June 4, 2016 Annual HOA Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting
June 4, 2016

The annual meeting of the Goose Creek Landing Homeowners association was held on June 6, 2015 in the cafeteria of White Oak Elementary School all board members were present. Copies of the Goose Creek directory were available to the homeowners and homeowners were asked to provide any updates to Jamie Bushkar. With approximately 40 homeowners in attendance, the meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by president, Earl Bunting.

Upon opening the meeting Earl announced that our CPA, Ken Banks would not be able to attend the meeting to due to having a heart attack on June 5th.  Due to this unfortunate event, the usual financial statements were not available for review at this meeting.  Earl then asked that all new homeowners introduce themselves.  Ricky Rhodes of Lot#   was the only new homeowner to attend the meeting.

Election of Board of Directors

Earl opened the floor for nominations. None were made and Terry Andrews made a motion that nominations be closed. The motion was seconded and the nominations were closed. Because there were only three candidates running for the three open positions, according to Robert’s Rules of Order they could be elected by acclamation. Jimmy Broughton made a motion that they be elected by acclamation and the motion was seconded by Terry Andrews. All in attendance were in favor. As the only new board member, Don Gray was given the opportunity to address the attendees. The incumbent board members are Louis Clark and Don Mitchell.  The returning board members are Terry Andrews, Hugh Kennedy, James Godfrey and Mary Ann Everett.

Review of Budget

During the prior year we have stayed within budget and there is no need to increase home-owner€™s dues. Our 20% fund balance remains intact. The 2016-2017budget is not available for review due to Mr. Banks illness. The board will make a plan for presenting the budget to the homeowners.  Mailboxes would have been $22,000 if we had to pay for them but fortunately they were provided for free by the US Postal Service all other enhancements were split between General funds and enhancement funds. We have increased the overall budget from $355,000 to $358,000. We anticipate a slight increase in the cost of waste disposal and anticipate that some dredging may be necessary in the near future.

Remarks from managing agent

Janie opened by commending everyone on the excellent manner in which we are maintaining our properties.  She thanked everyone who has taken time to send her a note or give her a call to congratulate her on her retirement. She thanked those who have helped her meet her obligations at the annual meeting, helped with the computer and helped with our directories.

She reviewed the usual and customary problems we have with speeding, underage drivers on golf carts and reminded homeowners that we are responsible for the actions of our guests. All boat trailers, jet ski trailers and golf carts are supposed to have Goose Creek Landing stickers on them. Please see Phyllis to get those if you do not have them. Your lot number is supposed to be on your meter box and your golf cart.  All trash should be bagged and you should only place household garbage in your trash bin. Lawn chairs, furniture and vegetative debris will not be collected.  Failure to clean up behind pets is an ongoing problem. A $30 deposit is required to use the picnic shelter. The $30 is refunded if the area is cleaned and left as it was found.  The trash cans should be pulled out and fans turned off.  If the shelter is used after 8 p.m. the toilets in the restroom on the back should be flushed and all water turned off.

She thanked the Board and the homeowners for making Goose Creek Landing the best place to live on the coast.  She added that retiring is bittersweet and it has been a pleasure to be the GCL manager.

Earl took the floor to express the board’s appreciation for her service. As a token of our appreciation for her 17 years of service the board is paying her dues that would be due in January 2017.

Earl then discussed our efforts to develop a job description, the advertising and interview process and our decision to hire Phyllis Pennington as our new manager. He then introduced Phyllis and then she addressed the attendees.


Terry Andrews reviewed the enhancements that have been completed. He thanked everyone who helped with the replacement of the mailboxes and building the shelter, particularly Ricky Rhodes who provided some of his crew for the labor force.

The dividing wall at the waterfront has been painted.

Gravel has been brought into the waterfront area and graded into the path and cart parking area.

The post and rope fencing has been an ongoing maintenance issue for years. A plan has been approved for a decorative, masonry, two-sided wall to be constructed in it’s place. The wall will be approximately 20 inches high. There will be columns and curbing in front of the pool with some type of center feature. The plan is to have this wall completed before the banquet in September

A request has been made that some type of curtain be placed on the picnic shelter to provide protection in the winter. The options for this are being explored in hopes of finding a cost effective solution.


The Gate

A new gate has been installed. All motor boxes were replaced. It is important that you let the arm raise up completely before proceeding through.  The scanning mechanism was not replaced. If I contractor who is working for you at your home breaks the gate, you are responsible for the damages. You will need to address it with the contractor.

Lawn Maintenance

A RFP was out 4 are lawn maintenance and the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, Wood€™s Lawn & Landscaping. They are doing a great job cutting it once a week and at the manager’s discretion for $175 a week.

Enhancement Banquet

The banquet will be held on Labor Day weekend, Saturday, September 3rd. Don Mitchell will be the chairman of this year.

Don Mitchell asked for input homeowners regarding what activities they would like to have for children at the banquet. He hopes to have more interaction among the attendees rather than them just coming to eat and leave. His number is 919-920-6411. He welcomes input from the homeowners.

Accessory Building Change

Homeowners are now allowed to have an accessory building up to 360 sq ft with no more than 250 sq ft for shelter. It may not be attached to the home. This change has been conveyed to the homeowners via a notice that was included with the invoice for dues and will be posted on the website.

Architectural Committee

An Architectural Committee made up of the board president, the manager, and two members at large has been formed to review all major construction.  Minor building will still be reviewed by the president and the manager.

General discussion 

There was general discussion regarding the difficulty of seeing Red Barn Rd when approaching from the east.  Several ideas were discussed including contacting the resort side about putting LED lights on the billboard or putting up our own sign at the intersection.

The meeting adjourned at 11:15 am