June 5, 2021 GCL BOD Meeting Minutes

June 5, 2021 GCL BOD Meeting
Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association Board of Directors Meeting June 5,2021

The meeting of the GCL BOD for the 2021-2023 term was called to order by Louis Clark, President. The newly elected Board members for the 2021-2023 term are: Hugh Kennedy, Earl Bunting, Mike Truelove, and Diana Tyndall.

A motion to unanimously accept Louis Clark as President and Earl Bunting as Vice President was made, seconded and passed with all board members in favor. Diana Tyndall volunteered to be Secretary.

Other members present were: Don Mitchell, Don Gray, Hugh Kennedy, Mike Truelove and Phyllis Pennington (Park Manager).

There was discussion about the minimum age for driving a golf cart brought about by a recent complaint. Phyllis will check with our insurance company to see if there are any restrictions.

In light of a residents complaint of golf cart parking in the easement; the question was asked: Do we want to change the rule? A motion was made by Hugh Kennedy : “That golf carts can be parked behind barns temporarily for a maximum of 48 hours.†The motion was not carried.

The subject of a food truck being allowed to come in the park was brought up and Louis said that was already being looked into.

Don Mitchell expressed his concern that any projects that the Enhancement Committee wants to undertake needs to be approved by the BOD first. Mike Truelove volunteered to be a liaison for the board with the Enhancement committee. Earl Bunting made a motion to accept Mike Truelove as our liaison and the motion was seconded by Louis Clark.

With no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Diana Tyndall Secretary