GCL BOD Mtg. – Dec. 2, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Louis Clark.

Members present were:
Earl Bunting, Robert Shumate, Mary Rhodes, Hugh Kennedy, Mike Truelove, Diana
Tyndall, and Tracy McKee, Managing Agent.

First on the agenda is the pool contract for the 2024 year. Earl made a motion to
accept Carolina Pool for maintenance and repairs. Mary Rhodes seconded it and
all were in favor.

It will be necessary to replace the hot water heater for the pool bathrooms.

The Enhancement committee presented a proposal for additional furniture for
the pool. Hugh made a motion to accept their proposal; Robert Shumate
seconded it and all were in favor.

The project for a deck, rails and ramp for the new storage building was discussed
and decided that Tracy will get back with Louis with more details and we can
approve via email.

Mike Truelove brought it to the boards attention that all 3 gates for entering and
exiting the pool area are dragging upon opening and closing and are in need of

Earl updated some information about the revision of our JTA. The state has a law
in process that could affect it, so we will see what that brings.

Tracy is working on correcting/updating information on the gate cards for the
homeowners, reminding all there are and always has been “6†cards per

She stated the bills for 1-2024 were sent out and some were wrong and those are
being worked on to get corrected.

It was brought to the boards attention the area by the horse shoes is beginning
to cave in in places and presents a safety hazard. Tracy will look into it and get
back to the board.

Louis made a motion to adjourn; Robert seconded it, and all were in favor.

Diana Tyndall