June 6, 2009

Annual Homeowners Meeting

June 6, 2009

White Oak Elementary School

The meeting was called to order at 9:35am. Members of the Board of Directors that were present were George Kivett, Freddie Dawson, James Godfrey, John Tew, Ted Thompson, and Craig Glasgow.

Freddie Dawson asked that any new homeowners stand to be greeted. Garry Sullivan, Lot # 110, was the only new homeowner in attendance.

Ken Banks talked about the budget and reviewed the financial statement for Goose Creek Landing. Ken answered homeowner questions about the budget line items €œcapital projects€ and €œlegal fees€. During the review of the budget, homeowners also questioned the salary increase for the managing agent and the cost of phone service for  GCL. It was noted that GCL does not pay for the home phone of the managing agent. Ken Banks informed the homeowners that he would be glad to answer any question they may have about the GCL accounting and provided his email address and phone number so interested homeowners could contact him. At the end of this discussion, Ken Banks was thanked by the homeowners for providing his accounting services at a reduced cost. A homeowner questioned the cost of repairing the entrance gate if it was forced open. The homeowners were informed that the replacement cost of a broken gate board was $285.00 and if the hydraulic motor was damaged the repair cost would be $600.00 to $800.00.

Managing agent, Janie Bushkar, spoke to homeowners. She thanked Lou Carreras for his work on maintaining the website for GCL. Lou informed the homeowners that the website address was listed in the homeowner directory. Janie spoke about the continuing problems with speeding, failure to stop at stop signs, underage drivers of motor vehicles,  and skate boarding in dangerous locations. The intersection of Snow Goose Lane and Gray Goose Drive was mentioned as a problem area because of children riding down the hill of Snow Goose Lane and crossing Gray Goose Drive without regard to automobile traffic on Gray Goose Drive. Mary Bryan Carlisle offered to teach a bicycle safety course to help alleviate problems with unsafe bicycle riding. The Managing Agent explained that the trash pickup company charged by weight of the trash picked up as well as the number of cans that are emptied by them. It was noted that large items left for the trash company to pick up increased the cost of trash removal and that all garbage placed in the roll-out cans should be bagged. Janie said that she had received complaints about noise from late night parties. She asked homeowners to address rumors that some homeowners wanted to replace her with an outside management company. Homeowners said that those rumors were unfounded. There was discussion that the cost of outside management would be high and in the past there had been a non-resident managing agent that could only be seen by appointment.

President Freddie Dawson opened the discussion of old business before the Board. James Godfrey explained the course of events regarding the attempt by Goose Creek Resort (the campground next door to Goose Creek Landing) to build a boat storage building (a dry-stack boat facility) on the waterfront portion of their property. James, along with other GCL homeowners and representatives of other housing developments in the area, fought the proposal before the Carteret County Zoning Board. The Zoning Board denied the Goose Creek Resort request and changed the wording of the ordinance governing this type of facility to read that a boat storage yard was acceptable but not a boat storage building.

In new business discussion, Freddie Dawson reported that expected expenditures in the near future would include dredging the boat basin and the area alongside the pier. This cost is usually divided with Goose Creek Resort and GCL’s share could be as much as $20,000.00. Freddie also said that the roads seemed to be in good condition and resurfacing would probably not be needed for three years. A homeowner asked about using a sealer to prolong the life of the asphalt paving. In the past, Cunningham Paving, a contractor who has worked on the streets in GCL had stated that a sealer would not prevent problems with the pavement in GCL. The sealer helps protect the top surface but does not protect the pavement from ground water. George Kivett informed the homeowners that he was updating the Rules and Regulations document for GCL and that the Joint Tenancy Agreement and the By-Laws of Goose Creek Landing were available in a .pdf file. Anyone wanting a copy of any of these documents could send a request to [email protected].

Terry Andrews, speaking as a representative of the four waterfront homeowners, explained that they wanted to construct a seawall along the property waterfront in front of their homes. This project had been denied by the Board of Directors in the past because there was no apparent erosion in that area and the cost to the Homeowners was difficult to justify. After lengthy discussion of this project Terry Andrews made a motion that the four waterfront homeowners be allowed to build a seawall, at their expense, that would protect the waterfront in front of their four lots. The seawall to be constructed will be visually compatible with the existing seawall and be built to meet or exceed the design strengths of the existing seawall. Those four homeowners would also pay any amount in excess of $6900.00 to extend the seawall to protect the common area of GCL. The net effect of this will be to extend the existing seawall to the end of the GCL property with the four waterfront property owners paying all expenses except for $6900.00 which will be paid by the Goose Creek Landing Homeowners Association. This motion was seconded by Earl Minton. A written ballot vote was taken and the motion passed. President Freddie Dawson said that there should be a Performance Bond in place before construction and Terry Andrews agreed to provide that insurance to protect GCLHOA from liability and increased expense.

Burton Gay told the homeowners that he had an unfinished shelter and he would like to be allowed to complete it. Burton had constructed the shelter without the approval of  the Board of Directors. The shelter did not meet the requirements for outbuildings in GCL. Homeowner Jimmy Broughton made a motion to the homeowners that Burton Gay be allowed to finish his shelter irregardless of building restrictions. That motion was seconded by Earl Minton. The motion passed on a show of hands vote.

A homeowner stated that he thought there should be a limit on the number of terms that anyone could serve on the Board of Directors. Ken Banks agreed to send a mailed ballot to all homeowners so that all homeowners would have a chance to vote on this.

Election for the four vacant seats on the Board of Directors was held. The following candidates were elected to serve the next two years: James Taylor, Mary Bryan Carlisle, Earl Bunting, and Lynn Ketner.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:20pm.