June 4, 2016 Annual HOA Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Annual Meeting
June 4, 2016

The annual meeting of the Goose Creek Landing Homeowners association was held on June 6, 2015 in the cafeteria of White Oak Elementary School all board members were present. Copies of the Goose Creek directory were available to the homeowners and homeowners were asked to provide any updates to Jamie Bushkar. With approximately 40 homeowners in attendance, the meeting was called to order at 9 a.m. by president, Earl Bunting.

Upon opening the meeting Earl announced that our CPA, Ken Banks would not be able to attend the meeting to due to having a heart attack on June 5th.  Due to this unfortunate event, the usual financial statements were not available for review at this meeting.  Earl then asked that all new homeowners introduce themselves.  Ricky Rhodes of Lot#   was the only new homeowner to attend the meeting.

Election of Board of Directors

Earl opened the floor for nominations. None were made and Terry Andrews made a motion that nominations be closed. The motion was seconded and the nominations were closed. Because there were only three candidates running for the three open positions, according to Robert’s Rules of Order they could be elected by acclamation. Jimmy Broughton made a motion that they be elected by acclamation and the motion was seconded by Terry Andrews. All in attendance were in favor. As the only new board member, Don Gray was given the opportunity to address the attendees. The incumbent board members are Louis Clark and Don Mitchell.  The returning board members are Terry Andrews, Hugh Kennedy, James Godfrey and Mary Ann Everett.

Review of Budget

During the prior year we have stayed within budget and there is no need to increase home-owner€™s dues. Our 20% fund balance remains intact. The 2016-2017budget is not available for review due to Mr. Banks illness. The board will make a plan for presenting the budget to the homeowners.  Mailboxes would have been $22,000 if we had to pay for them but fortunately they were provided for free by the US Postal Service all other enhancements were split between General funds and enhancement funds. We have increased the overall budget from $355,000 to $358,000. We anticipate a slight increase in the cost of waste disposal and anticipate that some dredging may be necessary in the near future.

Remarks from managing agent

Janie opened by commending everyone on the excellent manner in which we are maintaining our properties.  She thanked everyone who has taken time to send her a note or give her a call to congratulate her on her retirement. She thanked those who have helped her meet her obligations at the annual meeting, helped with the computer and helped with our directories.

She reviewed the usual and customary problems we have with speeding, underage drivers on golf carts and reminded homeowners that we are responsible for the actions of our guests. All boat trailers, jet ski trailers and golf carts are supposed to have Goose Creek Landing stickers on them. Please see Phyllis to get those if you do not have them. Your lot number is supposed to be on your meter box and your golf cart.  All trash should be bagged and you should only place household garbage in your trash bin. Lawn chairs, furniture and vegetative debris will not be collected.  Failure to clean up behind pets is an ongoing problem. A $30 deposit is required to use the picnic shelter. The $30 is refunded if the area is cleaned and left as it was found.  The trash cans should be pulled out and fans turned off.  If the shelter is used after 8 p.m. the toilets in the restroom on the back should be flushed and all water turned off.

She thanked the Board and the homeowners for making Goose Creek Landing the best place to live on the coast.  She added that retiring is bittersweet and it has been a pleasure to be the GCL manager.

Earl took the floor to express the board’s appreciation for her service. As a token of our appreciation for her 17 years of service the board is paying her dues that would be due in January 2017.

Earl then discussed our efforts to develop a job description, the advertising and interview process and our decision to hire Phyllis Pennington as our new manager. He then introduced Phyllis and then she addressed the attendees.


Terry Andrews reviewed the enhancements that have been completed. He thanked everyone who helped with the replacement of the mailboxes and building the shelter, particularly Ricky Rhodes who provided some of his crew for the labor force.

The dividing wall at the waterfront has been painted.

Gravel has been brought into the waterfront area and graded into the path and cart parking area.

The post and rope fencing has been an ongoing maintenance issue for years. A plan has been approved for a decorative, masonry, two-sided wall to be constructed in it’s place. The wall will be approximately 20 inches high. There will be columns and curbing in front of the pool with some type of center feature. The plan is to have this wall completed before the banquet in September

A request has been made that some type of curtain be placed on the picnic shelter to provide protection in the winter. The options for this are being explored in hopes of finding a cost effective solution.


The Gate

A new gate has been installed. All motor boxes were replaced. It is important that you let the arm raise up completely before proceeding through.  The scanning mechanism was not replaced. If I contractor who is working for you at your home breaks the gate, you are responsible for the damages. You will need to address it with the contractor.

Lawn Maintenance

A RFP was out 4 are lawn maintenance and the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder, Wood€™s Lawn & Landscaping. They are doing a great job cutting it once a week and at the manager’s discretion for $175 a week.

Enhancement Banquet

The banquet will be held on Labor Day weekend, Saturday, September 3rd. Don Mitchell will be the chairman of this year.

Don Mitchell asked for input homeowners regarding what activities they would like to have for children at the banquet. He hopes to have more interaction among the attendees rather than them just coming to eat and leave. His number is 919-920-6411. He welcomes input from the homeowners.

Accessory Building Change

Homeowners are now allowed to have an accessory building up to 360 sq ft with no more than 250 sq ft for shelter. It may not be attached to the home. This change has been conveyed to the homeowners via a notice that was included with the invoice for dues and will be posted on the website.

Architectural Committee

An Architectural Committee made up of the board president, the manager, and two members at large has been formed to review all major construction.  Minor building will still be reviewed by the president and the manager.

General discussion 

There was general discussion regarding the difficulty of seeing Red Barn Rd when approaching from the east.  Several ideas were discussed including contacting the resort side about putting LED lights on the billboard or putting up our own sign at the intersection.

The meeting adjourned at 11:15 am

June 6, 2015 Annual HOA Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Annual Home Owners Meeting
June 6, 2015

The Annual meeting of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on June 6, 2015 in the cafeteria of White Oak Elementary School.   All board members were present.   Approximately homeowners were in attendance.   The meeting was called to order by President, Earl Bunting at 9:00 am.

Earl opened the meeting by welcoming all new home owners and asking them to introduce themselves.

The first order of business was to select the Board of Directors. Earl opened the floor and asked that nominations be made by a show of hands.  No nominations were made and Earl asked for a motion to close the nominations.  That motion was made by Louis Clark and seconded by Don Mitchell.  Each candidate was given 2 minutes to speak to the attendees.  Those who spoke were James Godfrey, Hugh Kennedy, Mary Ann Everett, Mike Beach, Terry Andrews, and James Taylor.  After each candidate spoke those who had not voted were given a few minutes to do so before the voting was declared closed and the counting began.

Ken Banks, CPA provided a handout of the Budget, Financial Position, and Revenue and Expenditures.  He reviewed each of these financial statements.  The document is available with the original of the minutes.  Mr. Banks encourages residents to be conservative so that we can avoid an increase in dues for as long as possible.  He answered questions from homeowners and provided his email address so that homeowners can easily contact him during the year if they would like.  His email address is [email protected]

Janie Bushkar, managing agent, spoke the attendees.  She commended everyone one keeping their homes looking nice and taking an interest in our community. She thanked the people who send her notes and comments that let her know that she and Gene are appreciated.    She reminded everyone of our rules that continue to be broken on a regular basis.

1)       Speeding ‘ speed limit throughout the community is 15 mph
2)      Failure to stop at stop signs.  All vehicles, including golf carts, must stop at stop signs
3)      Unlicensed drivers driving golf carts.  Sometimes an adult is even with them.
4)      Stickers should be on the left side of your boat windshield, trailer and golf cart.
5)      Trash should be bagged and the cans should be kept clean.
6)      Cans are for household garbage only. Debris, lawn chairs and furniture should be taken to disposal site.
7)      Meter bases should have your Lot # on it.
8)      Inform Janie if your primary contact phone # has changed.
9)      Do not let your dog run loose.  If it is off your lot it must be on a leash.
10)  Clean up behind your dog.  The chain link fence is not the latrine.  Do not take your dog there to do the bathroom and not clean up behind it.
11)  Do not cut across anyone™s yard on your golf cart.
12)  You must pay $30 to reserve the picnic shelter.  It is not considered reserved until the deposit is paid.  The deposit is returned after the event.
13)   Be considerate.  Turn the music on the golf cart so that it does not vibrate inside someone™s home.
14)  When leaving the pool at the end of the day put the umbrellas down.
15)  Homeowners are responsible for the actions of their guest.

Review of past year’s projects
Concrete under the picnic shelter was demolished and re-poured.  This was made necessary because the concrete had deteriorated to the point of being a hazard and the repair had been mandated by the HOA general liability insurance carrier.  Prices were obtained from several

Aluminum ladders were placed at the seawall into the jet ski area, at the pier on the left into the jet ski area and on the end of the pier for loading and unloading your boat.

The pool deck has been resurfaced with Cool Coat.  The inside of the pool was blasted.  Missing tiles were replaced.  The tile was re-grouted and the numbers repainted.  The pool house has been painted.  White shutters have been added over the vents.  Earl informed everyone on the measures that were taken to address any moisture problem that may have existed prior to the pool house being painted.  Gutters have been added to the building.  It has been sealed at the base and the block were sealed on the inside and on the outside.  For over a month Earl has been checking the moisture reading with different meters several times a week. To paint the building it could not have moisture more than 16%.   Whether tested in the joint or on the block the most he ever got was 12%.  The reading was usually 9-10%.

Mary Ann explained the process that was undertaken to put together a bid package to get competitive pricing.  Prices were obtained from three different contractors.  The job was awarded to Onslow Grading & Paving and is in process now.

The postal service has informed us that our boxes are insufficient and must be replaced.  We found the cost of replacement boxes to be $22,000.  Upon further investigation, it was determined that the boxes actually belong to the postal service and it is up to them to replace them then began the arduous process of ordering and obtaining the boxes. We will install the boxes under the supervision of the postal supervisor. The boxes will be front opening.  They will be grouped closer together and a shelter will be built to cover them.  Some of the materials have been ordered.  We are ready. 


Enhancement Committee

Terry Andrews presented a plan to eliminate the post and rope dividers that are found at the waterfront.  The proposal is for an 18-21 stone wall in essentially the same areas where we have the post and rope now with the openings in the same place. May add some columns and curbs and increase the vehicle parking at the pool.  The work can all be done by volunteer forces and can be completed for the cost of less than one enhancement banquet. At this time this is the only project planned for the waterfront.  There was some discussion about the use of volunteers and the desire to have some of the younger members of the community offer to help when there is a project to be completed.    

Zoning and Set Backs

As a result of homeowners not obtaining permits and following the ordinances of Carteret County and the hefty fines that have been assessed, Earl and Janie have been involved in lengthy discussions with the planning and zoning director about our zoning and setbacks.  We are zoned as “non-conforming” which means anything that is destroyed can be rebuilt in it’s original footprint but any new construction must be within the flowing setbacks.  On the side ‘ 10™, On the front – 40™ from the center of the right of way (road) to the foremost structure built on the lot. On the back ‘ 5™.  If you add onto the home, even if it just touches the mobile home, it must be 15™ off the back line.  This applies to what we call the singlewide lots.  Other lots will need to clarify the specifics of the setbacks with the county. The required permits from zoning, build environmental departments must be presented to the managing agent before construction begins. Construction must be completed as approved by the inspectors.  

Enhancement Banquet

The banquet will be held on Labor Day weekend.  We need to continue to spend some of the money to avoid paying taxes on it.  The banquet cleared over $16,000 last year.  The committee is considering extending the waterfront boardwalk and expanding the sun bathing area.  LED lighting has been added underneath the picnic shelter.  Plans are to add some under the gazebo.   


A homeowner brought up her concern about the difficulty of accessing Hwy 24 from Red Barn Rd.  She questioned the possibility of petitioning to have a red light installed.  Earl explained that the management of the campground had done that in the past a traffic study had been done.  He had been informed that the installation of traffic lights is not based on the amount of traffic but rather the number of accidents that occur over a given period of time.  Earl said he would speak with the county manager and we can also take with the campground again.

A homeowner brought up his concern about the ongoing drainage problem.  He would like to see it addressed as a Goose Creek problem.  Earl reported the he has had a well respected engineer assess the situation.  The engineer said there is nowhere to drain our run off.  We would have to build a retention pond but we have no idea where our water lines are.  They would not know where to begin digging. 

Our next meeting will be held on March 21, 2015 @ 9 am. 

The meeting adjourned at 12:40 am. 

________________________________                               ____________________________

Mary Ann Everett – Secretary                                                            Date of Approval

JAN 31, 2015 BOD Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
January 31, 2015
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on January 31, 2015 at the meeting room of at Goose Creek Resort. All board members were present. Two homeowners attended the meeting which was called to order by Association President, Earl Bunting at 9:00.
The amended minutes of the August 16, 2014 meeting were read and approved. The minutes of the October 25, 2014 were approved pending the correction of the lot of the foreclosed property. After that correction is made both be submitted to Janie for posting on the website and the bulletin board.
I reviewed the progress I have made in obtaining quotes for the patch work that needs to be done to the asphalt throughout the park. The quotes received thus far varied widely and been practically impossible to compare as the contractors are not providing “apples to apples” quotes and some will not even put a quote in writing. Because opinions on what needs to be done is varied, in the spring I will mark each area in the park that needs to be saw cut, back filled with stone and patched. I will mark areas that are in need of crack filling only. I will request an alternate quote for removal of the grassy area directly in front of the boat ramp and replacing it with asphalt. I will measure the areas so that I will have a measurement to compare with that given by the contractors. I will put together a bid package, complete with pictures and request bids from at least three reputable contractors. They will all be asked to bid on the same scope of work for patching with 8″ of stone and 2″ of asphalt which meets NC DOT standards. Ideally, these quotes can be obtained before the March budget meeting and all work completed before Memorial Day.
Kathy Lewis, the postmaster, has gotten approval for the mailboxes and a work order has been submitted. Earl has signed the required agreement with the postal service regarding Goose Creek’s obligation for management of the keys. It is a slow process but he has been told that we will get them soon. Earl thought we would have had them before now. Each group of boxes will have a new pedestal. The mail will be removed from the old boxes by someone from the postal service and the old boxes set aside. The new pedestals will be set. Once the boxes are mounted to the pedestals the representative from the postal service will return the mail to the boxes. All mail will be held at the post office until boxes are mounted. Weather permitting, the entire transition should not take more than two days. Once the boxes are mounted, the HOA will be responsible for putting an address for each home on each box. Several options for labels were discussed. The new boxes will have a receptacle for small to medium parcels. Only large packages will be delivered to the door. The plan for the shelter over the boxes was reviewed. The shelter will be 24″ x 10″ with a metal roof the same color as that on the pool house. The post will be similar to that of the street signs.
Fill for Waterfront
Six to eight loads of additional topsoil will be purchased and Lynn Everett will spread it across the rough areas at the waterfront. We will have him look at the grassy area that is front of the boat ramp and consider the options for cutting it down and replacing the curb or asphalt.
Foreclosed Property
The foreclosed property at Lot 169 was discussed again. Over the years our attorney has done a good bit of research into the situation with this property. Yet after 5 years it continues to remain unclaimed, falling in disrepair and has unpaid dues. Louis made a motion to have the HOA attorney to proceed with efforts to secure the property for the association. Hugh seconded the motion and all board members voted in favor.
HOA Computer
The computer has been replaced. The system that was in use was more than 12 years old and could not be further updated. Homeowner, Billy Keel, sold us a new computer that has Office 365 with a backup for $315. Other software updates to operate the gate were required. An external modem was installed to make the security system web based and allow live viewing. Internet service was added to one existing phone line and one will be eliminated. The total cost for these services from DEPS is expected to be approximately $1000.00
Steps at Pier
There was some discussion about eliminating the steps from the pier to the left hand side but the ultimate decision was to replace them. The difficulty of navigating a ladder was a top consideration and the possibility of a ladder was ruled out. Some consideration was given to building wooden steps or buying aluminum steps. The pros and cons of each were discussed. We have three quotes for aluminum steps ranging from $1493.72-$2188. We will ask the company about installing a plate that will allow them to be removed during the winter. Don Mitchell made a motion that we replace the steps with the aluminum steps from Alumniramp for $1493.72. I seconded the motion. All board members voted in favor.
Pool Maintenance/Repair
Bluewater has inspected the pool and found that it is in need of some significant repairs and maintenance issues that must be resolved before the pool can open for the season. There is black mold in the broken grout. The most cost effective way to address this problem is to acid wash, scrub and pressure wash the inside of the pool. The price for this is $775. At the same time the cracked tiles would be replaced and all tile regrouted at a cost of $750.00. I made a motion to proceed with this portion of the proposal. Louis seconded the motion and all board members voted in favor.
The other part of the proposal was for resurfacing of the cracked deck around the pool at a cost of $6600.00. The specific product proposed was not mentioned in the quote. Terry had done research and fund that there is a vast array of products that can be used for this purpose and thought that we needed more specific information about the product before making a decision on this expenditure.
The contract daily service will be renewed with Bluewater . The cost for the summer of 2014 was $900/mo. The contract will run from May-September. Our chemicals are now purchased through Bluewater and are less expensive.
We also have plumbing issues that must be addressed before the pool opens. Janie will contact a plumber to have this done.
Closing of the pool
Someone is needed to close the pool every night at 8 pm. Janie does not want the responsibility. This person will need to check the bathrooms, straighten the chairs, close any umbrellas and lock the gate. Earl made a motion that Janie pursue a person to fulfill this obligation and contact Bluewater to confirm the price for the daily contract. No one will be hired until the board makes final approval via email. Louis seconded the motion. All board members voted in favor.
Gutters for pool house
There does not seem to be water coming from underneath the building but water coming off the top of the building. This will be helped by gutters. Earl has obtained a quote of $324.00 for 97″ of 5″ aluminum seamless gutters with 3″x 4″ DS on each end. Janie will contact May Gutter and confirm that downspouts are sufficient and that the quote is still good. Don made a motion that we proceed to have gutters installed on the pool house if the cost does not exceed $400. The motion was seconded by Terry and was approved by all board members.
Code Enforcement
Earl has spent many hours with the Office of Code Enforcement, County Manager, Board of Commissioners, Zoning, Planning Director. There was much confusion about exactly how Goose Creek Landing is zoned. We are not in a Manufactured Home zone. We are considered as “œnon-conforming” which means we can build back in the same footprint but now makes our setback 10″ on the sides. The front setback is 40″ from the center of the road. These measurements must be approved by the county. Accessory buildings can be 5″ off the line on the side and back. The county will not approve anything that does not have Janie or Earl”s signature. Details of these changes were included with the invoice for the Homeowners dues that was mailed in December. Discussion was had about having our rules reflect the county regulations and allow homeowners to build anything that falls within the county criteria as long as it aesthetically pleasing, matching the residence and is of quality workmanship.
Tax Value Update
James Godfrey provided a detailed update on the assessed value of the property. A revaluation was done for 2015 and decreased the property value by $1,914,218.00. James is in the process of reviewing data provided to him by the county tax assessor. This data shows how they derived at our current valuation. James has discussed the fact that they used a very small sample and they have agreed to use 2013 sales to increase the sample size. If his efforts are successful it is possible that the value could be lowered. This does not mean that the taxes will be lowered but it is important to keep the tax value as low as possible because the rate is beyond our control.
Feral Cats
Janie reports that there is a significant problem with feral cats in the community. She was instructed to contact the county and do whatever is required to manage the problem. If that requires trapping, the county will manage that per their protocol.
Fire Ants
Fire ants are a problem at the waterfront and the picnic shelter. Terminix sprayed once last summer and charged $150.00. They have a quarterly service for $100.00. I asked that we ask if the service includes more than just fire ants. Hugh made a motion that we sign up for the quarterly service. All members voted in favor.
Don reported that the enhancement committee would like to put up some new lights underneath the picnic shelter. Everyone was in agreement with this.
Lawn Maintenance
Earl reports that a RFP for the lawn maintenance will be issued. He would like to be able to award the contract by our March meeting if not before.
The meeting adjourned at 12:40 pm.
Mary Ann Everett – Secretary

Oct 25, 2014 BOD Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
October 25, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on October 25, 2014 at the meeting at Goose Creek Resort. All board members were present except Hugh Kennedy. Five homeowners were in attendance. The meeting was called to order by President, Earl Bunting at 9:00 am.
The minutes of the August 16, 2014 meeting were read by all members and but not approved due to omissions. This will be corrected and presented to the board for approval at the next meeting before being posted.

Earl has spoken with the postal supervisor regarding our mailboxes and been told that the boxes do not meet current standards. The new standard requires that every 10 boxes must have a parcel receptacle. The cost to replace all boxes with waterproof boxes that meet the standard is $21,000. That price includes having the postal supervisor present for the instillation of the boxes and moving of the mail from the old boxes to the new ones. The current boxes have been discontinued. There is also an issue with the locks and difficulty getting keys for them. We discussed options for funding this expense vs continuing to patch up what we have. Earl will meet with the postmaster to further distance the situation. He will look into changing out all the locks and will get more quotes for replacement of all boxes. We reviewed what had previously been proposed by Terry was discussed. Earl made a motion to table the issue for 2 weeks but at the end of that time, with the new information from the postmaster a decision will be made and the plan executed within 8 weeks. Mary Ann seconded the motion and all members voted in favor.

Pool Maintenance
Bluewater Realty has a pool maintenance division and they gave us a better rate than what we have been paying the private individual we had been using. They serviced the pool for the last month before it was closed. Prior to closing they performed a thorough inspection and provided a detailed report of it’s maintenance issues, some that must be addressed before the pool reopens in the spring. These will be further addressed at our next work session.

General Maintenance
Everything put in here must be maintained. Trees must be trimmed. Dollars have to be spent. If Enhancement helps put it in, enhancement funds must be set aside to help maintain the things we enjoy. All board members are in agreement with this.

The wooden steps at the jet ski side must be removed. They are a safety hazard. We will consider replacing them with some type of aluminum steps.

Foreclosed Property
Janie has discussed the issues with lot 169 with the office of attorney Neil Whitford. This property has been in foreclosure since 2010. The office has done a good bit of research into the situation and provided a letter describing the complexities and Goose Creek’s options.


Building Code vs our rules and regulations
A good bit of discussion was had regarding the new rules of the county and how they conflict with the rules we currently have in place regarding room additions and accessory buildings. Earl has had several meeting with the code enforcement officer. Homeowners continue to build without getting proper permits. Fines will be assessed. No accessory building can be more than 300 sq ft under roof. Our rules are not clear and there are several versions. Mary Ann made a motion that Terry and Earl work together to draft specific Rules and Regulations regarding the construction of accessory buildings, both free standing and attached to mobile homes, that will be workable for our size lots and in compliance with the county regulations. Their proposal will be reviewed and presented to all homeowners. The motion was seconded by Louis. All board members voted in favor.

Replacement for board member Van Parrish
Earl Bunting nominated John Lee to replace Van Parrish who has sold his property. Terry Andrews nominated James Godfrey. After each board member spoke regarding their position and their reasoning for supporting the nominee of their choice, Earl called for the vote. Terry, Mary Ann and Don voted for James Godfrey. Louis voted for John Lee. Hugh had submitted his vote for John Lee by proxy to Earl. James will be the replacement for James Godfrey.

Lawn Maintenance
The vendor we were using for lawn maintenance quit without notice. A new one has been arranged to provide service through November 2014. In the spring we will take bids for the 2015 season.

The meeting adjourned at 11:10 am.

________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett – Secretary Date of Approval

Aug 16, 2014 BOD Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
August 16, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on August 16, 2014 at the picnic shelter at Goose Creek Landing.   All board members were present.   The meeting was called to order by President, Earl Bunting at 9:00 am.


Water meter
The water meter at the waterfront has been run over and pressed down.  The 3″ pipe was broken and has since been repaired.  As a cost saving measure it was decided to erect two posts with a piece of lattice in between them to designate the area of the water meter rather than replacing the meter box with a traffic bearing box.

Pool maintenance
A recent incident at the pool brought up concerns about having an alternate person available to open, close and service the pool should Mr. Davis become unavailable.  Two candidates have been mentioned and the possibilities will be explored over the winter.

 Fill for Waterfront
Lynn Everett has recently cut out a driveway/parking area for homeowner, Danny Casey.  The excess dirt was relocated and spread in some lows areas across the waterfront.  A motion was made by Van and seconded by Terry to get enough topsoil to fill in the low spots over the waterfront area.  All board members voted in favor of this motion. 

 By-Law Amendment
Terry Andrews reminded the board members of the email that he has sent to everyone which included an amendment of the by-laws to be considered and perfected by the board over the next few meeting for presentation and consideration of the homeowners in June 2015.

 Delinquent Dues
Dues have been paid by all but one homeowner.  The matter will be turned over to our attorney to be handled by the usual procedure.

Barrier at waterfront
As discussion was started about the possibility of erection some type of barrier atop of the concrete wall that separates our property from that of Goose Creek Resort.  No decision was made.


I gave a brief overview of quotes for the asphalt repair that have been obtained.  The quotes do not cover the same scope of work and only one actually quotes the work as it should be done to hold up long term under boat traffic.   More quotes for the same scope of work will be obtained with a plan of having the project completed in the spring.

We have a permit in hand for the modifications to the mailboxes.  The previous plan was further discussed.  Getting this project completed will be priority before any other projects are considered. 

The fact the cupola was a part of the original design for the pool house was discussed.  I made a motion that the cupola be placed on the pool house as originally proposed after the mailboxes have been renovated.  The motion was seconded by Van Parrish.  All board members voted in favor of the motion. 

Pool House
It was agreed that nothing will be done with the pool house until the season is over.  It was also agreed that an inspection will be done to determine if there is a water problem with the building or drainage problem around the building.  If either is found, it will need to be addressed regardless of any action taken toward painting the pool house.    There are also some plumbing and electrical upgrades that need to be done in the pool house over the winter. 

Foreclosed Property
Most of the board members were under the impression that a lien had been filled several years ago.  Janie informed us differently.  She was instructed to proceed with filing the lien as soon as possible. 

The meeting adjourned at 9:30 am. 

________________________________                               ____________________________

Mary Ann Everett                                                                                      Date of Approval


July 3, 2014 BOD Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

July 3, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on July 3, 2014 at the picnic shelter at Goose Creek Landing. The primary purpose of the meeting was to address the issue of the placement of the out building on the lot of homeowner, Robbie Ashton. All board members were present.   The meeting was called to order by President, Earl Bunting at 9:00 am.


In follow-up of the comments that Mr. Aston made at the homeowners meeting on June 7, 2014, Mr. Ashton told the board members that the drawing that was submitted and approved drawn by  someone at Jerry’s RV.  This drawing indicated that the building was within the required setbacks.  Mr. Ashton stated that he did not see this drawing either before or after it was submitted.  He was unaware of the placement of the building on the diagram.  He stated that the building had been re-oriented for 5 months before anyone brought it to his attention that it was not in compliance.  He did not provide the board with the pictures that he had with him at the June 7 meeting. 

Mr. Ashton said he had no issue with moving the swing or the plant bed but would prefer to not move the building. 


After the board discussed the issue Don Mitchell made a motion that Mr. Ashton be allowed to leave the building as it is and move the swing and plant bed.  Louis Clark seconded the motion.  Hugh Kennedy, Van Parrish and I voted against the motion.


Van Parrish made a motion that Mr. Ashton be allowed to leave the building in place but remove the overhang that was added, the swing and the shrubs.  There was no second to the motion.  The motion died.  It was later determined that the overhand was on the original building and had not been added. 


Hugh Kennedy made a motion that Mr. Ashton move the building within the 5 and 7ft setbacks, remove the swing from the property line and move the shrubs to a 2 ft setback.  I seconded the motion.  Louis Clark voted in favor.  Don Mitchell and Van voted against.  The motion passed. 


Terry Andrews was allowed to participate in the discussion of the issue but due to a conflict of interest was asked to recuse himself from the vote.


Following the meeting the board members met with Mr. Ashton at his home.  It was determined that it would not be possible for him to move the building the full 7 ft off the line without totally disrupting the work he has done.  All present agreed that he would move it over as far as possible and that would be close to 7 ft.










There was a brief discussion regarding the upcoming enhancement banquet.  Terry Andrews will head up ticket sales.  Phyllis Pennington will be responsible for the paper products, side items and serving of food.  James Taylor will take care of cooking the pigs.  Tickets will be $60 and there will be guest tickets.  Louis Clark will serve as chairman of the Enhancement Committee.  Terry Andrews, Linda Sanders and Lori Mitchell will also serve on this committee.

________________________________                               ____________________________

Mary Ann Everett                                                                  Date of Approval


June 7, 2014 New BOD

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

June 7, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on June 7, 2014, immediately following the annual homeowners meeting. Returning board members are Hugh Kennedy, Van Parrish, Mary Ann Everett and Terry Andrews. Newly elected members are Louis Clark, Don Mitchell and Earl Bunting.

Hugh made a motion that Earl be elected to serve as President. Van seconded the motion. Louis, Don and Mary Ann voted in favor. Terry voted against.

Earl made a motion that Louis be elected to serve as Vice President. All members of the board voted in favor.

I agreed to continue to serve as the secretary for the Board.

It was agreed that Earl would contact Mr. Ashton to inform him that his desire for an appeal of the board decision has been heard and he will be allowed to present his case to the board. A date and time will be sent as soon as Mr. Ashton and all board members, except Terry Andrews, can be available. Due to a conflict of interest, Terry will recuse himself from involvement with this issue.

The meeting adjourned at 12:15.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________

Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval


June 7, 2014 Annual HOA

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting

June 7, 2014

The annual meeting of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on June 7, 2014 in the cafeteria of White Oak Elementary School.  All board members were present.  A quorum was established with 76 homeowners present and thirty two homeowners were represented by verified proxies.  The meeting was called to order by Bill Keel at 9:00 am.

Copies of the Goose Creek Directory were available to the homeowners and the homeowners were asked to provide any updates to Janie Bushkar.  New homeowners were asked to introduce themselves.  All board members also introduced themselves.

Budget and Financial Report

Ken Banks CPA of Banks, Gray & Crumpler, PLLC reviewed the HOA financial statements and budget.  Property taxes remain the largest expenditure for the association.  Based on the current financial position of the HOA, barring any unforeseen large expenditures, he does not anticipate that dues will need to be increased for the next several years.   In regards to the tax value of the GCL property, James Godfrey reported that the new valuation should be significantly lower, but the rate will be set at a level sufficient to generate the revenue needed by the county.  Therefore, our new tax may be lower, the same, or it could be higher.  If there is a basis for a new appeal he will be happy to help if the board so desires.


Report from Managing Agent


Janie Bushkar reminded everyone for the need to keep their property up to the community standard.  She explained the process t resolve issues with homeowners who are not in compliance.


The Goose Creek HOA has received a letter from Carteret County Department of Planning regarding failure of homeowners to obtain building permits as required by the county.  ALL work requires a zoning permit and in most cases a building permit as well.  Any plans for structural improvements must be submitted in writing to the managing agent.  After the plan is approved by the board the managing agent will instruct the homeowners on the process for obtaining the proper permits.  If the HOA receives a fine for construction without a permit, the homeowner in violation will be responsible for paying the fine. 


The rule regarding entrance into the pool area after the pool is closed was explained to the homeowners.  There will no warnings given and the fine is $100/per person.


A handout was provided which covered some of the most problematic rules.  Everyone was reminded that each homeowner is responsible for any violations by their guest. 


Election of Board Members

Bill Keel opened the floor for nominations.  None were made.  All of the candidates who were on the ballot were asked to introduce themselves and speak briefly about their candidacy.  Those of the ballot were Regina Parnell, Don Mitchell, Louis Clark, John Lee, Jimmy Broughton and Earl Bunting.  After the candidates spoke the homeowners cast their ballots and they were submitted to Ms. Bushkar.  She and several assistants adjourned to another room to tally the votes.


Painting of the Pool house


I made a presentation of painting f the pool house.  I reviewed the vote from 2011 and the enhancements that have been done since which have spurred the discussion about painting the pool house and the desire by homeowners to revisit this issue.  The enhancements planned in 2013 included painting of the pool house.  Before the painting was done, a homeowner, Keith Davis, who is a commercial painter, expressed great concern about painting the block building and implored the board to not proceed.  After getting the input of the homeowner, the issue was tabled until further research could be done.  The Sherwin Williams regional manager came to GCL and meet with several board members.  He took moisture reading and stated that as long as the building is painted when the moisture content is below 15%, he saw no problem with painting the building with either of two Sherwin Williams products.  Terry Andrews, James Godfrey and I have also talked to at least a dozen other painting or masonry professionals regarding painting the building.  None of them expressed undo concern about painting the building or the durability of the product in this application.  One painting contractor was willing to give a 5 year warranty.  I presented a picture taken at Walmart in Morehead City which shows the elastomeric product peeling off in a spot about the size of your hand.  Of all the painted block buildings I looked at from Morehead to Kinston, this was the only peeling I found.  I also provided recent pictures taken at Oak Bluff which is waterfront at Brandywine Bay.  The building was painted in 2001 and only the trim has been recently repainted.  I provided quotes for painting the building from reputable contractors who have used the product extensively.  Prices range from $2000.00 to $4575.00 for a first application.  Input from all contractors, except one, is that the chance for failure is very small.  Walmart uses this product on every store throughout the country.  If it did not serve them well, they would not be doing so.


Steve Hamilton asked if other options had been considered.  It was explained that some thought had been given to using a stain but given the variation in the block, color consistency would be an issue.  We have had some discussion about covering it with hardiboard or vinyl siding but due to the irregularity of the block and the fact that the windows are flush.  This would be a very costly option. 


Charlie Griffin and John Lee expressed concern about the surface being prepped properly before painting is done.  The SW rep has given detailed instructions for the prep and the pressure washing has already been done. 


Keith Davis expressed his concern about a persistent moisture issue.  He reported that he has checked the moisture reading three times and it was never lower than 23%.


Lynn Everett stated that if there is a moisture problem, it should be resolved whether the building is painted or not and can be easily resolved by installing a French drain.  Earl Bunting agreed that any water problem needs to be investigated and addressed.


Ron Gordon remarked about his recent visit to the Gulf Coast where he noticed that most all of the waterfront buildings were painted and were holding up very well. 


John Tew questioned the vote of 2011 and Bill Keel explained the vote that was taken at the HOA meeting in 2013. 


No action was taken on this issue.  It will be discussed by the new board. 




Homeowner Addresses HOA

Homeowner, Robbie Ashton, spoke to those assembled regarding a notice he received recently regarding a board decision that he needs to move his storage building to abide but the setbacks required in GCL.  He contends that the building remains in 75% of the original footprint.  After he spoke, Mr. Keel informed him that he can call a meeting with the board to appeal the decision. 


General concerns of homeowners

James Taylor pointed out that the cement under the picnic shelter is in poor repair and needs to be addressed.


Don Gray questioned the progress of repairs on the mailboxes.  Mr. Keel informed him that a plan is set and work should begin soon.


Jerry Moore reported a need for tree maintenance and trimming.  This will be done in the next few weeks.


Charlie Griffin stated that he would like to see new skirting at the walkway between the boat ramps.  He was informed that this has been on the agenda of the board and options are being explored. 


Election Results

Louis Clark – 102 votes

Earl Bunting – 97 votes

Don Mitchell – 93 votes

Jimmy Broughton – 82 votes

John Lee – 80 Votes

Regina Parnell – 77 votes


The meeting adjourned at 12:00 pm.


Respectfully submitted,



__________________________                                       _________________________

            Mary Ann Everett                                                             Date of Approval










March 29, 2014 BOD

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

March 29, 2014

A closed meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on March 29, 2014 Goose Creek Resort meeting room. All board members were present. The meeting was called to order by Bill Keel at 11:00 am.

The minutes of the March 15, 2014 budget meeting were read and approved with no changes being needed. The minutes will be posted on the website and bulletin board.


Pool/Playground Lighting

This meeting was called by Bill Keel mainly to discuss the previous vote regarding the pool/playground lighting and to consider the input from the homeowners that was gathered primarily via Facebook.

On Friday, March 28 James Godfrey, Terry, Jimmy B. and I meet with Jimmy Benson at the pool at 9:30 pm. I summarized the previously approved lighting plan as it was further explained by Mr. Benson. Mr. Benson said that if the light is too bright blinders can be added that will cut down on the spread of the light. In my opinion 500 watt fixtures that will require blinders is overkill and unnecessary to meet the lighting need. Terry has already installed a 100 watt motion sensor light under the soffit of the pool house. While the light was sufficient, the motion detector did not pick up motion near the fence at the far side of the pool. Mr. Benson indicated that he could get a motion detector that would reach t that area. Reuse of the old light that was previously on the roof was considered but because of it’s size and the lack of a place to mount it, reusing it was ruled out.

The consensus of the board was that sufficient lighting for the cameras is important but we do not want more lighting or expense than is necessary. James Godfrey made a motion that we amend the previous motion regarding lighting to state that the plan is to install a motion light in conjunction with each camera and to replace the stock motion sensors with ones with a longer range. If lighting is not sufficient, additional lighting will be added to achieve optimum lighting. Jimmy B. seconded the motion and all members of the board voted in favor.

Regarding lighting for the playground area the board reviewed several street lights that can be installed and maintained by Carteret Crave Electric. The most appropriate choice has an initial cost of $ $454.59 plus monthly service. This fixture will be under contract. The light proposed has a photocell and will look like the others throughout the park but will be erected at a height of 20 ft rather than the standard 25 ft. I made a motion that the board approve a plan to have a “Contempo Decorative” fixture installed by Carteret Craven in the location recommended by the CC engineer. James G. seconded the motion. Van, Hugh, and Jimmy B. voted in favor of the motion. Terry voted Nay.


In June 2013 this board approved a drawing of the roof replacement n the pool house. The drawing included a cupola but since the cupola and a weathervane had not been specifically approved, it’s installation was stopped pending further discussion. Terry explained to all of the board members exactly what a cupola is and the plan for installing it with up lighting. I made a motion that the cupola be built and positioned on the roof for board members to see before it is permanently mounted. Terry seconded the motion and all board members voted in favor.

Painting Pool House

Van reported that he had discussed painting the pool house with Keith Davis, professional painter and Goose Creek homeowners. He was concerned by the comments of Mr. Davis and wanted the entire board to hear what he had to say. Van called Mr. Davis and the board was able to have a Q & A with him via speaker phone. Mr. Davis stated that the split face block building can be painted but because the block is porous and wicks water from the ground, the elastomeric Sherwin Williams product that is planned to be used will not last and will result in a constant maintenance issue. Mr. Davis stated that the SW representative in his area has told him that due to wind forced water the SW product can peel off in 3-4 ft sheets regardless of waterproofing. He states that the SW Loxon primer followed the elastomeric topcoat is designed to protect from water forced at 140 mph but due to the texture of the block, backrolling, which is required to work the product into the block, is near impossible and even a small amount of water can result in it’s failure. It is Mr. Davis’s opinion that since the building is on a foundation rather than a slab, it would impossible to seal it properly. It is Mr. Davis’s opinion that we would have problems within the first year and that the product would last no more than 2-3 years. Due to the inability to backroll there would be issues with the SW warranty. Mr. Davis said he would not want to be involved in painting it b/c of the ongoing issues and he would not want his name on it. He states that any areas that peel would require sandblasting. He suggested we consider applying stucco over the block or adding color to it by applying H & C Stain.

After considering the input of Mr. Davis, all board members agreed to table the issue of painting the pool house and to do more research before moving forward. Van Parrish and I agreed to go to Sherwin Williams to look into the stain and talk with the store manager. It was agreed that I would make a Facebook post about these developments.


Once again the plan for the mailboxes was discussed. Jimmy B. brought up the idea of covering all of the mailboxes with one shelter. There was some discussion but the consensus was that such a structure right at the entrance would be too obstructive. It was decided to proceed with plan that had previously been approved.


Letter from attorney regarding voting

The board reviewed a letter received from Attorney Neil Whitford dated May 28, 2013. The letter addresses the voting rights and procedures for the homeowners of Goose Creek Landing. The members vote only on matters reserved to them in one of the five sources of law applicable to Goose Creek. These sources re described in the letter. The matters on which the members may vote and the sources that give that authority are documented in the letter. A membership vote at the annual homeowners meeting is considered advisory only and is not binding on the board. The importance of getting input from homeowners during the annual meeting was discussed. Each member contributed to the discussion regarding issue that may need to go to the membership for a vote. There is concern that a group of members could potentially show up in force and vote to change issues that are in the interest of the group but not necessarily in the best interest of the entire community. All members of the board welcome input from homeowners but in most cases the final decision falls to the board.

Vandalism/property damage

There was some discussion regarding the fact there is no written rule regarding fines and payment for vandalism or damages done by a homeowner or someone for whom a homeowner is responsible. I made a motion for the following rules be put in place and the motion was seconded by Hugh. All board members voted in favor.

New Rule #1 – No warnings will be given and anyone found responsible for vandalism or damages to property of Goose Creek Landing will be assessed a fine in the amount of $100 per person plus the cost of all repairs.

New Rule # 2 – Anyone who enters inside of the fenced pool area after the pool is closed will be fined $100.

Fish Cleaning Station

Fishermen have complained about the faucet being removed. Terry reports that he is aware of the problem and will put the faucet back as soon as possible. A leaking pipe also needs repair.

The valve needs to be turned off in the winter and the nozzle removed. This is a duty of the managing agent.

Walkway between ramps

Replacing the walkway with a floating dock would not be practical because of the amount of useable ramp space that would be overtaken by the floatation devices of the dock. Building a bulkhead similar to the seawall seems to be the most practical solution.

The meeting adjourned at 12:00.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________

Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval


BOD Budget Meeting

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Budget Meeting

March 15, 2014

A meeting for the purpose of discussing the budget of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on immediately following the open board meeting on March 15, 2014. The meeting convened at 10:25 am with all board members present.

Ken Banks, CPA provided the board with a copy of the 2013 budget. There is no expected change in revenue. All line items in the budget were reviewed. Slight upward adjustments were made for school rent and garbage disposal.

After some discussion Mary Ann Everett made a motion to increase the salary of the managing agent by $500/yr. Van Parrish seconded the motion and all members voted in favor of the motion. The line item for salary in the budget was appropriately adjusted.

Mr. Banks will prepare a final draft of the budget and disburse to all board members by email. It will be reviewed before it is accepted.

Homeowners continue to put items out for garbage collection that are not allowed such as furniture and lawn chairs. These items are weighed and we are accessed an additional disposal fee based on the weight. This will be brought to the attention of all homeowners at the June HOA meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 11:15 am.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________

Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval


Goose Creek Homeowners Association

Approved Budget

For the fiscal year ending March 31, 2015

Approved Budget

Revenues FYE 3/31/15



Community Enhancement Fund Raisers


Interest Income


Other Income




Total Revenues 333,250.00




Bank Charges


Capital Improvements/Contingencies


Community Enhancement Deductible Expenses


Community Enhancement Projects Expense




Lawn Service


Legal Fees


Management Salary






Office Supplies


Pool Maintenance




Road Maintenance


Septic Lot Rental


School Rent


Taxes – Payroll


Taxes – Property


Taxes – Income


Telephone – Pool


Telephone – Management


Telephone – Security Gate


Vehicle Allowance


Waste Disposal – Garbage






Total Expenditures 333,250.00

Excess Revenues/(Expenditures)