10-9-2021 GCL Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes

Enhancement Committee Meeting Minutes 10-9-2021

In attendance: Cindy Long, Nancy Marlette, Melody Thorpe, Phyllis Pennington, Teresa Dubil, Louis and Susan Clark, Mike Truelove, Wood Woodard and Mary B. Carlyle

Meeting was called to order by Teresa (Chair)

Nancy Marlette (Treasurer) reviewed the Enhancement Committee Financials.

Teresa opened a discussion and review of the 2021 Enhancement Banquet. Overall most of the feedback we received was very positive. The food was excellent and everyone that participated enjoyed themselves. Teresa mentioned we sold over 100 plates in the 24 hours prior to the banquet. Teresa noted that Fat Fellows, which catered the banquet, mentioned if we wanted them to cater the banquet in 2022 we need to let him know so he would reserve a place on his calendar for us.

Cindy Long made a motion to book Fat Fellow for the 2022 Enhancement Banquet. Lewis Clark second the motion and the motion was unanimously agreed upon by those in attendance.

Teresa reviewed enhancement suggestions that she received the day of the banquet from participants. One of the suggestions was to purchase a movie screen and have family friendly movie nights in the summer. The committee thought this was a good idea. The movie screen will be available for residence to use for private parties at the waterfront with the shelter reservation. Teresa and Mary Bryan will review all viable options and decide on the best option. Lewis made the motion to purchase the movie screen at a cost of up to $600 using Enhancement Funds. Teresa second the motion.

Cindy Long suggested and provided a project form to enclose the porta-john at the waterfront with wood or PVC white fencing. An option to totally remove was also discussed. After discussion the committee decided removing would not be a popular option but we needed more information on the cost to enclose. Teresa and Cindy and will work on getting quotes.

Lewis presented a project form to pull up and replace the existing boardwalk beside the boat launch. He presented the committee with two quotes. Jackson Contractors quoted $13,500. Chopper Dubil quoted $12,000. The committee agreed that the current boardwalk needs to be replace. It is a safety hazard. The committee decided more information was needed such as an itemized quote before voting to fund this project. Committee members also discussed removing the boardwalk with volunteers to see if the cost could be reduced.

Lewis also presented a project form to purchase and install a kayak launch. The price presented by Lewis was $2,000 for one. The committee discussed and decided to precede with this project using enhancement money. Mary Bryan suggested at that cost we should considered purchasing two. She made a motion to present the project to the Board for approval of two kayak launches as long as the cost does not exceed $4,200 for two. Teresa second the motion and Mike Truelove will present the project to the Board for final approval.

Meeting was adjourned.

Meeting Minutes prepared by Cindy Long

9-21-21 GCL BOD Meeting Minutes

Saturday, September 18, 2021
The GCL BOD Mtg. was called to order by President Louis Clark. Members present were: Don Mitchell, Hugh Kennedy, Earl Bunting, Mike Truelove, Don Gray (by phone), Diana Tyndall, Phylliss Pennigton (Park Manager).

The first item on the agenda was the pool resurfacing scheduled for 11-1-21. The original proposal was for $21,000 and due to increases in materials the cost is now $23,000. A motion was made, seconded and passed with no one opposed to accept the new figure.

There is some concern about “motorized bicycles†being allowed in the park. It has been questioned if they fall under the present rules because they are not “specifically†listed in the rule as a “motorized bicycleâ€. A motion was made, seconded and passed with no one opposing to add “motorized bicycles†to the list.

Water drainage at the waterfront was discussed and it was decided to get Kyle Corbett and Don Mitchell come and speak with the homeowners involved. It was also reported the repaired area needs sodding and leveling to assist with better drainage and a second pipe was also discussed.

Mike Lancaster spoke on the water drainage behind homeowners lots. The problem seems to be in the easement. Lancaster quoted $3,500 to do the work needed which involved mats for drainage. There was some discussion on “where†the water will go. Lancaster will “shoot’ (a surveying term) the areas in question to see how the water will run. It was also brought up about how the water would run on the right of way on Goose Creek Blvd. A resident expressed a concern about the water coming in his yard after the correction. It was suggested we try to correct the water in the easement first and if the water problem running into the residents yard continues we would address it then. A motion was made, seconded, and passed with no one opposed that the work does not exceed $5,000 and it would begin in mid-October.

The meeting was adjourned and the board went into closed session.

Diana Tyndall

8-7-21 GCL BOD Meeting Minutes

August 7, 2021
The GCL BOD Mtg. was called to order by Pres. Louis Clark. First on the agenda was the “Golf cart age Minimum”. A motion was made and seconded that golf carts and vehicles may be driven by licensed 16 yr. olds. Teenagers with a permit are allowed to drive only if a licensed adult or guardian is in the front seat. A non-licensed individual 21 or older will be allowed to drive a golf cart.

A Discussion was had about parking golf carts in the easement. A motion was made and seconded and passed to remove the word “golf cart” from the easement rule.

The water drainage in the pool area and the 4 waterfront homes was discovered not to be working well especially with the excessive amounts of rain we have had. Don Mitchell will be conferring with Kyle Corbett to come up with a plan for improvement.

The new guidelines for the Enhancement Com. were presented to the board for their approval. A motion was made and seconded to remove the part about a committee member being required to purchase at least 1 $60 ticket for the banquet.

Phyllis Pennington, Park Manager presented options from the Bluewater Pool Co. shared with her for the upkeep of the pool in the “off season”. A motion was made and seconded to go with leaving the pool “uncovered” and the water “kept moving”. This process would not cost any more than covering the pool and “winterizing” and treatment to “unwinterize†for the spring opening plus the fact that the cover will need to be replaced.

It was also noted the boat ramp (one side) needs repair and an estimate for $2000 has been received. This would require the one side being closed for 1 week. And the repair will be done after Labor Day. A motion was made and seconded to have the boat ramp repaired not to exceed $5000.

It was noted that house #’s NEED to be SEEN from the street and should be located on the house where they would not be blocked from view especially for emergency purposes.

The meeting was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall

7-24-2021 GCL Enhancement Meeting Minutes


1) Mary Bryan refurbished the Basketball Court and painted lines for basketball, pickle ball and cornhole. Installed lights to accent the court.
a) NO Golfcarts, Skateboards, Bicycles on Basketball Court

2) Woody Woodard and Mary Bryan will monitor condition of Flags at Waterfront, replace as needed, and take down when weather conditions dictate.

3) The Committee voted and decided to have the Banquet catered by Fat Fellas BBQ and Grill
a) Service will begin at 5pm, Sunday Sept. 5
b) Food ticket price is $60 which automatically includes you in the Reverse Drawing
and allows the purchaser to buy additional adult plate dinners for $20 each and
additional child plates for $10 each
c) Sponsor Tickets are $200/each which includes Sponsor in the Reverse Drawing
and includes 2 Adult plates
d) The Reverse Drawing will begin promptly at 7pm
e) Tickets can be purchased from Committee Members or see Nancy Marlette

4) Earl Bunting will be supplying the tents

5) The following EVENT TEAMS have been established with a Captain. Events will be taking place throughout the day and Evening of the Banquet:
FOOD SERVICE TEAM (coordinating with Fat Fellas/taking tickets)- CYNTHIA GRAY
We ask that Homeowners begin to think about how they may want to participate in this MOST APPECIATED TRADITION started by Terry Andrews. Please contact the Event Team Captain if you would like to help out/contribute to any Event.

The next Committee Meeting will be at 9am, Saturday 08/21 at Waterfront Shelter

Teresa Dubil- Chair
Nancy Marlette- Treasurer
Cynthia Gray- Secretary

June 5, 2021 GCL BOD Meeting Minutes

June 5, 2021 GCL BOD Meeting
Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting June 5,2021

The meeting of the GCL BOD for the 2021-2023 term was called to order by Louis Clark, President. The newly elected Board members for the 2021-2023 term are: Hugh Kennedy, Earl Bunting, Mike Truelove, and Diana Tyndall.

A motion to unanimously accept Louis Clark as President and Earl Bunting as Vice President was made, seconded and passed with all board members in favor. Diana Tyndall volunteered to be Secretary.

Other members present were: Don Mitchell, Don Gray, Hugh Kennedy, Mike Truelove and Phyllis Pennington (Park Manager).

There was discussion about the minimum age for driving a golf cart brought about by a recent complaint. Phyllis will check with our insurance company to see if there are any restrictions.

In light of a residents complaint of golf cart parking in the easement; the question was asked: Do we want to change the rule? A motion was made by Hugh Kennedy : “That golf carts can be parked behind barns temporarily for a maximum of 48 hours.†The motion was not carried.

The subject of a food truck being allowed to come in the park was brought up and Louis said that was already being looked into.

Don Mitchell expressed his concern that any projects that the Enhancement Committee wants to undertake needs to be approved by the BOD first. Mike Truelove volunteered to be a liaison for the board with the Enhancement committee. Earl Bunting made a motion to accept Mike Truelove as our liaison and the motion was seconded by Louis Clark.

With no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall Secretary

January 11, 2021 — BOD Meeting Minutes

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Action
January 11, 2021

The Rules and Regulations dated January 2020 state that the maximum size for a storage building is 360 sf and the building may have a maximum of 250 sf of shelter. At the board meeting held on 10/31/2020, the board voted to reduce the maximum size of storage buildings to 200 sf with a maximum of 160 sf of shelter on the building.

Taking the input of homeowners into consideration, this issue came back before the board for further consideration. After discussion via email, Don Mitchell made a motion to amend the rule to allow the total covered area, including building and shelter, not to exceed 360 sq ft. The homeowner may use the square footage as they wish. Earl Bunting seconded the motion. The motion passed with Don Mitchell, Don Gray, Earl and Woody Woodard voting in favor. Mary Ann Everett and Hugh Kennedy voted against the motion.

________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett – Secretary Date of Approval

June 2, 2020 — BOD Meeting Minutes

Goose Creek Landing Inc Board of Directors Meeting – Conference Call – 02 June 2020