instead of 30%
Earl explained the average Water bill in the county is $45.00 per month a total of $540.00 per year;
Average trash pickup $30.00 per month a total of $300.00 per year;
Taxes approximately $400.00 per year.
So we are still paying much less by paying our homeowner’s dues than we would if we paid individually.
Pool Business: It has been decided to change the pool over to salt. The salt creates its own chlorine is
June 4, 2011
very safe and is better for your skin and hair. It does not burn your eyes when you open them. The initial
cost will pay for itself in two years when compared to our chemical cost per year. Result we will be
saving a sufficient amount each summer now for chemicals.
Property Taxes:
Jim Godfrey worked very hard to get our property taxes reduced. We appreciate his efforts on this.
Possible well system to eliminate water cost because water is continuing to increase. This system could
cost approximately $75,000.000.It may be something we as homeowners may want to consider in the
near future. The assessment would be about $320.00 per household. Our returns on investing in this
would pay for the well system in two years. (The well water would primarily be used for irrigation and
boat wash downs.)
Janie: Thanked the people who volunteer to help with the vote counts .
She also thanked all homeowners for the efforts and work they do around their homes.
Immediate problem for discussion:
Speed limit: too many are breaking this rule, and the rules of the road must also be followed by golf cart
Stickers required by GCL need to be placed on golf carts/ with lot number and boats and trailers need
the orange and silver GCL identification stickers.
Lot numbers must be placed on meter boxes in your yard.
Everyone needs to clean up after their animals, and supervise and place dogs on leash.
Use of Picnic Shelter requires a $25.00 cash deposit. You will get it back if the shelter and area of use are
properly cleaned.
Please clean trash cans periodically with Clorox to reduce odors on Sundays and Mondays.
Place trash in your cans in plastic bags.
Discussion about 2 Amendments:
Amendment 1:
Amendment 2: Earl stated was not worded correctly. Jim Godfrey stated this amendment is written to
protect the absentee voting. Terry talked about the value of debate and discussion about things like
this in an open forum with homeowner’s before a vote is taken, because people need to be educated
and know others opinions of the proposed amendments. Billy keel stated that everyone’s opinion is
important which the feeling of our board members.
Agenda :
Earl, Timmy and Terry talked about the agenda being important to the fluency of the meetings and the
agenda giving the residents information of what will be discussed at each meeting.
Earl stated he wanted to be very careful to support the rights of the resident’s present at this meeting.
The board had considered pulling Amendment 2 but because it was sent out according to our by-laws
it must be voted on, however it must pass by a 2/3 majority. He also discussed the 3 ways we could
Election of Board of Directors:
Write- INS
Nominated from the floor
May pull ballot back to change vote
John Tew- nominated Van Parrish 2nd by Terry Andrews
Each candidate will speak.
Each candidate did speak
The results of the vote:
Earl Bunting 113 President
James Taylor 114 Vice President
Mary Carlye 87 Secretary
Timmy Rhodes 105
Van Parrish
Dale Best 1
Amendments to Bylaws:
Amendment 1 126- 10 Against Cumulative Passed
Amendment 2 89 -48 For full Membership Voting Failed ( not enough votes to change Bylaws)
Question was ask about the quorums majority?
The board is checking into the correct answer as it affects the votes on the amendments.
Motion to adjourn and a second
Meeting was adjourned
Votes are being counted.
Board will meet briefly after announced to elect officers.

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners’ Association Annual Meeting

Call to Order: Earl Bunting, June 4, 2011 9:30AM

Recognized New Homeowner’s and welcomed them.

Old Business:

Waterfront Enhancement Banquet: improved the playground, new white vinyl fence in shelter area,

palm trees donated and planted. Pool bathroom backdoors are here; will be installed next Thursday.

Pool furniture is ordered and should be in next week. There are still things being worked on. Earl

complimented the volunteer workers on all of their efforts for the year.

Front Gate: James Taylor – gate box has space for 500 numbers; we have unlimited long distance.

Turn in your phone number and lot number. Each home is allowed two different numbers to be used.

Touch the gate pad # then enter the 3 digit lot number.

Example: #oo1 then answers your phone when it rings and press 9; hold the 9 down for a couple of


Your second number will be a made up lot number: example #096 and #396

The made up lot numbers go up to 500.

They update and enter your numbers on Friday so if you want this done turn your phone and lot

numbers in before Friday.

Again: two numbers per household.

New Business: Ken Banks

Financial Statement – year ends March 31st

This year the GCL board will restrict 20% of the budget in reserve (Ready Reserve)

Water cost was over budget $20,000

The gate expenses are included in maintenance because of the position of the gate. It would be

interesting to see the difference in gate expenses.

Earl said there have been no additional expenses on gate.

Water conservation: Please irrigate early in the morning and late in the evening.

Current Approved Budget – for this year

The Enhancement Banquet: Paying taxes

Non exempt incomes (fundraisers) are taxable

We filed as a Regular Corporation reduced the rate to 15% instead of 30%

Earl explained the average Water bill in the county is $45.00 per month a total of $540.00 per year;

Average trash pickup $30.00 per month a total of $300.00 per year;

Taxes approximately $400.00 per year.

So we are still paying much less by paying our homeowner’s dues than we would if we paid individually.

Pool Business: It has been decided to change the pool over to salt. The salt creates its own chlorine is

June 4, 2011

very safe and is better for your skin and hair. It does not burn your eyes when you open them. The initial

cost will pay for itself in two years when compared to our chemical cost per year. Result we will be

saving a sufficient amount each summer now for chemicals.

Property Taxes:

Jim Godfrey worked very hard to get our property taxes reduced. We appreciate his efforts on this.

Possible well system to eliminate water cost because water is continuing to increase. This system could

cost approximately $75,000.000.It may be something we as homeowners may want to consider in the

near future. The assessment would be about $320.00 per household. Our returns on investing in this

would pay for the well system in two years. (The well water would primarily be used for irrigation and

boat wash downs.)

Janie: Thanked the people who volunteer to help with the vote counts .

She also thanked all homeowners for the efforts and work they do around their homes.

Immediate problem for discussion:

Speed limit: too many are breaking this rule, and the rules of the road must also be followed by golf cart


Stickers required by GCL need to be placed on golf carts/ with lot number and boats and trailers need

the orange and silver GCL identification stickers.

Lot numbers must be placed on meter boxes in your yard.

Everyone needs to clean up after their animals, and supervise and place dogs on leash.

Use of Picnic Shelter requires a $25.00 cash deposit. You will get it back if the shelter and area of use are

properly cleaned.

Please clean trash cans periodically with Clorox to reduce odors on Sundays and Mondays.

Place trash in your cans in plastic bags.

Discussion about 2 Amendments:

Amendment 1:

Amendment 2: Earl stated was not worded correctly. Jim Godfrey stated this amendment is written to

protect the absentee voting. Terry talked about the value of debate and discussion about things like

this in an open forum with homeowner’s before a vote is taken, because people need to be educated

and know others opinions of the proposed amendments. Billy keel stated that everyone’s opinion is

important which the feeling of our board members.

Agenda :

Earl, Timmy and Terry talked about the agenda being important to the fluency of the meetings and the

agenda giving the residents information of what will be discussed at each meeting.

Earl stated he wanted to be very careful to support the rights of the resident’s present at this meeting.

The board had considered pulling Amendment 2 but because it was sent out according to our by-laws

it must be voted on, however it must pass by a 2/3 majority. He also discussed the 3 ways we could


Election of Board of Directors:

Write- INS

Nominated from the floor

May pull ballot back to change vote

John Tew- nominated Van Parrish 2nd by Terry Andrews

Each candidate will speak.

Each candidate did speak

The results of the vote:

Earl Bunting 113 President

James Taylor 114 Vice President

Mary Carlye 87 Secretary

Timmy Rhodes 105

Van Parrish


Dale Best 1

Amendments to Bylaws:

Amendment 1 126- 10 Against Cumulative Passed

Amendment 2 89 -48 For full Membership Voting Failed ( not enough votes to change Bylaws)

Question was ask about the quorums majority?

The board is checking into the correct answer as it affects the votes on the amendments.

Motion to adjourn and a second

Meeting was adjourned

Votes are being counted.

Board will meet briefly after announced to elect officers.