March 15, 2014

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
March 15, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on March 15, 2014 Goose Creek Resort meeting room. All board members were present. Three homeowners attended the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Billy Keel at 9:00 am.
The minutes of the February 1, 2014 meeting were read. Once corrections are made the minutes will be sent to all board members for review and approval before being posted on the website and bulletin board.

Neglected properties
Billy decided against sending the letter he had drafted to the homeowners who are not keeping their properties within the guidelines set forth in the rules of the community. He did make a phone call to each homeowner. They were responsive and appreciative of his call. One agreed to clean up the debris and stored garbage. The other agreed to resolve the issue of a boat that is on a rusted trailer with flat tires and no tags. Billy will follow up to assure that this is done timely. The homeowner with a second storage building continues to indicate that he is working toward moving the older of the two buildings. Billy will follow up with him as well.

Park Signage
All agree that the new street signs are a great improvement. Only four more remain to be installed. This will be done within the next 2 weeks.

Pool/Playground Lighting
As requested at the 2/1/14 meeting, at the end of February via email Jimmy B. shared information he obtained from Pitt Electric regarding lighting in the pool/playground area. The proposal was for 2 €“ 84 watt LED flood lights with a photocell to be mounted on a 25€™ pressure treated pole in the area between the play structure and the pool. The cost was $2775.00 for the lighting. To upgrade to an aluminum pole would be an additional charge of $1300. Adding two receptacles at the picnic shelter and replacing a broken duplex switch can be done for $350.00. There was much discussion about the cost and the type of lighting we would be getting with this proposal. Rather than have flood lighting, Terry made a recommendation for low voltage lighting around the playground structures, use of some low wattage lamp post and motion sensors in the pool area. The wiring for the motion sensors is already in place and the cost for the fixtures would be minimal, around $100 each. In regard to the playground Terry suggested low voltage lighting on the structure itself to light the roof and walkways. The perimeter of the playground could be light with cast aluminum lamp post which can be purchased wholesale for about $100 each. Pictures of the lamp post and motion fixtures were included with the email. Terry suggested that we meet at the pool area to discuss other options before making any decisions. Mary Ann suggested that prior to the March board meeting we get another price for the same plan as proposed by Pitt Electric as a comparison. Mary Ann offered that that the discussion by email was too involved and ineffective. She requested that further discussion be held until the March meeting. All members agreed.

At the meeting Jimmy Broughton provided the board members with a proposal from Lawrence Electric. The cost for two – 101 watt LED lights on a 20 ft pole was $5625. Jimmy had a sketch of the pool/playground area which indicated where Mr. Benson of Pitt Electric indicated that the pole and lighting be placed between the climbing structure and the pool. Jimmy reported that the lights would have blinders that would direct the light onto the pool and playground area without broadcasting it widely over the area. Mary Ann indicated that she has two similar lights mounted on poles 150 ft from her house and that they light the entire front yard. She asked about going to visit a location at night where Mr. Benson has installed this kind of lighting. Some of the other members thought this was a good idea. Jimmy B. said he did not think that was necessary and said he would not contact Mr. Benson about it. Terry briefly reviewed the ideas he had previously submitted my email but did not make a full presentation. There was some debate about photocell vs motion sensor. Jimmy B. reports that the installer of the camera system is adamant that it will not function properly if the lighting is by a light on a motion sensor. It was pointed out that for a second or two the picture may be blurry as the light floods the area but it would quickly adjust to the lighting. Another point was made that a bright light popping on would be a deterrent in itself. Linda Sanders requested that the board allow the motion lights to be installed and said that she would pay for them if they did not provide sufficient light. Jimmy made a motion that we accept the proposal by Pitt Electric for the flood lights to be installed on a wooden pole. Vann seconded the motion and Billy called for the vote. Jimmy, Van and Hugh voted to approve the plan. James, Terry and Mary Ann voted against the plan. Billy, as chairman broke the tie by voting in favor.

The permits required for the rehabilitation of the mailboxes has been obtained. Materials have been ordered and work should begin within the next 6 weeks. There may be a need for some lighting in the area after the shelter is built. The need will be accessed after the construction is completed.

ETA: 02/09/2014
The schematics for the roof structure and metal enclosed mailboxes were presented to the board members via email. The cost is not expected to exceed $3000. This was reviewed by all board members and approved unanimously.

Pool House Reno
Terry reported that a little metal work needs to be redone because the finish is shipped. The cupola will have up-lighting and will be added to the building within 2 weeks. He indicates that the renovation will be finished with about another ½ day of work. The projected cost of painting the pool house as needed is $600 for supplies with the painting done by volunteer labor. Van Parrish wanted to go on the record with the fact that he thinks it will cost $4-6,000.00 every 4-5 years to maintain the painted pool house if volunteer labor is unavailable. After some discussion the board agreed that we are taking on a maintenance expense of approximately $3500-4,000 every 5 years if volunteer labor is not available.


Failure to pay Dues
One homeowner who has failed to pay the January installment for dues was advised via a letter from HOA attorney to appear before the board at this meeting. The homeowner failed to attend this meeting. Based on this homeowners prior history the board decided to take immediate action to cut off the water supply to the home and secure the box to prevent the homeowners access. It was also decided to secure the box to the neighboring vacant lot because the delinquent homeowner has tapped into this box in the past. Permission of the owner of the vacant lot was obtained.

Construction Permits
The Goose Creek HOA is in receipt of a letter from the Carteret County Department of Planning and Development. The letter indicates that numerous violations have been found within the park. The letter points out that ANY work done on a lot requires at least a zoning permit and in most cases, a building permit as well. Any lean-to built onto an outbuilding requires a permit because it is considered to have €œfloor area€ even if the floor is dirt. The letter states that any fines that are assessed for such violations will be issued to the HOA rather than the homeowner, whom they consider tenants. The requirement for permits will be addressed at the June Board meeting. Since we are homeowners rather than tenants, the board is not certain if the county can assess the HOA. This will require further investigation and possibly a conversation with the HOA attorney.

There is a pothole in the roadway just inside the entrance to the left at the end of the median. This one has been patched previously. The board asked Janie to contact Onslow Paving to get a price for repairing this pothole. There is section about ½ down on Goose Creek Blvd. that has alligator cracking. A homeowner has indicated that he will take care of this himself.

General Discussion
The boat ramp has been adjusted to better light the ramp area.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 am.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval