March 15, 2009

Homeowners Meeting

March 15, 2009

Western Park Community Center

Board members in attendance were, James Godfrey, Freddie Dawson, George Kivett, Ruth Johnson, Ted Thompson, Craig Glasgow, and John Tew. The meeting was called to order at 1:05 pm.. Freddie Dawson gave notice of the budget meeting that was to follow the Homeowners meeting.

Janie Bushkar related details of a water loss situation that occurred when a water line in the common area was broken by a homeowner. Neil Weeks reported the running water to Janie. The water to the pier and picnic shelter had been turned off and the pipes drained to prevent freeze damage during the winter. Three homeowners turned the water back on so they could use the water at the fish cleaning station. In the process, the water was left on and water was free-flowing in the area of the picnic shelter as a result. Two homeowners, Ron Gordon and Gregg Hogan, were given $100.00 fines for the water loss. After discussion, Gregg Hogan asked that he be the only one held responsible and agreed to pay the fine. This was accepted by the Board with the understanding that the $100.00 would be used to find a way to supply water to the pier during the winter months.

Freddie Dawson read a letter from a homeowner that had received a letter from Janie reminding him that his homeowner dues were past due and should be paid immediately. The homeowner’s letter expressed his displeasure at receiving the letter from Janie. Freddie reminded the homeowners that Janie was instructed by the Board of Directors to send the letters in situations like that.

Freddie then read a letter from the exterminating company, Rid-A-Pest, offering a fire ant control contract. No action was taken on that matter.

Homeowner Burton Gay began construction on a shelter last year that did not conform to the construction guide lines of Goose Creek Landing. Mrs. Gay presented an alternative plan to bring the structure into compliance. It was decided that the new plan was not sufficient. After a short discussion, the Board suggested a modification that should be acceptable to all parties.

Janie presented a letter from the Carteret County Health Department that detailed modifications that would have to be made to the swimming pool drain covers. A law called the ‘Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act’ required modifying the drain covers to prevent children being injured by the suction of the drains. Janie also mentioned that it seemed as if the flow of water through the filtration system seemed to have diminished. The Board asked her to find a contractor that could alter the drains to conform with the law and also check the filtration system.

Janie reported that a tree root was damaging the street pavement on Gosling View. There was discussion of who was responsible but it was agreed that street maintenance was the responsibility of the Homeowners Association. Janie was asked to find a contractor to determine if the removal of the tree was the best course of action.

A homeowner requested that the Board erect a Stop sign at the end of Goose Creek Blvd at Michael Jones’ office. It was noted that drivers entering Goose Creek Landing through the gate could not see cars approaching on Goose Creek Blvd. Board member John Tew made a motion that a Stop sign be placed there and Craig Glasgow made the second. The Board voted unanimously to erect the sign.

Janie reported that she had received complaints about young people riding skate boards and bicycles down the hill at the east end of Snow Goose Lane. Several homeowners had said that this was dangerous because of the risk of collisions with cars and golf carts. Several suggestions were made, including placing a ‘speed bump€ at the Stop sign. No action was taken on this.

Janie reported that she had received complaints about excessive watering of lawns. Most of the complaints were directed toward homeowners who had automatic sprinkler systems that watered the lawns even while it was raining.

A homeowner called the Board’s attention to the need for weed control in the common areas. She said that if the weeds were controlled the grass would not need to be mowed as often. The Board asked Janie to contact the Agriculture Extension Service and ask if they could help determine the best chemical to use for the control of the weeds. George Kivett volunteered to spray the area once the correct chemicals to spray were determined.

A homeowner reported that he had seen a speeding white Chevrolet pickup truck with flashing strobe lights on Goose Creek Blvd. He was unable to identify the truck.

A homeowner reported that she had received a bill for damaging the entrance gate in the amount of $281.00. She stated that the rules called for a fine of $25.00. It was explained to her that she was billed the amount that Goose Creek Landing was charged for the repairs to the gate. The Board had agreed to charge the amount of the damages when the new gate system was installed.

A homeowner suggested that an accounting firm be hired to count the votes that were cast for candidates for the Board of Directors. The voting tally methods were explained and no further actions were taken on this.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:08 pm.

Annual Budget Meeting

March 15, 2009

Western Park Community Center

All Board members were in attendance. Janie Bushkar and Ken Banks, the accountant for Goose Creek Landing were also in attendance. The meeting was called to order immediately following the Homeowners meeting.

James Godfrey reported that for an additional $312.00 per year, the liability insurance coverage for Goose Creek Landing could be increased from five million dollars to ten million dollars. The Board agreed to pay the additional money to double the coverage.

After discussion the following budget was adopted for the fiscal year ending on March 31, 2010. The motion to adopt the budget was made by John Tew and the second was by Craig Glasgow. The motion was carried by a unanimous vote.

BUDGET FOR 2009 / 2010

Salaries/management   18000.00

Accounting  2400.00

Bank charges  50.00

Capital projects   28760.00

Insurance 7000.00

Lawn services 3500.00

Legal fees   5000.00

School rent   100.00

Maintenance 6000.00

Miscellaneous   1000.00

Office supplies   500.00

Pool maintenance  12000.00

Postage 500.00

Road maintenance 2500.00

Septic lot rental   1100.00

Social activities 0.00

Taxes – payroll 1800.00

Taxes – property 101000.00

Taxes – income 50.00

Telephone – pool   300.00

Telephone – management 1500.00

Telephone – security  700.00

Vehicle allowance 840.00

Waste Disposal  (garbage)  35000.00

Water  38000.00

Utilities  10000.00

Total  277600.00

It was noted that although the budgeted amount had remained the same, the annual expenditures for 2008 had increased $9000.00 over 2007.

The annual Homeowners meeting was scheduled for June 6, 2009. It was agreed that nominations for election to the Board of Directors would be closed on May 1, 2009. Absentee ballots will be mailed on May 15, 2009 and will be included with the mailing of the bills for the semi-annual Homeowners dues.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:13 pm.