Aug 16, 2014 BOD Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
August 16, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on August 16, 2014 at the picnic shelter at Goose Creek Landing.   All board members were present.   The meeting was called to order by President, Earl Bunting at 9:00 am.


Water meter
The water meter at the waterfront has been run over and pressed down.  The 3″ pipe was broken and has since been repaired.  As a cost saving measure it was decided to erect two posts with a piece of lattice in between them to designate the area of the water meter rather than replacing the meter box with a traffic bearing box.

Pool maintenance
A recent incident at the pool brought up concerns about having an alternate person available to open, close and service the pool should Mr. Davis become unavailable.  Two candidates have been mentioned and the possibilities will be explored over the winter.

 Fill for Waterfront
Lynn Everett has recently cut out a driveway/parking area for homeowner, Danny Casey.  The excess dirt was relocated and spread in some lows areas across the waterfront.  A motion was made by Van and seconded by Terry to get enough topsoil to fill in the low spots over the waterfront area.  All board members voted in favor of this motion. 

 By-Law Amendment
Terry Andrews reminded the board members of the email that he has sent to everyone which included an amendment of the by-laws to be considered and perfected by the board over the next few meeting for presentation and consideration of the homeowners in June 2015.

 Delinquent Dues
Dues have been paid by all but one homeowner.  The matter will be turned over to our attorney to be handled by the usual procedure.

Barrier at waterfront
As discussion was started about the possibility of erection some type of barrier atop of the concrete wall that separates our property from that of Goose Creek Resort.  No decision was made.


I gave a brief overview of quotes for the asphalt repair that have been obtained.  The quotes do not cover the same scope of work and only one actually quotes the work as it should be done to hold up long term under boat traffic.   More quotes for the same scope of work will be obtained with a plan of having the project completed in the spring.

We have a permit in hand for the modifications to the mailboxes.  The previous plan was further discussed.  Getting this project completed will be priority before any other projects are considered. 

The fact the cupola was a part of the original design for the pool house was discussed.  I made a motion that the cupola be placed on the pool house as originally proposed after the mailboxes have been renovated.  The motion was seconded by Van Parrish.  All board members voted in favor of the motion. 

Pool House
It was agreed that nothing will be done with the pool house until the season is over.  It was also agreed that an inspection will be done to determine if there is a water problem with the building or drainage problem around the building.  If either is found, it will need to be addressed regardless of any action taken toward painting the pool house.    There are also some plumbing and electrical upgrades that need to be done in the pool house over the winter. 

Foreclosed Property
Most of the board members were under the impression that a lien had been filled several years ago.  Janie informed us differently.  She was instructed to proceed with filing the lien as soon as possible. 

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 am. 

________________________________                               ____________________________

Mary Ann Everett                                                                                      Date of Approval
