March 15, 2014

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
March 15, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on March 15, 2014 Goose Creek Resort meeting room. All board members were present. Three homeowners attended the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Billy Keel at 9:00 am.
The minutes of the February 1, 2014 meeting were read. Once corrections are made the minutes will be sent to all board members for review and approval before being posted on the website and bulletin board.

Neglected properties
Billy decided against sending the letter he had drafted to the homeowners who are not keeping their properties within the guidelines set forth in the rules of the community. He did make a phone call to each homeowner. They were responsive and appreciative of his call. One agreed to clean up the debris and stored garbage. The other agreed to resolve the issue of a boat that is on a rusted trailer with flat tires and no tags. Billy will follow up to assure that this is done timely. The homeowner with a second storage building continues to indicate that he is working toward moving the older of the two buildings. Billy will follow up with him as well.

Park Signage
All agree that the new street signs are a great improvement. Only four more remain to be installed. This will be done within the next 2 weeks.

Pool/Playground Lighting
As requested at the 2/1/14 meeting, at the end of February via email Jimmy B. shared information he obtained from Pitt Electric regarding lighting in the pool/playground area. The proposal was for 2 €“ 84 watt LED flood lights with a photocell to be mounted on a 25€™ pressure treated pole in the area between the play structure and the pool. The cost was $2775.00 for the lighting. To upgrade to an aluminum pole would be an additional charge of $1300. Adding two receptacles at the picnic shelter and replacing a broken duplex switch can be done for $350.00. There was much discussion about the cost and the type of lighting we would be getting with this proposal. Rather than have flood lighting, Terry made a recommendation for low voltage lighting around the playground structures, use of some low wattage lamp post and motion sensors in the pool area. The wiring for the motion sensors is already in place and the cost for the fixtures would be minimal, around $100 each. In regard to the playground Terry suggested low voltage lighting on the structure itself to light the roof and walkways. The perimeter of the playground could be light with cast aluminum lamp post which can be purchased wholesale for about $100 each. Pictures of the lamp post and motion fixtures were included with the email. Terry suggested that we meet at the pool area to discuss other options before making any decisions. Mary Ann suggested that prior to the March board meeting we get another price for the same plan as proposed by Pitt Electric as a comparison. Mary Ann offered that that the discussion by email was too involved and ineffective. She requested that further discussion be held until the March meeting. All members agreed.

At the meeting Jimmy Broughton provided the board members with a proposal from Lawrence Electric. The cost for two – 101 watt LED lights on a 20 ft pole was $5625. Jimmy had a sketch of the pool/playground area which indicated where Mr. Benson of Pitt Electric indicated that the pole and lighting be placed between the climbing structure and the pool. Jimmy reported that the lights would have blinders that would direct the light onto the pool and playground area without broadcasting it widely over the area. Mary Ann indicated that she has two similar lights mounted on poles 150 ft from her house and that they light the entire front yard. She asked about going to visit a location at night where Mr. Benson has installed this kind of lighting. Some of the other members thought this was a good idea. Jimmy B. said he did not think that was necessary and said he would not contact Mr. Benson about it. Terry briefly reviewed the ideas he had previously submitted my email but did not make a full presentation. There was some debate about photocell vs motion sensor. Jimmy B. reports that the installer of the camera system is adamant that it will not function properly if the lighting is by a light on a motion sensor. It was pointed out that for a second or two the picture may be blurry as the light floods the area but it would quickly adjust to the lighting. Another point was made that a bright light popping on would be a deterrent in itself. Linda Sanders requested that the board allow the motion lights to be installed and said that she would pay for them if they did not provide sufficient light. Jimmy made a motion that we accept the proposal by Pitt Electric for the flood lights to be installed on a wooden pole. Vann seconded the motion and Billy called for the vote. Jimmy, Van and Hugh voted to approve the plan. James, Terry and Mary Ann voted against the plan. Billy, as chairman broke the tie by voting in favor.

The permits required for the rehabilitation of the mailboxes has been obtained. Materials have been ordered and work should begin within the next 6 weeks. There may be a need for some lighting in the area after the shelter is built. The need will be accessed after the construction is completed.

ETA: 02/09/2014
The schematics for the roof structure and metal enclosed mailboxes were presented to the board members via email. The cost is not expected to exceed $3000. This was reviewed by all board members and approved unanimously.

Pool House Reno
Terry reported that a little metal work needs to be redone because the finish is shipped. The cupola will have up-lighting and will be added to the building within 2 weeks. He indicates that the renovation will be finished with about another ½ day of work. The projected cost of painting the pool house as needed is $600 for supplies with the painting done by volunteer labor. Van Parrish wanted to go on the record with the fact that he thinks it will cost $4-6,000.00 every 4-5 years to maintain the painted pool house if volunteer labor is unavailable. After some discussion the board agreed that we are taking on a maintenance expense of approximately $3500-4,000 every 5 years if volunteer labor is not available.


Failure to pay Dues
One homeowner who has failed to pay the January installment for dues was advised via a letter from HOA attorney to appear before the board at this meeting. The homeowner failed to attend this meeting. Based on this homeowners prior history the board decided to take immediate action to cut off the water supply to the home and secure the box to prevent the homeowners access. It was also decided to secure the box to the neighboring vacant lot because the delinquent homeowner has tapped into this box in the past. Permission of the owner of the vacant lot was obtained.

Construction Permits
The Goose Creek HOA is in receipt of a letter from the Carteret County Department of Planning and Development. The letter indicates that numerous violations have been found within the park. The letter points out that ANY work done on a lot requires at least a zoning permit and in most cases, a building permit as well. Any lean-to built onto an outbuilding requires a permit because it is considered to have €œfloor area€ even if the floor is dirt. The letter states that any fines that are assessed for such violations will be issued to the HOA rather than the homeowner, whom they consider tenants. The requirement for permits will be addressed at the June Board meeting. Since we are homeowners rather than tenants, the board is not certain if the county can assess the HOA. This will require further investigation and possibly a conversation with the HOA attorney.

There is a pothole in the roadway just inside the entrance to the left at the end of the median. This one has been patched previously. The board asked Janie to contact Onslow Paving to get a price for repairing this pothole. There is section about ½ down on Goose Creek Blvd. that has alligator cracking. A homeowner has indicated that he will take care of this himself.

General Discussion
The boat ramp has been adjusted to better light the ramp area.

The meeting adjourned at 10:10 am.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval

February 1, 2014

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
February 1, 2014

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on February 1, 2014 Goose Creek Resort meeting room. With all board members present except Hugh Kennedy. He was absent due to the hospitalization of his son in Raleigh. Five homeowners were in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Billy Keel at 9:00 am.
Financial Report ““ The budget was reviewed thru the 3rd quarter. All overages were reviewed. Considering that the 4th quarter is the least costly period of the year, our year should end well.

Pool House Improvements
The metal roof and the structural changes to the pool house look nice. A cupola with a gold and black goose will soon be added as a final touch. Paint and sealant for the exterior is expected to cost no more than $700. Jimmy reports that he has spoken with the person that does the pool maintenance and was reminded that the painters need to take precautions to avoid any overspray which could get into the pool and possible into the filtering system. Terry described the painting process including the high product and spray gun that will be used. Overspray is minimal with equipment but it was agreed that the pool will be covered with a non-porous tarp or thick plastic.

Park Signage
Terry reports that production of galvanized poles is almost complete. Some of the decorative headers have been finished and he is pleased with the look. There was discussion about replacing all signage at the waterfront because most of the signs are faded and bent. No action was taken on this. Multiple ways to dispose of the old street signs were considered but no final decision was made.

Enhancement Banquet
We would like to see increased participation in the banquet to ease the work load on those have been shouldering the majority of the burden. The need to move thru the drawing quicker was discussed. It was decided to eliminate side boards because of the confusion they cause and the fact that many times they are not sold. Before the September 2014 we will discuss the possibility of having a DJ for entertainment after the completion of the drawing.

Multiple options were considered for addressing the problem with leaking mailboxes. It would be very costly to replace all of the boxes. One more cost conscious solution would be to group the boxes together forming 4 units and then cover the outside of each unit with a metal shell. We also considered building a shelter over top of all the boxes. Mary Ann Everett made a motion that Terry prepare a written plan for wrapping the boxes with a metal shell to include the proposed cost. This plan can be considered by the board via email in order to expedite completion in the spring if the plan is approved.

ETA: 02/09/2014
The schematics for the roof structure and metal enclosed mailboxes were presented to the board members via email. The cost is not expected to exceed $3000. This was reviewed by all board members and approved unanimously.

Picnic Tables
All of the picnic tables that were in poor repair have been disposed. Folding tables are in storage and can be made available if needed. No tables will be purchased at this time.

Walkway @ boat ramp
Repair of this walkway is a priority and it is thought that it can be done without incurring a great expense. Being near the end of the budget year, this project will have to wait until next year.


Pool Security Lighting
Lighting in the pool area needs to be improved to insure sufficient operation of the surveillance system. A flood light that was on the pool house was removed during the renovation of the roof. There is also a need for lighting in the playground area. Jimmy Broughton has a proposal from Carteret Craven and will further evaluate our options prior to the March meeting.

Curtain Enclosure for picnic shelter
A homeowner had asked the Board consider the purchase of vinyl curtains to enclose the picnic shelter in the winter or in the case of inclement weather during the busy season. A homeowner present for the meeting had done some preliminary work to determine the approximate cost for a full enclosure. The curtain alone for one section between posts would cost in excess of $5000. There would also be a need for extensive retrofitting so the curtains could be snapped into place. Some other options, including the purchase of an “event tent,” were discussed. It was decided that the curtains were cost prohibitive for such limited use and having a tent that requires someone with “know how” to put it up and take it down is not something for which the board wants the association to take responsibility.

General Discussion
The properties in foreclosure and the collection of unpaid dues were discussed. A lien has been placed on one property. There was discussion of a property that has an unlicensed vehicle being used as a waste receptacle and a couple with boats on trailers that have not tags, flat tires and rusted trailers. The poor condition of one home that has been discussed many times with the homeowner will be turned over to the Goose Creek attorney.

Homeowner, Linda Sanders, made the board aware that several homeowners have expressed a desire for additional electrical outlets at the picnic shelter. The board agreed to explore this possibility when the electrical work is done for lighting the pool and playground area.

The domain name for Goose Creek Landing’s website, is currently owned by Earl Bunting. When the annual renewal is due, it will be transferred to the HOA and the fee will be paid by the HOA. It will be updated as soon as possible.

The next meeting of the board will be either March 15 or March 22, 2014 based on the date that Ken Banks is available for a budget meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 10:30 am.

Minutes were recorded by Van Parrish and transcribed for submittal by Mary Ann Everett.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval

October 6, 2013

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
October 6, 2013

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on October 6, 2013 Goose Creek Resort meeting room. With all board members present except Mary Ann Everett. She was absent due to obligations with homecoming at her church. One homeowner was in attendance. The meeting was called to order by Billy Keel at 1:00 pm

Enhancement Banquet
It has been estimated that the banquet will result in again about $14,000 with a final number pending.
The pros and cons of continuing to hold the fundraiser on major holiday weekend were discussed. The need to get more people involved and how to do this was discussed. Every year we have the same people working very hard and we would like to see more members of the community involved. It was decided to seek input from the Enhancement committee on this matter. There was some discussion as to whether there is another way to procure the needed funds instead of the fundraiser.

Enhancement Committee
A sidewalk is needed from the pool to the picnic shelter. Terry will coordinate the concrete work when the improvements to the pool house are done this fall and before the pools open in 2014. An area near the boat ramp that will allow two vehicles to pull forward will be fixed. The plan is to use enhancement funds to pay for concrete. Also the pot hole at the golf cart entrance near the boat ramp will be fixed at the same time.

The purchase of new tables for use at the pool at a cost of $2700.00 was approved. These will be standard height tables with four chairs each. They will be all composite with stainless steel hardware. They are similar to the pub height tables already at the pool. They will be picked up at the Swansboro Mullet Festival by Billy Keel and Jim Godfrey.

Park Signage
Billy has been asked a number of questions by homeowners and needed clarification so he could respond. Terry reviewed the status and provided information so the questions could be addressed. The post will be galvanized and is a 30 year product. The post will be 4X4 and painted with Enron Paint and installed in the ground with flat block and concrete. The post will be painted below the ground as well. Powder coating the post was considered but declined due to the risk of the product failing. Terry is coordinating the work and volunteers. Any expense for labor will be approved by the board. The signs with the street names should be provided by the Carteret County. Terry will verify this since the individuals he has spoken to were not clear. If we pay for these signs, the estimated cost will be around $500.00.


The ongoing problem with the poor condition of the mailboxes was discussed. The options of replacing the mailbox units or building a shelter over the existing boxes were discussed. Janie said the main reason the mail is wet is because loading the mail in the postal worker lays the mail on top of the boxes while it is raining. Jimmy is going to look into the cost of building a shelter. The general consensus was that the mail boxes could not be repaired and would eventually need to be replaced. If we replace the boxes it was suggested that we find out if we need all of the boxes since only a few are used by permanent residents.

Picnic tables
Jim Godfrey will be looking into repair or replacing the wooden picnic tables. Some near shelter have already been disposed of by Jimmy Broughton. The remaining ones will be accessed. If they are not safe they will be disposed.

Walkway @ boat ramp
The middle walkway at boat ramp needs to be repaired. Terry had some ideas that he and others had discussed. The idea is to basically repair it similar to the campground sea wall in the boat ramp area. Terry will give more details in the next BD meeting.

General Discussion
The budget was reviewed as a measure to assure that we are spending conservatively and in line with budget.

Loud Music in Golf Carts and within some residences is too loud. The bottom line is that all homeowners are responsible for what goes in their home and on their golf carts, much like cleaning up behind their pets.
The status of properties that need to be cleaned up was discussed. Billy and Janie are working directly with these individuals.
The properties in foreclosure and the collection of unpaid dues were discussed. Liens are will be placed as appropriate.

The next meeting of the board was not scheduled.

The meeting adjourned at 3:15pm.

Minutes were recorded by Van Parrish and transcribed for submittal by Mary Ann Everett.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval

June 22, 2013

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
June 22, 2013

A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Goose Creek Landing Home Owners Association was held on June 22, 2013 at the residence of Janie Bushkar, managing agent. With all board members present the meeting was called to order by Billy Keel at 9:00 am.
The minutes of the June 1, 2013 meeting were read and approved. They will be revised to omit the vote count of the election prior to posting on the website and bulletin board.

Enhancement Banquet
Terry Andrews provided on update on the Enhancement Banquet which will be held Saturday, August 31, 2013. Thus far two pigs have been donated. A total of four will be needed. Barbeques Boston Butt will also be served. Ticket sales have started and guest tickets will be available for $20.00. These tickets do not include an entry in the reverse drawing. The choice of prizes was discussed and the committee is aware that the home owners prefer smaller, more “beachy†art work which can be better utilized in their homes. Linda Sanders is responsible for finance and planning for and serving side items. Earl Bunting and James Taylor will help with cooking. Jimmy Broughton will be responsible for arranging the point of entry and the check in of ticket holders. Terry will handle the actual drawing.

Enhancement Committee
The horseshoe pit will be removed within the next couple of weeks. A new, safer pit will be constructed behind the basketball goal. A drawing of the proposed pit was provided to all board members via email prior to the meeting. The plan also includes the addition of bench for seating. A motion to approve the plan was made by Jimmy Broughton and seconded by James Godfrey. The motion was approved unanimously.

Prior to the meeting all board members were provided with a drawing of the façade changes proposed for the pool house. The work will include painting the pool house a teal/aqua color with a white roof and the construction of an A-Frame roof structure supported by white columns extending from the building over the entry to the restrooms. The building will be painted with a marine grade paint that can better withstand the waterfront elements. The roof will be funded in part by enhancement funds and in part by maintenance funds from the HOA. The work is expected to begin in the spring 2014 and is expected to cost approximately $7000 if completed with volunteer labor. James Godfrey made a motion to approve the plan. The motions was seconded by Vann Parrish and passed unanimously by all members. Prior to any construction there will be further investigation of the HOA liability for volunteer labor and the possibility of obtaining additional insurance coverage specific for volunteers.

Janie has received complaints about the lack of lighting along the pier beyond the fish cleaning station. Terry is aware of this and has some additional lighting ordered. This problem should be resolved by the end of July.

Park Signage
Proposals have been received from Newton Signs and Brush Stroke Signs for replacement and or refurbishment of all street and stop signs in the park. The proposals will be attached to the minutes for the record. A cost of $6365 to refurbish the existing signs that are not even reflective was thought to be exorbitant. Terry Andrews has developed a subdivision and has some ideas for getting the signage replaced more cost effectively. He will have some options available for the Boards review in the coming weeks. A decision will be made after all options are reviewed.


Memorial Day Party
Homeowners Steve and Fran Hamilton have asked the Board to sanction their annual party that is held at their home on Memorial Day weekend. The party has been hosted by the Hamilton’s and the Blackman’s for the past several years and they have hired John Moore as DJ. Since we already have the a holiday weekend. There was also discussion about the HOA funding an event that is held at a residence which seems more private rather than seeming more open to the entire park if held at the waterfront. Mr. Keel will discuss the concerns with the Hamilton’s. No decision was made on this matter.

Mr. Keel plans to add Janie’s email address to the website. After he assumes ownership of the website from Mr. Bunting, he will provide Mary Ann Everett and Janie Bushkar with instruction for adding information to the website.

The Bylaws of the HOA need to be revised to reflect the way the park and association currently operate. All board members were encouraged to review the bylaws so that they can provide input. A committee of Hugh Kennedy, James Godfrey and Vann Parrish was established to review the Bylaws and recommend changes.

Pier and Boat Ramp
A problem with displacement of the rocks at the end of the boat ramp was discussed. The ramp has been evaluated by Brooks Marine Dredging and a proposal has been received to reconfigure the angle of the ramps and does some repairs on the center divider. The proposal is not clear in that it says $20,000 for each ramp and $5,000 for the work on the divider for a total of $45,00. It also states the cost is $25,000 to repair both ramps and divider. There was discussion as to whether this is a significant problem or just an occasional issue caused by the manner in which some homeowners load their boats. Billy, Jimmy and Vann were to meet at ramp following the meeting to further discuss this issue. No other action was taken.

Rubber Bumpers
Rubber bumpers measuring 4 ft. in length will soon be placed on each post on the side of the pier where boats are docked. Linda Sanders has donated material to make 22. Jimmy Broughton is obtaining prices for materials to make 20 more from several sources. He will select the vendor based on cost and will obtain the proper mounting hardware. These will be installed by volunteer labor on an upcoming work day.

Maintenance of properties
One home that had fallen in disrepair has recently undergone some minimal improvements and does not seem to one that requires further action at this time. Another home has been unkept and has two outside buildings for an extended period of time. A letter will be sent to the homeowner putting him on notice that he has 30 days to come in compliance with the rules of Goose Creek Landing or face further action.

We have one home that is currently bank owned and is being maintained adequately. Another home that had been financed by the owner is in the process of going back to full ownership by the original owner. The costs of the association mowing the loan and all past dues HOA dues will be the responsibility of the original owner.

The next meeting of the board was not scheduled. When it is set the information will be posted on Facebook, and the bulletin board.

The meeting adjourned at 11:00 am.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett Date of Approval

June 1, 2013

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association
Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting
June 1, 2013

A regular meeting of the board of directors was held at White Oak Elementary School, Cape Carteret, NC immediately following the annual homeowners meeting, convening at approximately 11:00 am. There were no minutes from the last meeting available for review.

Returning board members are Billy Keel – elected President

James Godfrey – elected Vice President
Jimmy Broughton
Van Parrish

New Board members

Hugh Kennedy
Terry Andrews
Mary Ann Everett, elected to serve as Secretary.

Due to time constraints the meeting was kept brief. Each member introduced themselves and the officers, as indicated above, were selected. There was discussion about the importance of protecting the vote of the homeowners and sorting our needs from our wants as a community.

The Enhancement Banquet was discussed. Jimmy Broughton made a motion that Terry Andrews serve as the liaison between the Board and the Enhancement Committee. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

Mr. Keel requested that I prepare minutes of the meeting to include the election results and post the information to the Goose Creek Landing page on Facebook.

The next meeting of the board was not scheduled but when it is set the information will be posted on Facebook, and the bulletin board.

The meeting adjourned at 11:25 am.

Respectfully submitted,

________________________________ ____________________________
Mary Ann Everett                                                  Date of Approval

June 2, 2012

Goose Creek Homeowner’s Association Annual Meeting
June 2, 2012
Call to Order:  Earl Bunting
Introduction and welcome:  to new homeowners and new board member Van Parrish
Budget and financial report: Ken Banks/ March 31 year end, assets, liabilities, homeowners equity; reserves will not be touched, we will then raise dues or assess.
Any quest ions?
Revenues and Expenditures/ fundraiser is non-profit, tax on fundraiser approximately 30%
Money for fundraiser is kept separate from operation expenses, but it run through The HOA for approval.
Property tax: $96,000.00- $120,000.00
Water: $72000.00 these two items are a majority of the increases. Earl spoke with western water – could see as much as 45% increases over the next 10 years.  A homeowner asks for us to review consumption rates? We agreed to do that.
Initial cost of converting pool to salt water – will pay for itself within 2-3 years and is saving us money in long term.
Bulk Head Cost – voted to spend 6900.00 originally by the time we completed cost was 7900.00
All of these items are cause of deficits;
Budget: voted a dues increase to $600.00 a half year, will take effect this July
Grass cutting received a slight raise due to cost of gas.
Janie Reports:
Thanks for attending
Thanks for improvements to homes and appearance of the community
Pay attention to speeders, pay attention to stop signs and yield signs means to slow and proceed with caution.
Unlicensed kids cannot drive golf carts on the paved roads.
Music and Noise after 11:00 especially coming from golf carts and trucks please be more respectful.
Trash cans: please bag trash, we pay for trash by the can and by the weight
Lot # must be on your meter box
GCL Stickers on your boat trailer and your boat, see Janie if you need these.
If you change phone numbers please let Janie know
Dogs please clean up their waste
Be respectful when driving golf carts, do not just drive over your neighbor’s yard to avoid driving on your own.
Deposit for reservation of picnic shelter will be $30.00 and you will receive bathroom keys, which must be returned to receive your deposit back, along with a sufficient clean up of the shelter. If you reserve the shelter and do not use it you lose your deposit.
Please find a place for your cigarette butts, beer cans and trash besides all over our common grounds and other areas of the community.
Follow all rules when attempting and completing any construction.
Earl opened the floor for nominations to the board.
Motion to close nominations by Steve and seconded by Diane
Nominees : Billy Keel, James Godfrey , and Jimmy Broughton
Old Business: Billy Keel -Water Consumption- please treat your water consumption like you are on a water meter. Mary Bryan informed, after research with landscapers, that an irrigation system actually saves more water than sprinklers connected to the hose. Also you should only water for 20-30 minutes between 6am and 9am, late afternoon watering or night will cause mold.
Gate: call box has been updated after being damaged beyond repair. It is more modern and has new features . Each homeowner is now allowed 4 numbers per house for gate box. the number is now a 4 digit number and 9 releases the gate when you are called. The homeowners are now alphabetized by last name.
EXAMPLE: if your lot number is 035 then your numbers for you house would be as follows
1. 0035
2. 0335
3. 0635
4. 0935
These are the numbers you would enter at the gate in order to call the homeowners land line or cell phone.
Enhancement banquet will be Labor Day weekend, please participate; the improvements we have made are very rewarding to this community.
Completion of the dock will begin when permits are in.
Election results: Jim Godfrey, Billy Keel, and Jim Broughton
Board member Comments and Appreciation
Earl: comments on year – some ups and downs, but overall good year. Dues and late fees
Motion to adjourn seconded by Bonnie
Officers Meeting:
Jim made motion to keep officers as they are. MB seconded it
Earl expressed appreciation of efforts of all board members
Gate Box:  Cost 3500.00 motion to charge person who damaged it $2500.00 made by Van  2nd by Billy discussion and vote.
Motion to adjourn by Jim, 2nd by Billy

Goose Creek Homeowner’s Association Annual Meeting

June 2, 2012

Continue reading

June 4, 2011

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners’ Association Annual Meeting
Call to Order: Earl Bunting, June 4, 2011 9:30AM
Recognized New Homeowner’s and welcomed them.
Old Business:
Waterfront Enhancement Banquet: improved the playground, new white vinyl fence in shelter area,
palm trees donated and planted. Pool bathroom backdoors are here; will be installed next Thursday.
Pool furniture is ordered and should be in next week. There are still things being worked on. Earl
complimented the volunteer workers on all of their efforts for the year.
Front Gate: James Taylor – gate box has space for 500 numbers; we have unlimited long distance.
Turn in your phone number and lot number. Each home is allowed two different numbers to be used.
Touch the gate pad # then enter the 3 digit lot number.
Example: #oo1 then answers your phone when it rings and press 9; hold the 9 down for a couple of
Your second number will be a made up lot number: example #096 and #396
The made up lot numbers go up to 500.
They update and enter your numbers on Friday so if you want this done turn your phone and lot
numbers in before Friday.
Again: two numbers per household.
New Business: Ken Banks
Financial Statement – year ends March 31st
This year the GCL board will restrict 20% of the budget in reserve (Ready Reserve)
Water cost was over budget $20,000
The gate expenses are included in maintenance because of the position of the gate. It would be
interesting to see the difference in gate expenses.
Earl said there have been no additional expenses on gate.
Water conservation: Please irrigate early in the morning and late in the evening.
Current Approved Budget – for this year
The Enhancement Banquet: Paying taxes
Non exempt incomes (fundraisers) are taxable
We filed as a Regular Corporation reduced the rate to 15% instead of 30%
Earl explained the average Water bill in the county is $45.00 per month a total of $540.00 per year;
Average trash pickup $30.00 per month a total of $300.00 per year;
Taxes approximately $400.00 per year.
So we are still paying much less by paying our homeowner’s dues than we would if we paid individually.
Pool Business: It has been decided to change the pool over to salt. The salt creates its own chlorine is
June 4, 2011
very safe and is better for your skin and hair. It does not burn your eyes when you open them. The initial
cost will pay for itself in two years when compared to our chemical cost per year. Result we will be
saving a sufficient amount each summer now for chemicals.
Property Taxes:
Jim Godfrey worked very hard to get our property taxes reduced. We appreciate his efforts on this.
Possible well system to eliminate water cost because water is continuing to increase. This system could
cost approximately $75,000.000.It may be something we as homeowners may want to consider in the
near future. The assessment would be about $320.00 per household. Our returns on investing in this
would pay for the well system in two years. (The well water would primarily be used for irrigation and
boat wash downs.)
Janie: Thanked the people who volunteer to help with the vote counts .
She also thanked all homeowners for the efforts and work they do around their homes.
Immediate problem for discussion:
Speed limit: too many are breaking this rule, and the rules of the road must also be followed by golf cart
Stickers required by GCL need to be placed on golf carts/ with lot number and boats and trailers need
the orange and silver GCL identification stickers.
Lot numbers must be placed on meter boxes in your yard.
Everyone needs to clean up after their animals, and supervise and place dogs on leash.
Use of Picnic Shelter requires a $25.00 cash deposit. You will get it back if the shelter and area of use are
properly cleaned.
Please clean trash cans periodically with Clorox to reduce odors on Sundays and Mondays.
Place trash in your cans in plastic bags.
Discussion about 2 Amendments:
Amendment 1:
Amendment 2: Earl stated was not worded correctly. Jim Godfrey stated this amendment is written to
protect the absentee voting. Terry talked about the value of debate and discussion about things like
this in an open forum with homeowner’s before a vote is taken, because people need to be educated
and know others opinions of the proposed amendments. Billy keel stated that everyone’s opinion is
important which the feeling of our board members.
Agenda :
Earl, Timmy and Terry talked about the agenda being important to the fluency of the meetings and the
agenda giving the residents information of what will be discussed at each meeting.
Earl stated he wanted to be very careful to support the rights of the resident’s present at this meeting.
The board had considered pulling Amendment 2 but because it was sent out according to our by-laws
it must be voted on, however it must pass by a 2/3 majority. He also discussed the 3 ways we could
Election of Board of Directors:
Write- INS
Nominated from the floor
May pull ballot back to change vote
John Tew- nominated Van Parrish 2nd by Terry Andrews
Each candidate will speak.
Each candidate did speak
The results of the vote:
Earl Bunting 113 President
James Taylor 114 Vice President
Mary Carlye 87 Secretary
Timmy Rhodes 105
Van Parrish
Dale Best 1
Amendments to Bylaws:
Amendment 1 126- 10 Against Cumulative Passed
Amendment 2 89 -48 For full Membership Voting Failed ( not enough votes to change Bylaws)
Question was ask about the quorums majority?
The board is checking into the correct answer as it affects the votes on the amendments.
Motion to adjourn and a second
Meeting was adjourned
Votes are being counted.
Board will meet briefly after announced to elect officers.

Goose Creek Landing Homeowners’ Association Annual Meeting

Call to Order: Earl Bunting, June 4, 2011 9:30AM

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March 26, 2011

GCL HOA Meeting
Call to order: Earl Bunting 10:00 AM
Board of Director’s Mtg. – There will be no comments from homeowners until the end.
Janie – Vote on painting of the pool- 87 in favor; 106 not in favor
Are there any volunteers to obtain certification of regulations to care for the pool? (EARL)
Gov’t continues to tighten regulations on pool.
Pool opens M ay 15 thru Sept. 15
Timmy Rhodes brought up switching the pool to salt chemicals to ease the maintenance and cost. It is
much cheaper to maintain on salt and it is not salty like the ocean. We will not have to purchase near
the chemicals, but will have the same level of sanitation. It was decided we would look into the possible
cost of switching the pool to salt before further discussion.
EARL- spoke the cleaning that had been done around the pool changed the back fence, wrapped poles in
vinyl so everything matches in white.
Doors to be installed at the rear of the pool bathrooms will cost $ 1200.00 for both including hardware.
Billy Brock has volunteered to install them.
Board walks and edging are complete.
Playground equipment so far is very nice and is being used by many. The kids have shown so much
appreciation to the people responsible for the work on the playground. They have a great job so far.
Equipment for the playground ended up being much less expensive than originally proposed because of
the efforts of a few.
The board would like to encourage all (homeowners and family members) to help be responsible for
care of the new equipment.
Timing has put a few of the enhancement wishes on hold (Tax Time)
Timmy Rhodes, with the support of many others would like to see us as a community work a little harder
to keep the dock as clean as we can with in nature’s limits. Cast netters should clean the deposits from
their nets by using the weight of the net to sweep deposits back in the water. This also will take an
effort by everyone to care.
The enhancement committee€˜s dream for the dock will remain in place just be on hold for a bit.
Terry Andrews updated us on what is entailed in this dream: however we will remain conservative
1. Enlargement of the end of dock with a shelter to escape sun or bad weather
2. Would like to add a couple of sinks and hoses closer to the end of the dock
There are some that are still researching for a solution to turning off the water during the winter at
the fish cleaning station. Mary Bryan suggested pumping water from sound during this time might be a
more inexpensive solution. Salt water doesn’t matter just to clean fish. Topper had suggested it could
work and could have a timer if needed. Topper (Jim Godfrey’s friend) has also suggested another way of
doing this but we need a plan and estimated cost.
Jimmy Broughton was concerned about the fence needing to clean on the 1st street. Janie updated us it
is done. Earl wants us to keep that area clean!
There is concern to know where all the cutoff valves are. Jimmy would like a drawing of water lines and
shut-offs. Earl stated we do know where they all are. He also stated, if you are digging on any property
in here and bust a water line, you will be responsible for repairing it and paying for it.
It was brought to the attention of the Board that the cut off valves are old and need replacing. They
show their age by leaking. Please do not turn the valve too far when cutting it on and off. Turn it only
to where it needs to go. GCLHOA needs to know if your cut-off valve needs replacing.
All homeowners please check your cut-off valves for water and let the board know if yours needs
Earl: WATER -COST has escalated over the past year, however it is up in cost everywhere throughout
the county and adjoining counties. This is due to many things such as new water plant treatment
facility etc; and is still being investigated. The GCL Board made a decision to go with bulk water
instead of metered water because it is cheaper that way and is still believed to be cheaper that
way.(approximately ½ the cost of metered water.) it is concluded that we better monitor our water
usage and continue to research ways to save money and continue to irrigate and boat wash.
Port-a john: Some residents want the pool bathrooms open on the backdoor side all the time. This will
totally eliminate the classless looking port-a -john at our water front. We will table any formal decision
about this until there is more input on the decision. Right now they will be open during pool hours and
at events held at the picnic shelter. But the reserving party is responsible for cleaning them after use at
the picnic shelter.
Fish Cleaning Station: Please throw fish off the right side of the dock! This is a rule. Please abide by the
rules. Also: always clean up the fish cleaning station when you are finished cleaning your fish, don’t just
leave it for the last person.
Phone System: The call box at the gate will hold 500 numbers, which are 2 per resident for those who
need two. UPS/FEDEX Have to have a number to get in. They are under strict orders by the company to
maintain confidentiality. If you know of a breach of this let us know and we will contact the company.
It was ask could we have more numbers by getting a new box. This is expensive. Jim Godfrey suggests
we wait until this box completely stops working before we decide on a larger box. James Taylor
informed us the lifespan is 5 years and we are way beyond that with the current box.
JANIE: We are using unlimited long distance service for onetime fee per month.
Jimmy Broughton: Will check on codes and numbers that have been mentioned being used at gate.
Auction of Properties was brought up by Ron Gordon. He is concerned about the Joint – Tendency
Agreement, does it serve us well? Is it making it hard to buy and sell lots? 1/251st property =share is the
only way we can legally exist.
Janie: We have approximately 7500 square feet. Timmy Rhodes, bank ask 2 questions; Permanent
foundation? deed of trust?
No lender will hold DMV Titles
Ron Gordon – Hard to get homeowners insurance
208 Blue Goose Lane ???????
Jim Godfrey made motion to not allow dumping of oyster shells.
(Tabled it)
Jim withdrew the motion.
Mary Bryan suggested waterfront enhancement committee meet. It was decided they would meet right
after this meeting.
Continuing construction at pool house
Jimmy Broughton made motion to adjourn
MBC 2nd
Meeting adjourned.
GCL HOA Meeting
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